new WoW RPGC startup

Dragonmaw never gets queues.

ok I’ll probably make a char there this weekend probably. I don’t anticipate leveling it too high though, since my main focus is on a different server. But I’d like to play up to the Scarlet Monastery or something like that eventually.

I’ll join you guys if you need a filler class. It was Dragonmaw realm on the Horde side? Whichever class you need, I’ll fill it up. :slight_smile:

So, does anyone know if Blizzard actually does, in fact, have live representatives working at their billing center? Or do they just say they do?

If you’re on Dragonmaw whisper Chuh

sigh, apparently once again I’ve overestimated my ability to do stuff involving this place. I don’t think I’ll be able to put any reasonable time into a Dragonmaw char soon. I’ll try to start this up again after I hit exalted with SW and Rank 11 in PVP :frowning:

but I urge those interested in this idea to start chars on Dragonmaw, it’d be real fun to play with all of you again.