NES - How I Love Thee

Um, SNES was supposed to have 6 buttons.

Stupid me! You mean turbo on all 6 buttons? Well, there were a lot that looked like the standard SNES pad. But, do you mean the asciiPad? Still got. Amazingly, in a stupid childhood fight against my sister for the controller, only the asciiPad survived. I was able to replug the cord back in. A couple Nintendo pads, sadly, couldn’t be revived.
Eh, now I got me a Nintendo pad, asciiPad, Super Advantage (damn, I probably need a table or somthing to use it right), standard Super Famicom controller (kinda sucks that the cord’s a lot shorter than the US pad… and this one has a broken Select button) a Konami Hyper Beam cordless pad (works for FC and SFC/SNES, though this one’s got a busted Start button), and the mouse.

And I also bought an NES Max controller when one of the controllers I received with the NES I have acted “sticky”. Terribly hard to use for menus and stuff.
I think I bought a possessed copy of Willow… I could never finish it, because each time I tried, the NES would freeze, or like I said above, certain direction buttons would suddenly “stick”.

All SNES controllers had 6 buttons… >_>


Doh, didn’t notice someone already replied. I do have a SNES controller that has all 6 buttons on its face (for fighting games).

Oh man, the Super Advantage…that thing was a TANK. I remember i couldn’t support it on my legs back when i was a kid, i had to use a “breakfast in bed” table for that thing :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I kinda missed that,what I meant was six buttons on the face of the controller,you had the L and R in the shoulder buttons and the face of the contoller.

Now that I think about it,did anybody here have a Super Scope,if so how does it feel like?

I didn’t have a superscope, but I had the Genesis equivelant. I forget the name.

The games for it sucked. I ended up using it as a toy gun more than for video games.

I had one, its really not as hard to hold as it looks. In fact, if i remember correctly, its built in pieces, and you can break some pieces away from it to make it smaller.

Anyway, the games for it are retarded. You get this one “game” with the controller, but it seems more like a tech demo than anything. The other game i had was Yoshi’s Safari, though that was even worse. You just ride on the back of a pickup truck with yoshi, shooting at crap, if memory serves.

There’s no “Point Blank” equivalent for it, no killer app, so (like all SNES peripherals) its pointless to have.

But it does make an appearance as one of the weapons in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Probably the only game worth for the Super Scope was Metal Combat(I play it in an emu),basically in the game your the Gunner of a Mech,and you fight against other mechs blasting away their parts while trying to protect yourself from their fire.

It’s a native PC game, I ain’t exactly having NES dev software lying around here

Or play control, or things like those godamn birds from Ninja Gaiden.