NES - How I Love Thee

Oh, The Goonies II. How could I forget about this game? I’m pretty sure I’d think it sucks now, but back in the day, I loved it.

Yeah, it was actually pretty neat.

Me too, but it was so hard in the end.

Holy crap, was that based off a video game? They used to show that movie on the Disney Channel when I was little all the time and it was one of my favorites.

Actually, the game was based off of an old little comic strip, so it could have been based on the game and/or comic.

The movie and the game were both based on the same comic strip, but the movie came out about a year or two after the game, which came out some 80 years or so after the comic. I assume the game was some kind of inspiration for the movie.

I was just playing my NES today, and I was thinking that it may very well be my favorite console, even more so than the SNES. Because, frankly, I tend to like EVERY platformer I’ve played on the NES, but a lot of SNES platformers just tend to bore me. And I’m big on 2D platformers. And it’s not just nostalgia, because I can pick up a NES game that I’d never played before (like Mappy Land, which I played for the first time a week or so ago), and have an absolute blast.

But I couldn’t imagine what life would be like without my dear, old NES. I’m up to 104 games (plus about 10 or so doubles). Guess I still got a couple to go before I catch up to MrSaturn…>_>

As for the Dragon Warrior promotion, I did that too. It’s the same kind of thing that they still do now, although now, you just get a T-shirt or a strategy guide when you subscribe.

I remember playing the original Contra. Good times…

Hiryuu’s mention of Mappy Land made me remember another NES classic I used to enjoy; Mickey Mousecapades. That game is awesome.

While we are on the topic of weird NES games…

Duck Tales has the greatest theme song ever. Go get the rom, and leave the title screen on, and rock out. I don’t even know how to play the real game. Me and my friend bought it one night and then went back to his house and were dancing around to that theme.

Umm… that’s the theme to the TV show. Maybe you should try just downloading that… >_>

Really? Damn, i stand corrected. Everyone go watch the show then.

Yeah, but a strategy guide or a frigging t-shirt doesn’t compare to a free game. And a game the caliber of Dragon Warrior, no less!

Anyone play Clash at Demonhead? That is a strange/cool game.

One game that is rediculously, frustratingly hard was Fester’s Quest.

They still give away free games. The magazine just costs more. :mwahaha:

Hard for me to say about NES games. I didn’t get a game system as a kid until the SNES came out. Though I later bought a used NES and bought dozens of games for it. It was definitely the Marios, the Zeldas, the Megamen, Final Fantasy, the Dragon Warriors (even though I ended up getting the GBC games instead. Cheaper and easier to find), and many other popular series that had my interested.
Though I ended up buying a lot of obscure games like Kabuki Quantam Fighter (the poor man’s Ninja Gaiden)…

That game had excellent music! I really like the song played in the Moon stage.

Oh man, this looks like a good place to pimp one of my projects. Kid fucking Icarus, bitches.

[i]Level 1-2:


Level 1-3:

Level 1-2 again:[/i]

And yeah, the pics are kinda huge. I’ll kill them sometime soon

Don’t forget the controller. You just can’t forget the controller.

  1. It’s a frigging box. Who needed ergonomy back then? Who needs it now? NOT ME.

  2. The box was invincible. You could throw it at ANYTHING in frustration and that ANYTHING would end up severely damaged.

  3. Simplicity: A and B, Start and (the quite rare, really…) Select.

NES systems broke all the time; that’s why the released the NES II (aka, the Top-Loader). The controllers for the NES II were rounded on the corners, as well.

NP still gives away free games occasionally; subscribers during holiday '03 got free copies of Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition for Gamecube.

And Saladin sent me a demo of his Kid Icarus remake. It is teh awesome.

I still play Willow (my first RPG), Rampage, Little Nemo, and Street Fighter 2010 on my NES all the time. I’ve had to replace my NES several times but it’s still my most beloved console… :bowser:

So just how well do those top-loading NES’s work anyway? I’ve never seen one in action, and I’m curious. Do they do that blinking thing that the older versions do? Or are they awesome work-fantastico like my SNES?