


Orlando only looks hot as an elf. You troller.


I had one once, but got bored after about a day, if that. I did it cause my brother found it and I liked how the pets looked. Of course, since you don’t really do anything and they have you sign up for loads of spam to earn neopoints or something like that, I just ditched it.

Uh…uuuuuk, I guess pretty much know one here like it…oh well you can have your opinions, and I can have mine.

Thank you for giving me your permission for not liking a shitty website.


Is that you in your avatar? You have stunning eyes.

I like Orlando better as a pirate.

I too had Tamagotchi for the Gameboy, I was able to get every creature except the damn plant and the masked guy. Rawr.

I prefer real pets, however. snugglies her cutey fluffy blob of a kitty

That’s the face you’re rewarded with for being great at Pilot Wings.

:ulty: Are you sure it’s stunning and not merely stunned? :smiley:

Anyways, Kiro, I’m sorry to say, but posting three posts in a row because no one responded the minute you posted the topic as if this were some kind of chatroom is not going to get you liked. Nor, it would seem, is NeoPets.

Alright, I am getting a try at this thing. Name is CSRen.

Um i still have a neopet, though its been close to dying a couple of times since it gets old after a bit. Haven’t played for a couple of months, name is kawaiikawola.

If you have any questions or such, you can ask me Ren.

Devillion, don’t ever let me see you do that again.

Haven’t we already gone through this??? I was impatient, I usually am patient, and I was bored out of my mind(Evil boring sundays).

I’ll keep my opinion simple: Neopets is bad. Very, very bad.

ditto. Consider yourself warned.

looks around nervously I still play it. presses a button, causing a XXX porn movie to instantly play in the opposite direction, then slips out the back

