Well if you liked Star Ocean 2 then you’d probably like Valkyrie Profile, since it has the whole battle voice thing going on. Plus the Cave of Trials is in that game (though renamed) and two bosses from SO2 appear as well. The music carries over the elegance as well.
…though good luck finding it. It’s a rare game.(PSX)
And some people mentioned Suikoden 3. Suikoden 1 and 2 are better, though I’ve never played 3. From what I gathered on the net, the first two outshine 3, though 3 is still probably good, considering it’s Suikoden. 1+ 2 have fun replay value. Very very fun games. 1 and 2 is on PSX.
I have to vouch for Disgaea. I believe I was the one that got GG hooked on it. It’s not really complicated either. The humor in it is what makes it fun. Well, that and the goal of making a level 9999 character. I’ve clocked almost 200 hours and I’m not even past the first episode. I’ve been spending so much time leveling up my items in the item world (randomly generated dungeons in each item), that I’ve forgotten about the main game.
Lunar:Go play the PSX games the GBA version has nothing on them,besides the battle sistem is totally different from the PSX
BOFV:Its a very good game with a good battle system,and good story too,with a optional dungeon for fun,and lots of replay ability
Disgaea:Everybody seems to have told you about it but i add something more,the combat system is very simple so you will have no trouble learning about things.
Dark Cloud 2:So much better than the first one very fun ad very good challenges.
Originally posted by IonMage I vote KoToR. Personal choice for best game of last year, and contrary to what someone else previously said it is NOT anything LIKE DMC or shinobi.
Aw, the gameplay movies must have lied to me again ;_; sniffles (Honestly though, if Kotor qualifies as an RPG, anything does. It’s about as much of an RPG as WWE Smackdown is, and from what I’ve seen, just as slow and clunky, too.)
When I went in to pick up my copy of Xenosaga the day it came out, there were already used ones on the bargain shelf at Gamestop. What’s your point?
Yes, but was the bargain shelf filled with nothing but?
umm, I think you’re thinking about a different game. KOTOR is an rpg, not an action game. It really doesn’t even have any elements that could be compared to those three games you mentioned.
Got any proof? Sorry, but I’m gonna have to agree with what I’ve seen of the actual game instead of taking your (relatively) worthless word for it.
Originally posted by Tomiko It’s about as much of an RPG as WWE Smackdown is, and from what I’ve seen, just as slow and clunky, too.
The problem with Smackdown (SD!5 anyway) is that it’s not slow enough. It’s way too fast paced to be anywhere near realistic. So it’s pretty much the opposite of slow and clunky, more like fast and annoying.
Edit: It’s so fast, even, that the computer wrestlers can sometimes teleport when it’s beneficial to them.
Fine, I’ll change that to like, some other wrestling game, since they’re largely slow and clunky. I forgot smackdown was actually pretty fast. I guess someone finally figured out how to make a not-shit game.
Yeah I guess my word on what genre the game is and how it plays must be worthless seeing as how I OWN THE GAME. Characters level up, the combat is turn based, you get different pieces of equipment and items to use in and out of combat, and all that other stuff that makes games rpgs. If you want to comment on how shitty a game is, actually know enough about it to know what genre it is.
If you can get hold of a copy, Blood Omen might be worth a try. It’s more of an RPG than the later games in the series, and there are plenty of hours of gameplay in it.
Originally posted by Vic_Viper Yeah I guess my word on what genre the game is and how it plays must be worthless seeing as how I OWN THE GAME. Characters level up, the combat is turn based, you get different pieces of equipment and items to use in and out of combat, and all that other stuff that makes games rpgs. If you want to comment on how shitty a game is, actually know enough about it to know what genre it is.
Yay for arguing with physical evidence
Sorry, but I know enough about it to know that it isn’t an RPG. At best, it’s a bastardized version of what could have been an rpg.
By your logic, Poker is an rpg. It’s turn based, you get more chips and gambling money as you go along, etc. You get more experience as you play more, your judgement increases.
And also, simply having “rpg qualities” doesn’t make a game an RPG. Tony hawk’s not even close to an RPG, and yet it has almost every quality of one. I believe there’s even a shrine on it.
And it still stands that Kotor is a pretty shitty game. It’s a Star Wars game. They’re almost as bad as those thousands of supercrap $5 sport games on PSX.
Nah, it wasn’t full of Xenosaga, but there were a whole bunch there (at least 15). What can you say? Some people don’t like sitting through 2 hours of cutscenes at a time. I actually liked Xenosaga, but I’m just bringing up a point =P
I also got KoToR. It IS an RPG. Are you sure your’ not confused with Jedi Knight/ Jedi Academy? JA has RPG elements without being an RPG, and I can’t help but think your’ confused with that. And there are good star wars games. Their’ just outnumbered by the bad ones 5 to 1.
How do you have TIME to play?!? I want your life!! hyperventilates Actually, I would have time to play too… if I procrastinated by playing video games instead of talking to people on the computer.
Anyway. <.< Lunar is awesome… I own, but haven’t hardly played Suikoden 3, so I have yet to formulate an opinion… I didn’t much like the Mana series either until I played LoM, which was just the sweetest game hugs it Might want to try ToD2 (also something that I own, but haven’t played yet ;_; )
Well, if you have a GBA, I’d suggest getting Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. I haven’t played it yet, but my brother has and he really likes it.
As for Lunar, I only have the GBA remake. Never played the PSX one. Although, I do know that there is another Lunar game called Lunar: Eternal Blue.
As for the PS2, well, I don’t play many games on that system… heh, I’m more of a handheld gamer… but renting BoF5 sounds good to me. I just got BoF for the GBA, and I’m really enjoying it. I’ll probably be getting BoF2 for the GBA and then I’ll maybe look into BoF3 and 4… anyway, hope you find something.
Another note on Lunar: The Silver Star Story Complete and Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete. The porting of these two gems stateside was handled by Working Designs, with all the care, love, and devotion the name of that company entails. The GBA game was handled by a different company entirely. From what I understand, the GBA game has none of the legendary writing that the PSX games do due to this. Also, certain things were changed for the GBA game - the battle system was altered, and there are still screens where the PSX has animated cutscenes.
Originally posted by Cidolfas I should really do some renting. -_- Problem is that I know I won’t be getting my money’s worth when I rent because of my fairly busy schedule. Hrm…
There’s an online rental service similar to Netflix where you can fill a queue with games, the company sends it to you and you return it at your leisure so they can send you more. This will cost a monthly fee. Someone posted it here a while ago, does anyone know the URL off the top of their head?
Originally posted by Kagon Nah, it wasn’t full of Xenosaga, but there were a whole bunch there (at least 15). What can you say? Some people don’t like sitting through 2 hours of cutscenes at a time. I actually liked Xenosaga, but I’m just bringing up a point =P
“Liked”? You obsessed over it for like 3 months straight >>;