My School Fucking SUCKS.

This is the 2nd day this week school busses have been cancelled because of snow.

Today I was supposed to write an english exam that I’m relying on to pass the class, and they choose to cancel the busses because of 25kmph winds and half a centimeter of snow on the roads. And since absolutely NO students are there, the school is basically closed.

What the HELL!? This is CANADA, not TEXAS. You just DON’T do that >< Especially on Exam days.

It’ll probably be postponed, but I’m still pissed ><


So, wait…you’re mad because school is canceled?

I’m mad because of the context and the reasons and that in Southeastern Ontario cancelling school because of snow is just not something you do. We’re canada. We’re supposed to be immune to weather like this.

I’d be mad too, if I studied for a huge exam and then they delayed it. 8(

And we’re Canada! We’re famous for our winters, and for being able to cope with them! This weather is nothing!

Well at least you didn’t have a geography exam, because you’re in south WESTERN ontario.

And you think that that’s bad? We’ve had 7 days off in the past two weeks for snow days on 0 cm, but wind chill of -40.

Xelo, technically this is southeastern ontario. I’m in the south and east of Ontario. It always confused me that they called it Southwestern.

And fuck, -40? Lordo.

I’d be glad if my exam days were pushed back, it’d give me more time to revise.

I would find it more funny if they canceled school here because of ‘rain and wind’ XD;;

That would be so odd :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, I’m in Buffalo, also notorios for its winters. I guess I just don’t see your way, I’d be happy for an extra study day.

I wouldn’t care about the reasons, I’d just be happy I’d have at least one more day to prepare.

since NS had big old Hurricane Juan back in october, every student missed at least one week of school and now the school board is highly releluctant to cancel school, which they haven’t done once this school year. They’ve cancelled the buses actually, three days in a row, so I forgive them.

envies those who still have buses that take them to school

Be glad you get snow to begin with. Visalia hasn’t had any snow for at least five years, and even then, we only got less than a centimeter of the stuff. I want snow, damnit! SNOW!

I’d like the school to close >>; even for one day…but i see what you mean, i just like getting exams over with ><; (more time to make hadey voicechat >>; )

We had school canceled back in HS once due to strong winds. Not that strong, I suppose… but maybe it would have proved hazardous for all the tiny twig girls that went to our school. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s an interesting way to put it…

Oh well, I guess we’re “immune” to snow and the like here aswell…

T’was -25 and snowed and t’was very windy yesterday…

The only problem with such weather and busses are that all those careful little ladies get scared of it and load themselves into busses instead… making it hell to wait for one with enough room–

Bus1 speeds by… no room!

Bus2 speeds by… no room!

Bus3… YAY! I get in the bus… and I get squeezed against the front doors

A few days ago it was -45 here, and the school didn’t get closed :stuck_out_tongue: However, last year our school closed for a full week because the boiler exploded.

Its been -15 here for the past week or so, and i have to walk to school.

Wow, they can cancel the buses? Hm…didnt know that.

Originally posted by Devillion
Its been -15 here for the past week or so, and i have to walk to school.

Let me guess… fifteen miles each way, and it’s all uphill? :ah-ha!:

And in your pajamas? Snow up to your shoulders?