My damn weekend is going sweet.

She sounds like a friend I used to have in high school. Every day, me and her would talk over lunch about all kinds of things ranging from games (I got her into RPGs), to school, to paranormal stuff, to religion and politics, and I’d walk her to the bus stop every day on the way home. We went though some of the toughest times in our lives together, and we were always there for each other, whether it be for emotional support, or for helping each other with our studies. She was a wonderful person.

But even though I think she had feelings for me, and I may have had feelings for her, we never took it any further than what we had. Even though the other students and teachers always saw us together, and whenever me and her would go someplace together, anyone who recognized her would ask her “Is he your boyfriend? You look like a cute couple.” We shared some moments together that would be deemed as “romantic” if we were more than friends, such as the time we went to the bluffs and just gazed out to the lake and talked about life, or when we walked through the park, or when we returned to our old grade school and rode on the swings.

I didn’t dare bring up the fact that I felt special about her, because I was afraid I’d ruin what I already had; a deep friendship with a wonderful person. And I was happy the way things were; being in a relationship would only make things more difficult, and we were both quite young, so there was no way I could be sure I’d still feel this way years later, when the relationship had endured for a while.

The point of all this? I don’t know… I just feel like talking about it. But I guess if there is a point, it’s that I think you should think about this a bit. Your relationship with this girl sounds like a friendship, and love is a very different thing from that. Think it over before you decide to make the big leap.

To let her veins breathe. Am I the only one who hears “DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER!” while reading that?

All the ‘sporty’ chicks that I’ve seen so far have larger breasts than those who wouldn’t even want to lift a finger.

They might just look bigger because the exercise makes them perkier.

My girlfriend is hotter than yours.

Wow. I’m stunned. I really didn’t think you could be any dumber then I already thought you were Setz.

Girl: “Hey… why don’t you come over to my place, my parent’s aren’t home. (So we can make out or something)”
Setz: “Nah, I’m going to hang out with a bunch of dudes and play videogames (Oblivious).”
Girl: “Okay… (Fucking retard couldn’t pick up a signal if I had a fucking sign hanging from my neck).”

Welcome to puberty

Continued from here.

Since I can’t post it in the last thread, 'cause it was closed, I’d like to announce a few more things about my incredible weekend.

My soon-to-be girlfriend asked if I wanted to go to her house, so I do. We walk around near her house and shit. Her parents weren’t home. We didn’t do much, we listened to random music, and played some Magic the Gathering.

While walking around her house, I found a good condition copy of The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past, for super nintendo. I’m like, amazed that I’d find it lying around. Of all the five televisions in my house, none of them are capable of having my SNES hooked into them. So I can’t check if it’s functioning. I’ll probably sell it, then buy that new Musashi game.

It doesn’t end there, however: I found my Super Mario RPG cart while looking for the cords for my SNES, and I’m pretty sure it still works.

While going around her house, I tried to open myself up to her, but no words came out. I’ll have to wait to sort of sort through all my thoughts before it happens, I guess. But yeah, I tried.

Dude, why’d you wanna sell the best Zelda EV0R for the worst piece of shit action RPG ever?

That new Musashi game sucks? Bleh. No wonder it’s only 30$ at a nearby gaming store (preowned). Maybe I’ll just buy Champions of Norrath 2, 'cause I really like those type of RPGs.

Norrath 2 is better choice.

As far as the Musashi 2 game goes, apparantly, it’s damned not good. I’m still waiting for Square to price-drop it so the distributors can price-drop it so I can get it at a somewhat decent price (which, in my dream world, would be next to nothing 'cause I hate paying for crap games)

Wait. A Link to The Past wasn’t the greatest Zelda ever. I thoroughly enjoyed Oracle of Seasons much more. Even Links Awakening. Ocarina of Time was good too. But yeah, I liked AlttP, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call it the greatest Zelda EV0R.


<s>Hell yeah</s>.

Did you just take the game? O_O; You should probably like, tell her at least or something.

No, no. :stuck_out_tongue: While walking around her house, like, the streets near her house, I found it on the ground. :stuck_out_tongue: Silly Ramza.

That’s pretty fucking weird.
Finding a LoZ cartridge on the ground and whatnot.

Good for you! I wish I could find videogames on the ground. XD

Is this the emo chick that complains about life and likes to cut herself while listening to Linkin Park?
