Metal Gear Solid 3

Yeah, that’s what got me to start off with. The camera was also a pain at times as I couldn’t see the enemies when they could see me (and sometimes my eyes just sucked).

If you move the right analog stick you can shift the camera’s view to the left, right…whatever. You can look out ahead, or pan the camera back so you get a larger view. Also, if you use the Sensor, you get a little vibration when a life form is near, so take cover and look around.

I know about that, but I still find the camera a pain sometimes in all the MGS games. In the other games we had the Radar as a bit of a heads up to enemies location even if they’re not on screen.

I always thought of this game as being kind of unfair. I know that it’s more realistic, but I leaned on the radar crutch in the first two MGSes to the point where I watched it more than the screen. It took me something like five hours to get used to MGS3. I also didn’t get all the camos (some are hidden pretty well, and others would require me to sneak around places I didn’t have the skill to do so, so I just rampaged through certain areas), so I rarely had a high camouflage, and enemies are WAY smarter this time round. >_<

I have to agree with Cid. When I was playing MGS2 and I got found, I just ran and hid under something or went into a locker. When I was spotted out here, all heck broke loose. I ran off the screen into another area and they ran me down like the folks in MGS2 never could.

If I remember correctly, I played on normal and actually didn’t get many or any of the secret amos and still managed to hide fairly well. Once you remember to use that right analog stick instead of looking for a radar screen, then your on your way.

Yeah, well, rampaging through areas ain’t exactly the best thing to do ALL the time though, eh?

Rampaging was fun though! I’d get in Alert status and I found the best way to survive it was to give 'em a knife to the neck. I tell ya, I killed so many that the River of Sorrows was a real shit to get through. :\

I didn’t do it ALL the time. Just when I couldn’t snipe people without other people finding out, and I couldn’t sneak past people because I didn’t have the patience to wait for the exact positioning to be perfect.

Oh, and the fact that it takes damn near ten minutes to go from Alert to Normal is just plain ridiculous.

Uh, most of the camos are just hidden and you gotta find them, none of them are overly difficult to get to. I can tell you where a bunch of them are if you need it.

And the mk22 is your best friend. Just shoot them in the neck, and then when/if someone comes to wake them up, get them too. If one shot doesn’t get them, then shoot them again in the upper torso/neck/head area and they should fall right asleep. Then just pick up the body and shake em down for ammo. I didn’t really find them all that smart :\

This game has become my life for at least a few more run throughs. After I beat the game one or two more times I’m gonna go for a no alert no kill game. Then I’ll play it on hard, where all you get is the AP Sensor.

I always MK22ed the guards and then cut them up with my knife and threw 'em in the bushes. :stuck_out_tongue:

I always enjoyed throwing them into the electric fences in Bolshaya Past.

Just so you know, I only rented the game, I don’t own it, so giving me pointers is kind of pointless, excuse the pun. 8p

Fo’ real.

On hard you can get the active sonar and motion detector. You just have to find them. But the AP Sensor is enough for me.

I just got the stealth camo and the inifinity face paint. Neither are really as cool as I thought they’d be. Stealth goes off when you get hit a couple times, and if the guards are in alert they can see you.