Matters get worse for Chris-chris

Heh, it’s like that old cheesy saying, don’t let problems make you bitter, let them make you better.
I mean heck, if it doesn’t kill you, (or turn you into a vegetable) it can only make you stronger.

This next bit is a little hard for me to articulate the way I wish, but I hope it comes out right.

One thing to keep in mind, make sure you’ve got some really close friends, (not just online, but irl too) because while it’s great knowing that you’ve overcome a problem by yourself…

I’ll try like this, some people are all like, “I have to do this for myself, I don’t need anyone blah blah blah” and we all know how they turn out - cynical miscreants cause something too big for them came along and they failed.

Then there’re people who’re like, “I’m worthless without my friends, I can’t do anything without them.” and they’re annoying too.

So find a balance where you’re co-dependent. Not so independent that you think you don’t need anyone or their help, and not dependent where you rely on others too much.
Good friendships where you help each other in times of need, respect individuality, all that sort of thing, can be a rare gem.

Hmm, now that I look on this, it doesn’t seem so relevant to the thread, but when I was typing it, it did.

So, uhh, hope this helps…

…with something.