Matrix Revolutions is out

Just saw the third one. I didn’t go in expecting much as I severely hated the 2nd one. It left bile in my throat. However, the third one pleased me. I found the conclusion to be the perfect kind of conclusion: ending the story if accepted just on the surface but also allowing for further development and story if you even go slightly under the surface. The fight scenes were nowhere near as annoying as the second one, and this one had actual substance. If I ranked them, it would probably go 1, closely followed by 3, then dead last far behind at the starting gate 2.

I’m curious to what people’s beef is with the second movie. I loved the second movie, even more than the first. I found the fight scenes to be exciting and the talks that they had in the movie made a whole lot more sense the second and third itme through the movie.

Looking back on the third one, there are things that I like about it, but the action just seems really uninspired like gunfight with the people on the ceiling… I didn’t get that… and the epic battle inside Zion, (or is it Xion?), just started to bore me a little by the end of that ordeal. That and a lot of the dialogue just came off as really lame.

But you still have to love Agent Smith, he’s great.

Agent Smith just wouldn’t be agent smith without the actor portraying him ^^

And I thought the battle in zion was fairly well pulled off =)

I thought the second movie had as much, if not more, substance than the first one. For instance: the old guy’s speech about how the machinery of Zion and the humans are both slaves to each other; the Merovingian explaining that there is no free will; Agent Smith’s speech about purpose; what the Oracle says to Neo; and the end scene with the Architect and what he says to Neo.

I would say the main problem with Reloaded was that the writing wasn’t as good as the first movie
, and the second main problem was the overall structure of the movie. In Matrix One, the Wachowskis were able to get their ideas across to the audience really well with clear dialogue. In Reloaded, they weren’t able to do that so well, which is why all the critics said that the things said in Reloaded only sounded meaningful, but that there wasn’t any substance behind them; there was substance in Reloaded, it was just handled a little clumsily.

I really enjoyed all 3. I loved the architect, the merovingean and the speedway chase in the 2nd were simply owned. The only thing I’d take out from the 2nd one is the uber elongated dance scene (wtf…). The 3rd had more action superficially, but there was still stuff to think about, which I liked. It was more of an action movie than the predecessors though.

See, I go to see movies to be entertained. I don’t want to have to think much. If there’s an intriguing plot, I like it. If it goes all philisophical on me without having what I consider a decent plot, I don’t like it. The second one, in my opinion, suffers from the problem Curtis talks about. If I have to watch a movie multiple times to understand what it’s talking about philisophically (note, this does not pertain to those movies just so confusing in plot you have to watch them again, I consider that something different), I don’t think that’s well executed. I mean, it’s not like The Matrix is Walden or something.

As for action in the third being superficial, the same could easily be said of the second one. The highway scene, while cool, could have been shorter. The fights with the twins were fairly purposeless. Neo fought Smith, what, twice in it? I don’t really remember, but I know that at least the fight with all the Smiths around felt forced and more of a “Oh, lookit what we can do!” rather than truly adding anything to the story. The fight at the beginning with the other agents was really just showing Neo’s now a badass. The fight with Seraph seemed contrived. The close to the ending sequence (Niobe and power plant thing) in Reloaded seemed forced in its manner of execution.

However, the third one had superficial action, yes, but it had alot less of it, I think, and this provided for a more enjoyable experience. Zion was needed. The ceiling thing was pointless, yeah, but it didn’t drag on too long. Pointless action is fine as long as it’s not overdone in how much of it there is and time allotted to it. The chase wore a little thin towards the end, and I would probably lump it with 2’s car chase scene in the boat of slightly too long but still good nonetheless. The final fight? Yeah, completely useless, but you sort of have to end a trilogoy like that with some eye-candy fight as the climax.

Having seen what happens at the end of 3 with all the Smiths, I really think there was a purpose to the fights in the 2 against Smith, as it hinted the extent to which a very real growing problem could become very nasty. It also made a statement about Smith as he had become a virus when he had accused humanity of being a virus.

I personally don’t mind having to see a movie a couple times, if only to get all the foreshadowing and links.

Well, I would rather not have to shell out 6 and half to over 7 dollars each time. That’s why I don’t see many movies in theaters. I don’t like having to pay those prices.

Then download the DVD Screener Rips :stuck_out_tongue: Much easier and way less costly :wink:

[EDIT] Although I do go see movies in theaters first… =)

Originally posted by Dominic Deegan
So Neo isn’t the one? I did some reading… So the Kid is actually the one?


Just got back from seeing it. I have two things I want to say in general: 1) I wish I was better at interpretting blatant symbolism (I didn’t catch the Mobil Ave anagram until a friend pointed it out) 2) I should have realized what the ending would be sooner.

After the Oracle explained about Smith being Neo’s opposite, I realized that neither of them could truly win.

I still don’t quite understand the bit about Neo having powers outside of the Matrix, or about Smith being able to control Bane, but those are lesser issues.

I liked the movie.

Ugh, we squeezed four people into the backseat of a car to get to the theater that would have had trouble seating three, and I was the only guy under 200 pounds, except for the driver, but he wasn’t in the back, so it doesn’t matter; so now my internal organs are slightly disarrayed.

Ah, I did that with a couple friends once too. It was awesome (the car thing). We were 5 in the back , 2 in the front passenger seat and the car was an old 4 door toyota… memories…

What’s the anagram?

Originally posted by Sinistral
Ah, I did that with a couple friends once too. It was awesome (the car thing). We were 5 in the back , 2 in the front passenger seat and the car was an old 4 door toyota… memories…

Just last week we fit 7 people into my friend’s red toyota tercel.
One of them had his ass in my face ;_;

I wasn’t sitting on anyone so I was desperately trying to get someone to get an erection.

I guess it’s a spoiler…

Limbo Ave

Anyway, I preferred the Logos reference.

haw! logos?

I don’t understand all the finer details, but I recall it to be something like the Mormon term for Jesus.

Seeing as how I didn’t think the first one was too great, and I didn’t even bother seeing the second, I probably won’t see this movie… But I bet one day I’ll see all 3 of them, they’ll have to be on tv one day.

Logos is greek; refers to logic, that kinda thing. If anything, the mormons would’ve ripped it off the greeks for Jesus.

Neo is King Arthur.

He doesnt die, HE GOES TO AVALON! YAY!

I thought it was pretty good. I went to see the movie with a few friends of mine and one is a giant Matrix fan boy. I said to him that I thought it was alright as we were leaving and he screamed and made a huge scene in the parking lot. It was funny.