Man, Life is hard.

One time in my english class, the teacher was like “derrrr today were going to be doing a unit on poetry” and I was like “no way teach, how about we do something less gay and do a unit on how not to suck, only I teach the unit to you since you clearly do suck”, and the teacher was like “what a badass” and all the girls were like swoon

one time in my english class, i

Mr T is a homophobe, he seys, and I quote… “I pity the fool who places his philia in ones rectum.” …

Steven, is there something we don’t know about?

Damn son, I for one would change my lifestyle in a second if I found out Mr. T disapproved.

Life is hard? Tell me about it- Last weekend my husband decides all at once he wants to visit his old Jr. High school girlfriend who lives 50 miles away. He doesn’t even call her to ask if she is home or can see him. He just decides to drive there with me.and with gas at $2.89!
So we drive there and park in front of her house and he rings the doorbell and she invites us in. And the stupid dope tells her in front of me later when we are sitting down in her living room how much he still loves her and she looks all embarrased then smirks at me.and she is fat and ugly now but my husband says he " still sees her as the head cheerleader in Jr. High school and the most beautiful girl he has ever seen."
And it gets worse!- Her husband is there and obviously has no interest in his fat hag couch glued tv watching amoeba wife so he starts hitting on me. Then my husband wants to take his old girlfriend over to their Jr. High so " they can remember that happy time in their lives" . and when he suggests that her husband practically has it poking a hole in his pants at anticipation of being alone with me so i suggest we go too and he says , " maybe we shouldn’t, it might spoil the moment for them."and i think , “darn , it;s going to throw our wheels on our little chevette out of allignment if my husband takes that elephant in our car”
So i suggest they go in their truck and we meet them at the school.I finally pursade them. Then we get to the school which is empty on Sunday and my husband and this behemoth stand on the steps of the school and remember when she was 200 lbs or so lighter and she was the head cheerleader .And her husband grabs my leg and says, “those jeans of yours are soooo hot” and the guy turns me on about as much as X-Death.


North Korea’s better.

2.89 per gallon? daaaaaaaayum

Laugh now but when the A-team mobile runs you over, then backs up, then runs you over again, then backs up, then runs you over again, then backs up, then runs you over again… then backs up, then runs you over again, then drives off… who’s going to tell little momma steve that her boy is lodged between the tire rod and the exhaust pipe of the A-van?

I got my teacher to play Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Iron Maiden in both English and Literature, because we were studying Rime of the Ancient Mariner the poem. Those were some sweet 13 minutes in each class.

Who wants to join my RP? Is this the right forum for RP? I like to RP so you can join.

OOC: hi

Name: devillion
HP: 100

I walk into the bar and look around. hmm i say no one is here i will sit down and have a drink for now until more people come.

OOC: plz join


For a whole 30 seconds, I thought you were gonna make a post that didn’t reference FF5.

Edit: X-Death turns me on. A lot.

I have a penis.

Life is hard. However, Steve isn’t.

That is true.

Steve’s just a puppy doggie!

With a limp weiner.

common steve, red rocket red rocket!

Don’t talk to family. They’re stupid.

Mr. Saturn gets a cookie for mentioning The Cure.

Its spelled grammar. You spelled it two different ways in your post. Don’t diss someone else’s grammar unless you have some.