LUEsers... they're subhuman. 8(

FYI, LUEsers are people on the GameFAQs message boards that go to one board and one board only; Life, Universe, and Everything. They frequently post porn links, joke about N-Gages, and things like that. They also mock and insult people unlike them.

My hon Sarahsuke (we’re in an online relationship, and very much in love) is a casual visitor to the site, and they had a “picture posting thread”. She decided to post her picture, but on a board as shallow as the LUE, that’s NEVER a good idea unless you look like some ugly bitch like Paris Hilton or someone like that.

Shortly after she posted it, the LUEsers were after her. They started teasing her (and I mean nearly all of them teased her, calling her names, calling her ugly, and she has self-esteem issues as it is, having grown up being teased). They started topics insulting her, posting her picture to laugh at. They started IMing her on AIM, teasing and insulting her. They flooded her guestbook at her WONDERFUL art site, insulting her art and her ideas…

So now, she’s closed her site, and refuses to talk to anyone. She’s VERY upset, and even said she was going to “end it all”.
She’s a wonderful person, who appears to be kind of aloof and uncaring of others (only because lots of other people have been mean to her), but I know her well, and inside lies a beautiful, caring, talented young woman who will do great things with her life.

And those LUEsers… just because she isn’t “beautiful” (I fail to see why they don’t think so), they have to go and do THAT. 8(

Hm. Poor girl.
And what exactely are we supposed to do now? All RPGCers unite and flood the gamefaqs boards? Write “get well soon”- e greeting cards? Write 3247 emails that she may please reopen her wonderful art site probably very few of us if anyone has ever seen before? Or is this just a regular pity thread?

Regular pity thread. I’m not asking for any help. Close this.

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<img src=“”> Fellows! Websitemen! We cannot let this, this travesty continue! We must rise! RISE against the LUE boarders, for they have commited gross sins, and tarnished the good reputation of everything holy and internet! Bleed with us, noble forum-goers, and join

<div align=“center”><h1>THE MARCH OF WAR</h1></div>

<div align=“center”><img src=“”></div>


On a more serious note, sorry to hear that Dalton. But then again, it’s gamefaqs, what did she expect? Try to cheer her up and get her to reopen her site. The internet is full of trolls like them, there’s no escaping it. Killing your “digital life” would be like letting them win. The sooner she comes to terms with that, the better. Hell, she can probably gain some self-esteem if she takes up an attitude like that.

Thanks, TD and DT. Sorry for being an “attention whore”. You may close this thread now. 8)

I;d hardly say this is an “attention whore” thread considering how often Dalton makes personal threads.

I heard about those people before. What sad unlives they lead if they’re constantly attacking her through AIM, guestbook AND GameFAQS.

Your gf shouldn’t have posted her picture in the first place (as if you needed me to say that). I can’t believe things like these still shock me about how dickheaded some people can be.

Well, I hate to sound like an asshole, but although the LUE boarders certainly should not have acted in this manner, I would say that she should have not REacted in the way that she did. These are a bunch of anonymous jerks on the internet who would have done this to anyone, as you have said, so she is best off just ignoring them. She should put her art site back up, and have it so that you have to make an account to comment. Block all the idiots who IM her with utter bullshit- and that will be that.

Man… this is worse than our picture thread. We have the opposite problem (not saying any of you are ugly, because you are NOT), where everyone is Aphrodite or Adonis apparently. :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Cybercompost
[b]Well, I hate to sound like an asshole, but although the LUE boarders certainly should not have acted in this manner, I would say that she should have not REacted in the way that she did. These are a bunch of anonymous jerks on the internet who would have done this to anyone, as you have said, so she is best off just ignoring them. She should put her art site back up, and have it so that you have to make an account to comment. Block all the idiots who IM her with utter bullshit- and that will be that.

Man… this is worse than our picture thread. We have the opposite problem (not saying any of you are ugly, because you are NOT), where everyone is Aphrodite or Adonis apparently. :stuck_out_tongue: [/b]

Some girls just have low confidence problems. It doesnt matter who attacks them, and through what means, the outcome is generally the same- feeling bad about yourself. These jerks wouldn’t have done it to a girl who had size D breasts and a tiny waist, I’m betting. That’s what Dalton was getting at. But yeah, she should do the rest of the stuff. From what I hear she’s alright now.

But yeah the picture thread, totally agree. “RPGC: The World’s Most Beautiful Women Gather Here, Apparently.”

<img src=“”> Like Zep.

I abandoned Gamefaqs long ago, and never even got within a ten-mile radius of LUE.

Hey, if she needs somewhere interested to hang out and post pics, get her to sign up here. :slight_smile:

Well, I talked with her, and things are better now. She’s hardly fazed about it now. I just think it’s sad that people would do that to a girl who is already uncomfortable with herself and her appearance, especially in a world where people are judged on how they look. Thanks to those of you who helped me come to terms with things; you know who you are. 8)

And the Picture Posting thread is a little “exaggerated” at times, but part of the reason we find the people (girls especially) at RPGC so attractive is not just because of their pictures, but also because these are people we chat with, go through trials and tribulations with, and generally know as our “second family”.

We can at least punish the people, not in a way that’ll stop it, but we can. First, post on the Message board help board, and describe your’ problem. With help from your GF, try getting some names. Heck, just explain that they are trolling, and that the topics should be deleted. The makers will likely get banned if they are flooding her LJ, as that is strictly forbidden by the GFAQs TOS, no matter what site they are trolling!

It won’t stop everything, but it’s a step in the right direction. I won’t explain why, but if enough people get banned, LUE will die down, slowly.

That’s an idea, true. But I think it would be better just to let them be and just stay away from the boards; we wouldn’t be missing anything.

Also, I think this problem has been resolved, so if Sinistral wouldn’t mind, could this thread be closed? Thanks. 8)

First of all: Dalton, I don’t think it was wrong of you to post here. After all, you’re a member of our community. We are supposed to be able to talk about the things that bother us here. Besides, you have done us a favor- I didn’t realize the LUEsers were such jerks. It’s one thing to post idiocities -sadly, many people do- but to actually AIM her, or attack her guestbook? If people don’t post about these things happening, the rest of us would not find out about them (or at least, not as easily.) Warnings should always be appreciated, even if you already knew about them.

BTW, I’d like to comment on something: I have noticed that, sometimes, when someone, especially a newbie, posts here, looking for a little sympathy, some of us try to help by telling them to harden up, that Life’s a bitch. Well, that IS true. However, the “slap in the face” approach does NOT work all the time, people. Some people are so vulnerable -especially kids- that their reaction would be the opposite- to shrink away more. These people need more positive reinforcement. NOT condemning anybody here, I believe most folks here do have good intentions (which is why I like RPGC) just telling you to think well if your comments will help or hinder before you post them. (And I realize, sometimes it’s VERY hard to tell.)

Dalt, glad to hear you and your girlfriend are getting over this. Look at is a growing experience, for both of you. Now put it behind yourselves and continue enjoying Life.

I would like to point out that even though I go to gamefaqs, I have only visited LUE for the sole purpose of MMA hunting. I never partake in the crap going down there.

If you don’t know what MMA is, its ‘marked message accuracy’, it is, long story short, how seriously mods take you when you report a TOS violation.

Originally posted by Wilfredo Martinez
Now put it behind yourselves and continue enjoying Life, the Universe and Everything.

Originally posted by Dalton Of Zeal
And the Picture Posting thread is a little “exaggerated” at times, but part of the reason we find the people (girls especially) at RPGC so attractive is not just because of their pictures, but also because these are people we chat with, go through trials and tribulations with, and generally know as our “second family”.

Eh… I wouldn’t say that. I think it would be kinda pathetic if I considered this a second family, no offense meant. This is a place where I hang out. :stuck_out_tongue:

That is one of the many reasons why I stopped goig to GameFAQs’ boards. They are filled with idiots, always going on about the same stupid things, again and agin. It never ends on that site.

As for your gf Dalton, it’s good to hear that she’s feeling better. I think knowing that she does have someone to support her (you), helps out a lot.
And if she wants to get some revenge, I’m sure most of us would be willing to help. If only to see those LUEsers die.

Originally posted by Dragon Tear
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