lol, sony - hey guys post your lol sony here

Well, I mean, what resolution (is that the right term?). 1080i, 1080p, 720p, 480p? If it’s 480, it’s a fucking rip off.

The PS3 aside, if the Wii proves to be viable over the long term I think we’ll see a complete split in the console market, with cheap consoles and party-oriented games being marketed to a casual crowd, and more expensive systems being marketed to the traditional gamer market.

It would only be a rip off if you bought the PS3 just to get the TV though. I dunno, Sony’s TVs seemed really expensive when I was shopping around. My 42" plasma goes up to 720p, and it only cost around 1200 without the wall mount.

I think this is the one in question, and it does 1080p.

I don’t think that’s quite fair as a characterization. The Wii reflects an alternative gaming philosophy, where innovation is more important than being on the technological cutting-edge. Nor are its best games, such as Zelda and Trauma Center, necessarily party games. It may not have any great first-person shooters yet, but it’s indisputable that having the Wiimote <i>and</i> the Gamecube controller will give the Wii a big advantage in that genre. This is important given the number of 360 buyers whose primary interest is Halo. If Nintendo continues to devise new ideas and to keep its prices lower than those of the competition, I don’t see why it can’t win over a traditional gamer market.


Grah, wrong forum, is it?

Ahahahah fuck. I love microsoft sometimes. They seem to actually have a sense of humor.

You’d be hard pressed to find a HDTV around 800USD, thats the impressive part. It almost doesn’t even matter what the model or specs are. I really can’t believe they did this.

Why was Britain specifically chosen? From your other thread, it seems like Paris could’ve used the TVs too.

I think I touched in this in my Paris thread (not a criticism, just an observation), but Microsoft definitely were the stars of the PS3 launch. Sony= owned.

that’s so amazing.

While I am all for the lulz, this seems to cross the decency boarder. I expect the flood gates have opened on something…


It’s a three-pronged attack. Subliminal, liminal, and superliminal.


I’ll show you.

Hey you! Join the Navy!

Hah, that’s really pretty smooth. I’m glad they’re willing to have some fun with the competition.

If they add free house cleaning for a year I may go and get one!

Wow. This is actually a pretty good deal, althoug more valuable than any television is still Solid Motherfucking Snake.

Handing out chairs to the weary fans waiting in the PS3 lines that were printed with a link to this site on the back of them.

lol… XD

Nice to see someone lighten up the competition. :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, this is great. It reminds me of the Sega-Nintendo rivalry. I remember reading in EGM way back when about how Sega rearranged all the letters on the billboard outside the hotel Nintendo employees were staying at for an E3 to say something insulting, and in retaliation the Nintendo folks stabbed a 12’ blow-up Sonic the Sega guys had put up and threw it in the pool.

Ah yes, when all else fails, resort to bribery.