Least Favorite Female

dammit man, i can’t belive you didn’t put yuna in there…

Eiko, GOD, she sucks at EVERYTHING.

I’m giving this one to Tifa hands down. Yup, she pretty much ruined the whole thing between Cloud and Aeris more than Sephiroth did, is appreciated for nothing more than her body, (which I don’t even care for stylistically speaking) and had as much character as Eyore (sp?) after a lobotomy…

A lot of people say that Tifa didn’t have character, but I don’t really agree. I think she was just confused the whole time, and didn’t know how to handle it. And how did she break things up between Cloud and Aeris? I don’t think she make any sort of move on Cloud until well after Aeris was dead.

Originally posted by Cloth Hat
Definitely Rydia, she spent all her time charging up massive spells and then dying. Too much wasted time to keep constantly reviving her.

Cloth, You’re Da Man.

Whaty thing between Cloud and Aeris? The only reason she was interested in him in the first plce was she thought he reminded her of Zack! Which made sense, since he WAS adopting his memories and attitude for awhile!

No that wasn’t the only reason. Did you get Cloud to date Aeris? 'Cuz Aeris talks about how much Cloud is like “him” (Zack), but that she still wants to get to know “the real Cloud”.

bah. Cloud’s a psychopathic loser who could kill either girl in a second. definitely not Date material.

Grrr… he’s not a psychopath. His memory was altered. And he never attacked them by his own free will, Sephiroth made him do it. And Val, I’ve seen you defend Terra for being mopey because she’s gone through so much, when she hadn’t gone through crap compared to Cloud.

Yeah, but Terra’s more likeable, Cloud sucks.

How the hell is Terra likeable? She’s annoying as hell. And could you give a reason WHY Cloud sucks? In battle? He certainly is better than Terra. His character? At least he doesn’t bitch all the time. If you think Cloud is a jerk or a psycopath, odds are you’re looking at it the wrong way.

Alright, I don’t want my thread getting closed. Start your own thread about it. Just say your least favorite and why, we’re not talking about who’s better. That’s for favorite female :slight_smile:

DF, your thread won’t get closed for this, as long as the conversation is civilized, which it is. And there’s no problem if a topic goes off course in a serious direction. It happened with the best looking FF guy thread, and Cid didn’t lock it until things got very, well… messy. But that was much more serious subject matter than this. This has no way of offending anyone.

EDIT: Wait, this was started by DanteCole, not Fury. Do you have multiple accounts or did you get your name changed?

Okay, Twerra was mopey because she felt she didn’t belong, but she got over that. Cloud, however, is insane due to biological, twisted experiments performed on him. See? One’s social, the other’s physical.

Originally posted by Jenova’s Witness

EDIT: Wait, this was started by DanteCole, not Fury. Do you have multiple accounts or did you get your name changed?

I changed my name.

Val: You coudn’t be more right.

You make it sound like it was Cloud’s fault that he was experimented on. And he was never “insane”, as you call him. You seem to think that those times he attacked Aeris were just maniacal fits, when they weren’t. Sephiroth was using their biological bond (Jenova) to control him. And it wasn’t just physical with Cloud either, it was mental and emotional.

And Terra had just about no reason to feel like she didn’t belong. Yes, she was different, but all of her companions were very accepting of her. She alienated herself. She felt so sorry for herself, and she shouldn’t have been so unhappy. And I could understand her depression at being half esper. I could even understand her being a little worried earlier about why she could use magic and others couldn’t. But no, she was TOTALLY depressed for most of the game. You see, Terra was a very negative person. She would’ve isolated herself even if she hadn’t had magic. She was the kind of person who is very self absorbed and preferred to feel sorry for herself. And then there’s that little quest for “true love”, which bugged the hell out of me. It was so obvious she was just crying for attention. And wouldn’t you know it, she’s not happy until the world blows up, and other people are as miserable as she is (but for a reason). She is happy when she finds her “true love” with children. Gee, lucky for her that their PARENTS DIED. Now, I’m not gonna claim this for sure, but I don’t remember hearing much if any remorse from her about the children’s parents, just how much these children needed her and how great it was to be needed (like no one made her feel that way before).

I like Cloud better because he is a much more complex character. He evolves as the game progresses. To say that he is just a psycopath would be a MAJOR discredit to the brilliant writers of FF7, as there was so much more too it then that. FF7 isn’t a game that can be enjoyed when you simplify everything like that, unlike FF6. I suppose FF7 really changed who I am. Since playing it, I analyze everything, and expect a certain level of depth from all of the media I’m involved in. I suppose I would’ve liked FF6 better if I had played it before FF7, but that’s not the case. I’d rather overanalyze everything than oversimplify it.

Whoa, that was pretty deep.

I quite agree though I am a fan of both Cloud and Terra, Terra especially. FF6 didn’t have the complex, thought out storyline FF7 did. FF6 didn’t have the dialogue to expand on the character’s, especially Terra who came off as clingy and extremely confused. She could’ve been done better, as Cloud was. But Cloud’s personality seemed to jump around throughout the game, especially in the beginning when he was made out to be all rebellious and mean and by the second and third event of the game that whole attitude of his completely vanished…

Ok i believe this is hijacking…carry on with the tournament, everyone:ah-ha!:

Why are we talking about Cloud?


Well, it kinda started when Obadiah mentioned the thing between Cloud and Aeris. Then it really started when Val said she liked him cuz he was Zack. Don’t worry about it. Topics change, and this once has changed into this.