Kingdom Hearts 2.

I’m gonna eventually get it but it could be anywhere from tommorow till 2 weeks from now. It just depends on how things go.

Took me four hours to get past the “introduction”… That makes Dragon Quest VII seem fast paced… -_-

14 hours in now. Just go to Port Royal. Jack Sparrow is still awesome, and Will Turner is still an idiot :slight_smile: I also like that you, Donald, and Goofy, are Cartoon Characters, in a world of (mostly) humans, and no one said anything about it :slight_smile:

Also, yay for B&W world with classic Disney characters :slight_smile:

Dammit stop posting the spoiler tags, I seriously can’t help but read them. ;_; Anywho, I’m late but I’m gonna pick it up soon I think. Kal says it’s pretty sweet.

All right, I bought it for $39 on ebay today. I’m excited about receiving it - I’ve only seen commercials for it beginning today, but they sort of pump me up a bit. Whooo! (Maybe that and getting it for less than $50, ha)

Vicki, they had Kingdom Hearts 2 at Fry’s for 40 this week.


goes back swearing and wait for DQ8. Two weeks for that. That cleavage darn better keep me busy.

Well, there’s no Fry’s down in these parts… plus, I didn’t have to pay sales tax, and shipping was included. :slight_smile:

:frowning: With everyone skipping school to get it and talking about how great it is, Im pretty bummed knowing that I dont have enough time to spend on games. I know, I know “what do you mean not enough time FOR GAMES %$@!&*” trust me , there is such a thing. I could borrow it but I plan on getting it myself…eventually. Dammit after 4 fuckin years and I would expect to have it atleast reserved ;_; By now it probably has sold completely out like hot cakes

My brother picked up the game Wensday. We finally finished it yesterday.

Overall, I felt the Introduction was a bit too drawn out; I understood why it was like it was, but I still felt it should have been trimmed down a half hour or so. After that, however, the game moved a LOT quicker, maybe because you weren’t trapped in the same world for six hours straight.

Much like the first game, parts of the game stank of Disney’s pushing lessons on kids, but I was able to ignore these mostly because the rest was so damn fun. Timeless River might as well be one of the most creative things I’ve ever seen in any game; it’s the perfect sendup for the old Disney cartoons. Atlantica, on the other hand, is the most annoying area in any game EVER, mostly because I hate sing alongs.

There’s just my base comments. Overall, it was an excellent game, but I really don’t want a KH3. As for now, I’m just waiting for FFXII. Only half a year to go…

Was good.

Mitsuko, I don’t have much time to play either, which leads me to this -

DAMN, how do you people finish these things so quickly? Do you forsake all other life functions?

I’m on spring break. How it went:

First day - 10 hours straight
2nd - 11 hours straight
3rd - 10 hours straight
4th - 5 hours straight
5th - 2-3 hours of leveling up and minigames
6th - An hour.

I got my copy on Friday, I started playing it on friday, I beat it on saturday.

How is this possible you ask?

  1. I thought the game was great and I couldn’t put it down because I wanted to see the whole story.

  2. Before starting the game I had chugged an entire 2 liter of jolt and two boxes worth of sugar babies.

I was able to buy it because I had the day off work. I’ve had about 5 hours to play it since then, what with work, and my part on the local RHPS cast. It sucks, because some of my fellow casties are playing it, and they’re way farther than me… :frowning:

Damn, how short is this game?

Good, this wasnt posted.

Let’s see, I beat it last night, and clocked in at about 40 hrs. I didn’t do too many of the sidequests, besides the 100 Acre Woods, and Atlantica. Basically, I’ve beeb staying up late a lot this week :slight_smile:

I hate to be a party pooper, but this PA explains why I loathe KH in all of it’s forms.

I don’t get it. It’s a joke on Gabe’s gullibility, why does this make the game hatable?

It doesn’t make it hateable. It points out why it’s hateable. Trying to make cuddly characters badass just doesn’t work. KH is a huge flop in the atmosphere department because it’s a serious game filled with characters that traditionally aren’t taken seriously. It can’t appeal to very many of the things I look for in a game because it’s ridiculous nature can’t create any intellectual gravity.

But my tastes are really wierd. I try to think of KH as a good game that I just don’t like.