KH voice acting.

yes but then it would be those not them.

Ah, it WOULD be, but I am suggesting that he is being called this name by the common man who has as much sense of grammar as a turd.

I thought so alex.
Hence the “what” rather than “who”:ah-ha!:

I would rather not get into “which sounds most grammatically incorrect” fight thank you.

They are both totally incorrect but it sounds better with two errors than one.

Mrs Elkin would be so disappointed alex

Ha, so you say, perhaps oh great one, maybe I wrote it HOW I INTENDED IT TO SOUND? Did you think of that oh-caked-pants-one? I wished it to be like that.

And Mrs. Elkin would be dissapointed that I had less errors?

You guys still at it? Wow…talk about going for a long time…:thud:

Stupid Karl and his hamsters.

No Mrs Elkin would be disappointed that you made the mistake in the first place.

PS you’re the high and mighty english whizz alex not me

But You are missing the point, I meant to have a mistake, it was there for a reason, I was insinuating that the Kings title among the comon man was grammatically incorrect, BECAUSE they where the common people, and thus they did not have the grasp of English that we do.

You mean that you are trying to make it sound like baldrick.

Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
"And lo the hamsters descended unto the Earth, and all in their path was destroyed. The warriors where killed, the armies anhilated, but one warrior stood, he held aloft two blades of key, one of darkness, one of light, and with these blades of key, these Keyblades, struck down the furry plague and was hailed King of all. His official title is ‘That tall fucker who killed all them furry little buggers.’ "

Nice fantasy pal. But thats all it is a great big fantasy thee-of-no-imagination. It would never happen as there is not only hamsters there are ducks, platypus’, echindas and there was also trees but they suffered a very unfortunate accident while in training. Oh by the way there is also the cheek army I can call on for help just incase.Only one option left for you now and that is surrender or you will all suffer the same fate as the mongeese did.

Dude, I am Cheekzilla, the most powerful of the Cheekoids.

Alex get a brain check.

Even ask Cheeks Mcgee (Joe)

Now that maybe. But you have forgotten one thing your outnumbered…(lost count) too many to one. And by the way Cheeks Magee (or Da Joe) maybe in charge of me but he cannot control me. And also tha fact that without my part of the army (Which only respond to MY command) excluding the platypus’ the cheeks army is tiny.
Spoons rule all and Hamsters rule them.

You two are bloody mental!
or, maybe a worse insult would be: you 2 are totally sane!

I have many weapons. You forgot the cheek generals; my army of loyal Skaven Ratmen and the 10,000 hordes of the black tide of gerbils. The hamsters may be strong but they cannot fight 10,000 legions of 1,000,000 gerbil regiments, all armed with Frost Masterwork Warhammers +5.

This would be good if it were true.

(psst I’m just trying to humour the poor boy, he seems to have some problems…)