Just to get something straight.

When are Urkani and I allowed back into #rpgclassics?
I’m asking because TD is a dimwit:
[15:29] * Now talking in #edensworld
[15:29] * Topic is ‘For christ sakes, everyone update mIRC if you haven’t already | http://agora.rpgclassics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13466 || Steve, Urk, my bad. It was 3 months, not 2 ^^; And in even MORE fun news, I miscalculated, only 1 month passed. Or so. Whatever, December 3. Please don’t hurt me.’

I wanna know for fact what time we’re unbanned, down to the hour, because TD screwed it up once :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Steve
December 3

Originally posted by Steve
down to the hour

0:00:00’00’’ ante meridiem <strike>December</strike> November 3rd 2003 anno Domini standard eastern time.


I feel like going nuclear on you Cless, but I really don’t care and I’m too damned lazy. :stuck_out_tongue:

For those of you who don’t get it, the anno Domini part. “In the Year of our Lord.” Like I said, I don’t care. I’m more used to BC/AD than this new BCE/CE shit anyway.

Just had to get that out.

What’d you get banned for, Steve? Being an ass? Asking sexual favors from CH? Threatening to kill George Bush?

All of the above minus the CH and George Bush thing.
Oh, and I slapped someone with a dildo twice, and said the word rape three times.

You also posted an apalling picture that greatly offended me and my people.

< ClessAlvein> Steve, it’s November 3
< ClessAlvein> Not December
< ClessAlvein> Just so you know
< ClessAlvein> TD’s all like
< ClessAlvein> It was 3 months
< ClessAlvein> And I was like
< ClessAlvein> Yeah
< ClessAlvein> And then I thought to meself
< ClessAlvein> Wait…
< ClessAlvein> So I checked some threads
< ClessAlvein> And then it turns out all buckwashled
< ClessAlvein> And that’s how I got my first bicycle.
< ClessAlvein> Oh yeha, and you’re unbanned Nov 3

The great oligarchy that is RPGC -_-;;

Merl says November. I dunno, TD’s on some kinda drugs I think.

I left a memo in #rpgclassics.

And it’s no news that TD’s on drugs. :stuck_out_tongue:

And love your avvie, Urk.

Thanks I guess.

Well, technically, the great oligarchy of the RPGClassics Chat since non ops don’t have a say in bannings.

And really, why get all mad, Steve? It means you get back a month earlier than what TD said. :stuck_out_tongue:

you have to understand that TD missed the first day of school and never really caught up.

I love you Merl.

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Tuh, I completely blame 984 for giving me false info :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Megaman984
And really, why get all mad, Steve? It means you get back a month earlier than what TD said. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m wondering how many other things TD screws up now :stuck_out_tongue:

I completely blame TD for missing that first day of school.

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> That’s all your fault as well.

No it isn’t.