It's AERIS Goddammit!

How bout this, seeing as how Squenix is probably never going to give an indication as to Tifa, Aeris, or Yuffie’s sexual activity as if they were real people… We accept the fact that polygons and pixels probably dont “get around”?

Just a thought.

If we wanna talk about a slut/whore/whatever, let us instead look to his glory, the great King of Figaro himself… Edgar :ah-ha!:

Edgar tried… but i get the idea he got shot down more often than not… I bet Cyan got more action than Edgar…

You obviously know nothing about womens breasts if you think they can bounce if they’re padded. If they’re padded, they’re too pushed down to bounce.

That’s how you know if girls chests are real or not. Watch for when they jump or something and if they don’t bounce, then they are either wearing a tight bra, which would be uncomfortable and illogical, or they pad to make them seem bigger.

Having them bounce is less comfortable than wearing a tight bra to hold them in place. Not that I have breasts or anything >>; But it seems like it would be.

It probably is I have a friend who knows a person that when they’re running to their next class she says slow down my boobs hurt

It depends on the girl, really. If they’re bouncing a lot, you need to adjust your bra, but they’re going to bounce either way, and it does hurt.

Although wearing a tight bra may prove to be a bit silly, it isn’t uncommon for girls to wear them to push their breasts up which therefore makes them look bigger.

So where did all of this start again?

Uhh…It’s Aeris…goddammit? :fungah:

being a guy, i can say it is nice to not have boobs bouncing around… but we got something else that flops all over the place, ya know.

Speaking of names, isnt it interesting how in the ROM of FF5, the princess’ name was translated as Lena, but in the release of the game, it was Reina ? What does that tell you about pronunciation and spelling ?

That engrish rures?

Nothing, sounds more like they outright changed the name.

I know VERY LITTLE about Female anatomy. No ‘Hands-on’ Experence to say. I’ve not got To ‘First Base’ yet, Let Alone Second Base.

Big Nutter
Back to main topic, you can Change it to ‘Aerith’ when you Land on her, Next Time round.

Nothing that I didn’t already know. I knew that in Japanese there isn’t really an “L” or “R” sound, the actual sound being somewhere in between, and I pronounce the “e” or “ei” the same way in her name (a hard “a” sound). I find it more interesting that the ROM I have of FFV translates Cara’s name as “Kururu”.

BN, don’t worry. I haven’t even dated or asked a girl for a date, and I’m a happy person nontheless!

The ROM of FF5 was fan translated, so a lot of things are translated differently. Check out the Blue Magic names, the Job Class and Command names, and the names of the enemies, and you’ll find that the FF5 ROM translation is less “faithful” to FF tradition as the PSX one (which was pretty poorly translated, actually.) I think the FF5 ROM is more of a literal translation than the PSX game, but I don’t know any Japanese, so I can’t really say.

Man, this is getting hilarious! :hahaha; :hyperven:

The part where Aries dies always bugged me. I kept trying to tell Cloud to just use a Phoenix Down. I mean, I had 99 of them, at least one of them’s got to work. Makes it seem like they don’t want her anymore, don’t it?

By the way, just out of curiosity, who else maxes out their Potions and Phoenix Downs early in the game?

It’s pronounced like rolling an “R,” so the represent it with an “R” :stuck_out_tongue:

Zidaiku, yeah i try to get a good number of healing items in the beginning if i have money to spare after new weapons and armor. Usually try to get at least somewhere between 5 and 30 each if i can.

Yeah aerith, just sounds odd, I like aeris better. Knew a girl named Eris actually.

I dont feel complete when beating a final fantasy game without taking advantage of the lowered difficulty in the later games… I mean, I preferred how bosses were always hard in games like Lunar because thier strength was multiplied by the level of your main character. Gosh, I miss the days when people had to work to get a good story instead of being hand fed it in today’s RPGs… Tales of Symphonia is proving to be a decent challenge too, hopefully I’ll die on a boss soon so I can cure and throw the controller! I love that feeling…

Getting your sh*t kicked in by a boss in an RPG, then running around leveling up about 3-5 more times and going back in and showing him/her what’s what is a much more satisfying feeling than what I’ve been recieving from FF8-FF10…

i know what you mean. FF9 had it’s fair share of difficult bosses if you werent prepared for them.

lol, Thanks I been telling everyone that! It is Aeris!!!

Personally, I don’t feel like requiring a player to level up mindlessly for half an hour is any sort of challenge or adds to his experience in any way, shape or form. The smart games, like FF Tactics, have the enemies level up with you so leveling up doesn’t actually help much, meaning that battles are always challenging.