Ok you all going to tell me that this so such a silly question but… I’ve heard of the game, but never really played it, so I want you guys to tell me… Is Kingdom Of Hearts worth the play? I’ve heard Could and Sephiroth are there, and a whole bunch of others FF Characters… Why’s that…? No MAJOR spoilers, please… Well, just a little bit If you want… just to tease me, you know… Although I’ve heard some spoilers…
Oh hell yes. Fine, Cloud + FF crew are there since their world is in the universe of Kh, and Tidus, Selphie and Waka in chibi form are on your starting island. This game rocks. BUY IT.
It is okay to borrow. For me it was tooo short.
BTW: It’s Kingdom Hearts, not Kingdom of Hearts/
It wasn’t that short. If you include Gummi’s weapons, coliseum and other sidewuests + locking all worlds then it can be quite long.
But Gummi Ships were boooooooring.
I am not saying that it is a bad game. It’s just too short.
YES! You really should play it! It’s the best! Once ya do, you can do my poll! It’s really good, trust me!
My gummi ship was freaking awesome, nothing survived when I used it
Its A Brilliant Work Of Art.
Verey Entertaing and Funny Too.
Will Make You Like Disney Again.
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Zhare, not only did you double post, but it was the exact same thing. What…?
Ok… So I’m gonna buy this! So how’s the battle system???
Like Zelda.
It’s different to the Final Fantasy series, because you can move around freely. It has a little menu, and you can only move around using the Analog stick. The D-Pad is used for navigating down the menu on the side of your screen. You can walk, run, swim, climb, and even fly through the whole game, and there are always little tutorials to help you.
Need anything else? Just PM me! It’s a really funny game sometimes, too! Hurry up and get it!
Any magic on the game?
You bet there’s magic! There’s the usual Fire/Fira/Firaga, Blizzard/Blizzara/Blizzaga, Thunder/Thundara/Thundaga, and Cure/Cura/Curaga. However, now Aero has three forms and has become a special barrier for you, and Gravity has three forms, as well as Stop. There are summons, too!
Sorry if you didn’t want to hear all that…I’m really SOOOOOOOORRY!!!
Gummi ships rule, when you travel to different worls you create your own battle ship to get there, complete with lasers, cannons, armour, wings, engines, shields, hyper drive, sensors and misc items, and it can be really fun , like 3D space invaders. But did I mention you can CREATE YOUR OWN SHIP? That is the best part.
Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
Gummi ships rule, when you travel to different worls you create your own battle ship to get there, complete with lasers, cannons, armour, wings, engines, shields, hyper drive, sensors and misc items, and it can be really fun , like 3D space invaders. But did I mention you can CREATE YOUR OWN SHIP? That is the best part.
I found them boring and useless. I hated how you have to travel the world like that. Thank God you can get a teleport gummi.
I thought it would be cooler if the better parts were easier to come across. Seeing as how it’s only a very, very small part of the game, they really should be a bit easier to get.
Get all the puppies and you get every Gummi.
Gummi ships would be nice if the levels were longer then 5 seconds, were harder then… somthing easy… and… um… Less clunky.
Anyway, rent Kingdom Hearts now. If you’re too lazy to buy it. Otherwise buy it.