Here’s one of the questions I often ask myself.
No it’s not worth the trouble if that “friend” cannot understand you.
Don’t ask this question in a forum Manus, because I nor other people can’t answer that for you. If you don’t know the answer, get over your “friend” and let it be a lesson learned. Dont get all angsty over it, because you’re not doing her any good, move on.
And why does betrayal always have to do with you losing someone?
I think he means it in more a general way than specific, Eva. It’s a “no one cares about me so why should I care about them, I’m better off by myself” thing I’m guessing. This judgement is based partly on Manus’ response to the is the love worth it poll. Stop wallowing in self-pity.
Come the fuck ON!
Read my sig.
First off, you’re an idiot. Secondly, I refuse to vote in such a retarded poll. Jesus christ, drop the angst, you’re being a total moron.
I don’t know what I should put. I think you should care, but I cannot find myself able to.
Well, to take a step away from people’s assholery, I’ll say that yes, it is worth the trouble. Know why? Well…because in the moment, there’s no denying that caring and being noticed/cared about in return feels really good. And that, while those moments may be very few and far between, they are kind of the crux of this question. The question then becomes like, whether the beautiful moments of caring are worth the long painful periods of not caring, MADE painful by the fact that, your caring was once known, perhaps even reciprocated - but no more. In essence, the “pain” of caring comes from the memory of those moments, and their comparison to reality.
Now the question becomes, is the awesomeness of the moments worth the pain of the memory? And the answer…well, it depends on what you value more. The moments take place in the present, in reality, in the world outside your mind - while the memory takes place in the past, in your mind, in places which are not actually real. Personally, I think that the Real is more valuable and important than the Nonreal, but if you’d rather take refuge away from the world in your own mind and deal with it as little as possible, then perhaps you would answer that the moments are not important enough.
I know that’s no answer, but this is a big Q question - it doesn’t have a specific answer. Just think on what I’ve said, okay? And don’t mind people’s general assholery, I think they’ve probably had long days.
-Mazrim Taim
Dunno what to say about that. I have so many things to say about both…
Most likely No, though I voted yes…look, this stupid poll has me walking in circles! Look, caring is all good, but too much of it and people walk all over you! Yet it is nice to care about people, because then you actually have a heart and you’re not a total moron! But of course, total morons have feelings, they just try to hide them! But showing that you care is great, because you get the same in return.
…And the cycle goes on/and all that/etc. etc…
I know the exact situation he’s talking about, geesh. if you’re posing this question to all of us, most of whom are complete strangers then you will have a hard life ahead of you Manus.
Well if it is a specific incident then I have to change my response to: How the bloody blazes should we know!?
This incident is the culmination of a succession of painful events, and it’s making me question several things I thought I considered true.
Here’s a piece of advice, Manus: Unless you wanna deliberately be paid out about how you feel, don’t post things like that on the web, okay?
I voted No to even it out. I expect the next person to vote “Of course” to get a nice 3-3-3-3 tie
Originally posted by Cless Alvein
I voted No to even it out. I expect the next person to vote “Of course” to get a nice 3-3-3-3 tie
Now that’ll put Manny in a pickle.
All I can really say is Manus: it’s the internet. What the hell did you expect?
Err, I have no idea nor do I want to know what this alleged “incident” everybody’s referring to, but would it kill you to not antagonize somebody who’s already like, already kinda depressed? Like, I know maybe you want to show with your actions that people are all assholes and that caring about anybody is only gonna end in his further depression, but you could do that a lot less painfully. You know?
Jus’ saying.
-Mazrim Taim
See, the thing is, I get tired of repeating myself. There comes a point where someone keeps doing the same thing over and over again, and it’s irritating, especially after you already, in a very calm, easy to read and detailed fashion, explained a number of ways of which you could rectify these problems, and instead, they keep coming back with shit like this.
So yes, I know, and yes, I knew then. And so does he. Thing is, he’s too much of a pansy to take the risks neccessary to pull his life together.