Is caring worth the trouble?

all you need is love

The scores are tied at 4, looks like this one’s going into overtime.

Manus, you do it to yourself. Nobody else does. You wanna stop being depressed?

Here’s a hint:


Get over it refers to sig. :stuck_out_tongue:

It may sound stupid, but I’d live my whole life in pain to have one moment of pure mutual love and caring for someone.

You are your own rainbow :smiley:

Manus, if you really like questions like this, my advice is to do so on a message board for philosophers.

I think that caring is worth the trouble, because it is honourable and good in my worldview. No, the world is not fair, but that is not enough to stop me from caring; I have seen that it can effect positive results, and so I am inclined to continue.

I encourage you, yet again, to consult a psychologist, Manus. You really need help and you need to take action. Coming hither and bemoaning your plight will only worsen your depression.

I’m going to say right now, that all the trouble and angst one gets from caring about someone… all the pain- is worth it one hundred percent.

La la la.