Iron Man

Saw it just last night, was very nice. Very very nice indeed.

Must admit I missed the meaning of the ‘Ten Rings’ reference. And also I can’t believe I forgot to stay to the end to see that extra scene. Oh well.

Still a good film.

I didn’t care to stay to watch the secret ending. I just went home and looked it up on Youtube. Sure it was a bootleg camcorder version of it, but it was still good enough for me.

Didn’t they have a Nick Fury ending at the end of another movie too? Was it the second Fantastic Four?

What? Not a fan of the only good country in the world?

That’ll teach him

Saw it. Yea verily, it rocketh. Especially the ending. :slight_smile:

…I honestly can;t think of any complaints about this movie. it rocked. And I am SO glad that they kept off of using the song “Iron Man” until the ending credits. If used at any point in the movie, I probably would have been drawn out of the movie experience.

The trailer that played during Iron Man wasn’t as bad as the trailer I saw on Rotten Tomatoes a few months ago. THAT one really scared me for the next Indy movie. I dare to have hope for the 4th movie because even though Lucas is involved, so is Steven Spielberg. What seems troubling is Harrison Ford, he doesn’t seem to be into it during the trailer.

I read somewhere something to the effect of “I’m starting to wait to see some Cohen the Barbarian vibes from Harrison Ford; He’s getting old, and a bit slower, but he’s had experience …

The film as a whole was awesome, but I was a little underwhelmed with some parts of it.

Of course, I’m sick as a dog today, so that might have something to do with it.

They should have made a movie out of Fate of Atlantis. That would have rocked.

I just saw Iron Man. It is awesome! The action is great and the plot is cool to boot.

Still haven’t seen it. For some reason I can’t understand, there have been no local showings earlier than 4:00 PM, and the latest I can catch a ride back to town is 5 PM. This is very unusual, especially for such a popular movie! I’m hoping they’ll have an earlier showing on Saturday, which is my birthday, and I really want to see the movie then to celebrate.

Loved every minute of it. My only (slight) complaint was that the jokes didn’t have as much of an impact on me as they did the first time I saw them in the trailers.

I saw it. I don’t think it’s as good as people are making it out to be, but it doesn’t suck.

Well, I saw the movie and I have to say, very good. I liked most of it, but it felt rushed to me because he doesn’t reveal his identity to the world till the Civil War.

I hate the Spidey movies for one reason (‘cept Spidey 3, so many reasons for that one.) THEY KILL OFF THE MAIN VILLAINS!!! EVERY SINGLE VILLAIN IS STILL ALIVE AND KICKIN’ IN THE FRACKIN’ COMIC!!! ('Cept Green Goblin, but he comes back eventually, I think.)

I didn’t like it that much. I was surprised how stale it seemed… the whole superhero formula is wearing out. I got bored during the obligatory scenes where he tests the suit out, learns his powers, etc., and that scene with the little kid and his dad was totally maudlin. Robert Downey Junior didn’t have a lot of acting opportunity, which surprised me, since everyone’s spewing about how he made the film so great.

Jeff Bridges turning out to be the bad guy threw me for a total loop. That’s one part they did pretty well.

Leareth: Actually, Spidey’s villains have “died” many times in the comics, only to turn up alive later. That’s what they call an “obscure death”- they get rid of a character (especially one who presents a problem- such as the Goblin, who knew Peter’s secret identity) in a way that they later can claim “But actually, he really was alive!” Doctor Octopus’ “death” in the second movie was very much suspicious. Oh, and Sandman doesn’t die in the third movie (and you noticed there was no corpse for Venom?)

OK, now that I’ve seen Iron Man, it’s time for my review. First, the things I didn’t like:

- W A R N I N G S P O I L E RS ! -

-OK, I understand that the first part of the movie was about setting up what a bastard Tony Stark was. But I think they took it a little too far. You have to wonder how such a loser had friends, much less very loyal ones like Pepper and Rhodey.
-I also get the irony of the part with the female reporter. But I still resent how a character who was there basically to call Tony on the things his company did, wound up on his bed that same night. Jeesus, is he wearing AXE or something? (OK, I admit I laughed when I saw Tony had dumped her without so much as a goodbye, but I’m still annoyed.)
-Since when do weapons manufacturers conveniently and clearly label their weapons (especially ones meant to explode?) I got a “Willy E. Coyote” feeling from that. (You know, “ACME”!)
-How come it took those terrorists THAT long to figure that what Stark and Yinsen were building was an ARMOR and not a missile? Maybe if they hadn’t been under constant surveillance it would have been more believable.
-I think that the purpose of building the Iron Man armor (after the escape) was not made clear enough. They should have stated that the terrorists had more Stark weapons (again, nicely labeled!) first, then it would have felt like more than a hobby project of Stark’s (though I guess it was, in part.)
-In the comics, Jarvis is a PERSON, not a computer. What, having a butler sidekick was too Batman-like?
-Am I the only one who found having Stark massacre the terrorists was unnecessary? (I mean the second time. The first he had little choice.)
-Pepper finds Tony’s secret by simply walking in on him?? I understand that as his secretary she had access to a lot of his stuff, but even to his private lab were he was secretly building a super armor? Did he just FORGET to lock her out??

  • I think having a fake victory (when Iron Monger froze up) only to bring him back without an explanation of how he survived was wrong.
    -Did Tony HAVE to tell the audience his secret? All through the movie, the press was swallowing the given excuses (like the one about the ‘military exercises’ ) so why not the one about the Bodyguard? It makes sense that someone like Stark would have somebody else wear the armor, the public was not aware of his guilt trip.

OK, now for the things I DID like:

-The flash-forward at the start of the movie was a great idea. It set up the story with some action, and kept the audience waiting for it. It also made us care for the soldiers slaughtered in Stark’s defense.
-Downey Junior was indeed great as Stark. He came across as a cocky self-centered bastard, and then later, as a cocky, self-centered hero, which is how Stark is in the comics. (Notice how the events changed his focus in life- but not really his personality. That’s more believable than having him turn into a saint overnight.)
-The SFX were GREAT. They blended in seamlessly with the rest of the movie. And the armor(s) were just like in the comics, thankfully.
-The slow development of the armor’s components, especially the “repulsors”, was a good idea. I know some people felt it slowed down the story, but I think it made it feel more real. And it provided some moments of humor.

  • I loved the dialog in this movie. Lots of good lines, in particular between Tony and Stane, Tony and Pepper, and Stane and Pepper.
    -While some of the plot twists were easy to guess (we all knew the Big Reactor would feature prominently in the ending, right?) there were one or two things that surprised me. Like Tony being saved by his original, discarded Heart Booster, or the freezing effect being used against Iron Monger. Nice.
    -Now, I knew Stane was the villain all along; but I must admit, the movie did a good job of keeping it from the general audience. Having him be an old “friend” of Tony’s (that was not the case in the comics) and using the terrorist leader as a red herring, were some nice touches.
    -Pepper got to do more than her counterpart in the comics ever did (I believe.) She wasn’t just Tony’s emotional guide, she also helped to secure the evidence needed to prove Stane’s guilt. Nice!

In conclusion: most of my peeves are minor things, while most of the movie was just how I felt it should have been. So yeah- Iron Man was a great superhero movie, and despite a few annoyances, I had a blast watching it. Can’t wait for “Avengers!”

I disagree with Wil about a couple of the things he didn’t like, mostly Tony’s personality. I’d be friends with people like that, hell, I am friends with people like that. They’re fun, qnd it’s not q problem unless somebody’s a closet bad driver who pretends to be a good driver, to paraphrase The Great Gatsby.
As for Pepper walking in on Tony in his Iron man armour; yeah, he probably did just forget. This is [STRIKE]the Avenger[/STRIKE] one of the Avengers who tried to do his heroing Drunk (Thor did too, but he succeeded, as I recall). He is absolutely not responsible enough to keep her out. I also get the feeling he doesn’t really want to keep Pepper out of anything; like he says, she’s all he has. Similarly, Tony’s awful about keeping a secret identity, and far too egotistical to let someone else have too much of the credit (he reveals his identity an alarming number of times throughout the comic), so I think that fit the character perfectly.

The 984: The only important thing to happen to Tony since the Civil War is that he got completely owned by Thor with the greatest number of Epic burns I’ve seen during a hero fight (“Remember the difference between a mortal man in a metal suit and a God of Thunder,” and “Walk,” being the highlights). I mean, really, did he think Thor would be happy about registration?

Finally: Terrorist Leader=Mandarin? With all the rings, the Genghis Khan fixation, and the name of his group, I’m thinking so.

I adored the movie. ^^

It wasn’t too difficult to see where the plot was going. It was fairly obvious the old guy was the main baddy and that the second reactor thing would be used to save Stark’s life later on. Why else make a big deal on saving it? ^^ But it was really fun.
I loved all the lines and how he was witty and sarcastic whenever he answered any questions.
I will forever be a fan of slapstick comedy. My favorite scenes are the test flight scenes.
This is by far one of my favorite super hero movies. Seeing as how I didn’t like any of the Spiderman films I’d put it above Spiderman and on par with Batman, Batman Returns, and Batman Begins.