IMPORTANT! Considering Summoned Creatures...

:enguard:Well, I think in 9,10, and 12, you can choose not to show the whole summoning process. It took forever when I used W-summon and Knights of the Round, and I had to keep miming it!:moogle:

:moogle:I like watching the summons come and go, and all that, but I completely understand if people would rather shut the process off. Ether way, if you are able to and do turn off the process, you still have to watch it when you use a new summon. Of course, I always hated the whole dress sphere changing sequence in X2, thank god you’re able to turn that off or the game would take forever! I’d rather they have summons in that game, it would make the game slightly worth playing.:dancer:

That’s awesome, where did you come up with that?

:moogle:Well, the whole zodiac thing became obvious after about the 3rd summon and I already knew there were 12, they gave Chaos bull horns so I figured he was Taurus. He has 4 swords so I figured they were the 4 fiends.

:moogle:If you ever need to know anything considering summons, or anything with Final Fantasy, just let me know.

Actually Kunaikunoichi09, in Final Fantasy XII, there are 13 Espers. One of for of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and also Zodiark.

And as it states on the summon page of FFCompendium (the true place for all Final Fantasy Knowledge), Zodiark represents the constellation Ophiuchus, which is the only constellation the sun passes through, that is not a part of the Zodiac.

:moogle:The truth is,I was just about to correct that. What I meant was that I knew that there were 13 summons, just that I knew that there was some pattern with the other 12. Can you send me the link to the page that you found zodiark’s sign, from what I found from ffcompendium, zoidark is Serpentarius. Weird, huh.

Ophiuchus and Serpentarius are essentially the same thing.

:hyperven:Really? That’s interesting. Can someone give me the link anyway?

Come on anyone?:moogle: