If you had the choice too.....

Hmm… well, I’ve always liked the thought of living in an RPG-ish, fantasy book-type world so I’ll pick Scrapped Princess.

After much research, Pokemon would probably be a fun world to live in. No school, just learning about pokemon and traveling around the world.

Originally posted by angelic_deathscythe
Gundam wing!!! I’d well kick Duos butt.

Hey! Duos butt is property of Heero! He wouldn’t like you to do that… “Omae o koruso!”:hahaha;

Robotech: Macross Saga, as a Veritech pilot.

or Vampire Hunter D: Blood lust

Or Ranma 1/2

FLCL, since it is like the real world in some ways, only many things are COMPLEATLY off. It would be like living in a John Waters or David Lynch movie.

Originally posted by Kairi
[b]Inuyashsa, as long as I wasn’t one of the villagers killed in every episode.

<img src=“http://images.quizilla.com/D/DarkCid/1039978267_esultKairi.jpg” border=“0” alt=“Kairi”><br>XÈrÀßB3e5078)
<br><br><a href=“http://quizilla.com/users/DarkCid/quizzes/“Which%20Kingdom%20Hearts%20Character%20Are%20You%3F”/”> <font size="-1">“Which Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?”</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href=“http://quizilla.com”>Quizilla</a></font> [/b]

Ditto! I’d like to be some really cool female demon though.

Inu Yasha
Rurouni Kenshin
Yu Yu Hakusho

This isn’t a Anime but a Anime Fighting game:Evil Zone.

(Note: The story mode is like a Anime TV Show. In case you haven’t played it.)


I wanna be a ninja dammit!

Most likely either Slayers, Tenchi Muyo or Ranma 1/2.

hmmm. definitly

  1. Samurai X/Ruroni Kenshin
  2. Outlaw star
  3. Berserk

Hmmm k necroposting is bad kiddies.

Only if the topic is boring. :ah-ha!:

Or mispelled. Extra "o"s make me cry.

…but I maintain that I’d want to live in Cephiro. That place still rocks (just watched Magic Knight Rayearth through with my club).

I thought the name of the World in MKR was Zephyro? (From Zephyr, one of the Four Winds in Greek Myth.) In fact, since many foreign words get mispronounced in Japanese- by adding Os at the end, for example- the name MIGHT be intended to be Zephyr.

(I haven’t seen MKR yet, so I might be wrong.)


The world of pokémon wouldn’t seem too bad, since the creatures are only on a few islands, and beating up newbies would be too much fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Speaking of which, they sold this Pokémon walkthur here once, and it had Ash on the cover, saying: “Now you can become as good as I am!”

…But… Ash… uncomprehendably… bad… >_>;

Hmmm… I think I might borrow elements from different animes. Hi-tech, magic, maybe a wasteland or two to explore, vast and beautiful landscape, some mystery, a few legends to make things more interesting, and a few custom-made characters.

Name one with hot women like Love Hina or something. Basicly one with lots of hot women.

I wouldn’t mind living in the world of Dragon Ball, I mean, a few short years of triaining=godlike power. Not to mention the fairly easy to track down dragonballs to grant those wishes for immortality. So I have some megalomaniacal dreams of grandure…sue me :Þ :hahaha; I can see the personals ad now:

Immortal warrior king seeks soulmate, must be a wild person, come from a hilly area, preferably male. Contact Gilgamesh 123-555-4567


I want to live in the Esca Flowne world with Allan :moogle: