If you could live in any ff which would it be?

S’allright. Ya just gotta remember at all times, details are one of my greatest enemies. That, and memory.

Memory? Tell me about it… There are things I just can’t seem to memorize, specially when they’re boring. I only seem to remember things that directly interest me.

I tend to use a few… recycled jokes, I guess you’d call it. And when people remember certain jokes I made in the past, if I tell them again anythime soon, it won’t be as funny. My jokes are one-time uses, basically, so I hvae to be careful about how I use them.

Ultimately, it all depends on inspiration. If you feel inspired, good jokes will take shape. But when inspiration takes a long time to come, things get a bit boring.

What do you mean by removed side quest?

I found the developers office in the Anthology version, in the Dwarven castle… you can get those useless Penthouse magazines.

Yeah, that’s the room I’m talking about!
According to a weird walkthrough I found somewhere, there was supposed to be a way of curing the twins’ petrified condition… of course it can be just a false rumor, seeing how they appear back to normal later on. I’ve played the entire game through a translated Japanese ROM and I didn’t find any hidden or unlisted locations, so it must be a false rumor…

Manus, Val, you two do realise that you two were having a private conversation for quite some time! Not that I’m complaining or nothing, you two have some good views on the games!

Also I think your idea of having the best of each world is pretty cool Manus! And just for the record I would like to put my list of the best features of each world:[ul]
[li]FF4 = The different places to visit (ie. The Underground world)
[/li][li]FF5 = The Class system
[/li][li]FF6 = The Espers
[/li][li]FF7 = The Materia system + The Chocobo breeding system
[/li][li]FF8 = The Gardens (ie. Balamb) + The advanced technology
[/li][li]FF9 = The different levels of land (namely the Mist Continent) + The Weaponry
[/li][li]FFX = The unique races + Blitzball + The Farplain

I would want to be drifter, so I can travel through worlds beating the hell or killing characters I hate in Final Fantasies. I would like to lve in FF9 or 8’s world. They are the best to me.

I’d like to live in IX. It has a perfect balance of castle age and modern age for me. Also I would love to meet Vivi, IMO the best character ever created

I would like to live in Final Fantasy VII, before, during and after the conflict… In Nibelheim. Sure, as a villager I wouldn’t know about Vincent sleeping in that Mansion, but I like the mood of the village. Though Kalm Town is nice as well, for a more peaceful life…

As for FF VIII, the most interesting would be Galbadia Garden, during the conflict. Fighting on the wrong side? Hell no. It would be coup d’etat time for me, then. After the conflicts, the best place would be an easy settle-in somewhere in or around Winhill.

Final Fantasy IX? Treno, no doubt about it.

I’ll leave out the older FF’s to prevent this post from reaching a length of a full page… :hyperven:

runs away with big ass mutha of a sword on his back… hmm… maybe FFVII would be difficult… those things are heavy!