If RPGC were representative of the US (or world)

I’ll settle for a space colony with high power orbital weaponry and a decent space force, I don’t need a Gradius Incident on my hands.

I’m still utterly confused by this thread’s title.


I would have Lunaris as a Minister in the Uk. T’Palement would be called.

Big Nutter
Lun as educationd minster. Typo’s rewoarded!!

Fuck Earth then, There’s too much war on it. I Request a Presurised super city on Mars, there i will build a giant death ray, to wipe humanity off the face of the Earth and will recolonise it with my perfect race and a fleet of Moonraker Shuttles.

What did I tell you people? You don’t get any countries. RPGClassics gets the countries and the Staff would divide them up under different sorts of Governor type dealies. Has my ranting and raving about the oligarchic situation not gotten through to you? You don’t get to call the US, the UK, Russia, New Zealand, Canada, or even Dijibouti.

But… but… I wanted Dijibouti. ;_;

You’ll get no bouti! Especially not Dijibouti!

Dibs on Greece! :mwahaha:

Can we call our spheres of control Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia? And can we build flying fortresses unky 984? huh huh can we?

Only if we can have a Thunderdome, Merly.

And a TECHNODROME! or uhhh, whatever the hell it was called in teenage mutant ninja turtles

Yeah I think your right.

But what are needed are a lot of Aircraft Carrers, Battleships, Destroyers, Crusiers, and some U-Boats.

Located in RPGCuba.

That pun was absolutely awful.

Fine, I get the middle east. now I have weapons of mass destruction. NOW IF I CANT HAVE NEWZEALAND AND IRELAND! NO ONE WILL! ZEEKYBOOGYDOOG!

I want Oceanasia/Microasia, yeah thats right ALL OF those tiny islands…

Of course I should. The wonderful thing about being me …

… is there’s so many of me!

Charle, didn’t Bush just prove the mid-east has no weapons of mass destruction?

What did I tell you people? You don’t get any countries. RPGClassics gets the countries and the Staff would divide them up under different sorts of Governor type dealies. Has my ranting and raving about the oligarchic situation not gotten through to you? You don’t get to call the US, the UK, Russia, New Zealand, Canada, or even Dijibouti.


Zen question: If the WMDs are imaginary, and the defensive capabilities of the Star Wars program are also imaginary … could the Star Wars system defeat the WMDs?

I guess that depends on what is easier to imagine… The fulfilling of Regan’s ambitions, or Bush’s paranoid stupidity.