I too feel dirty

It’s porn for the whole family :smiley:

see, it’s not even fanservice for me, I don’t even play the DoA games. It was just a very surreal 2 hours for me as the other guy playing the game was zooming all over the girls’ bodies during instant replies and I felt my soul shriveling into a dry raisin :stuck_out_tongue:

Yay, raisin soul :slight_smile:

It’s not one of those sun-dried ones, either. It’s one that was made into a raisin by gratuitously legal sex0rz :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Raisins’re tasty. eats Merl’s soul

Now, now, you know what’s been said about soul-stealing and whatnot, numerous times.

Hey, I’m against soul stealing. I just ate his. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh okay cool. Just checking.

I congratulate you and wish I had that game.

Originally posted by Zelwyn
I congratulate you and wish I had that game.

Dude- please don’t necropost (not vigelanteeism as it isn’t a written rule :p).

Yeah, anythign that’s been dead for two weeks or more, or is a couple pages away from the top, should generally be left alone.