I think we've all been fooled

SK is an error 404?

holy shit he took it down. That really was his site! It was working until I posted the link.

Damn man.

you can’t promote this cover-up forever!


it’s incomplete from it’s former glory, but it still exists.

No way! I saw the site yesterday when Merlin had just posted it! SK hides it! We must get ANSWERS!


Man. SK used to put exclamation points at the end of some sentences? Weird. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah yes, my days as a teen idol. Back then Merlin was only a pre-pubescent girl, screaming in ecstasy at my concerts, putting his homework in folders that had my picture on them, drawing little hearts on his cheek in magic marker as he sighed dreamily. Would that we could all be that young again.

What you say!

Man I loved that SK lunch box soooo much.

notice how he hasn’t confirmed or denied his attachment to that site btw

oh I did

tricksy sephirothises…

man he sounds so innocent and carefree on that fortunecity site. Imagine what Poevian events must have transpired to torture his wretched essence into the image that now lies before us.


Sorry, had to be said.

The pressures of fame do take their toll as time marches on.

Awesoooooooooooome! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: D:

I hope it ain’t me!!

I was planning to Worm myself in to her bed… But isn’t the job for most males?