I know I'm way behind on this

I just saw the screenshots for the Final Fantasy I and II remakes for the DS and I must say they look awesome. Too bad I don’t have any interest in a handheld system.

I think you mean the PSP, not DS.

I tried the demo of Nintendogs, that was plenty.

Okay, so…now that I have both PSP and DS I can fairly compare them. They’re both nice little consoles, really and I like them both for different reasons. For the DS, it’s cute, it’s tough, and I can DRAW on it. For the PSP, its got a nice big screen, I can upload and download stuff to and from my computer, coughromscough and it’s somewhat internet capable.
My only gripe about the DS is that I’ve never been able to connect to the internet with it, like, anywhere. I dunno if there’s crap wifi here or what. As for the PSP, it cannot be subjected to direct sunlight lest it burst into unholy flames, so I only take it out of its little coffin to use it.

But yes, the DS is a great little console with a huge ass game library. :3

Says the girl with the pink avatar. :3



Originally Posted by Trillian

I see nothing. NOTHING!!

Yeah, to use Wi-Fi, you have to either have wireless internet or be at a Starbucks/McDonald’s. Unless those places don’t even have WiFi where you live.

Come to think of it, I think I was able to connect near the Cingular wireless store the other day.


I do, thanks Cid. Don’t mind me, my mind is a giant vat of alphabet soup now.

I have Wi-Fi but my DS doesn’t seem to want to connect… EVER. So yeah, I have yet to test out the DS’s <sarcasm> wonderful </sarcasm> Wi-Fi capabilities. I hear Mario Kart DS on Wi-Fi is loads of fun though =3

And yes, I do agree. The DS has almost TOO MANY good games in its library. I already have about 23 games for it and there are still more I want… err, need! XD

my girlfriend tried out my DS for a couple hours the other day and within 3 days bought one herself and Animal Crossing: Wild World. I played the GC version a lot, do you guys like the DS one? Seems to have been incredibly popular, which sort of blew me away since I figured it was more of a niche title.

next on my list as I said was Mario Kart, then I’m going to set my sights on something or other.

AC is an excellent game, but I stopped playing it after about 3 months of clocking at least an hour into it each day. It gets a bit boring after you’ve paid off your debt, but it’s pretty cool. Improves on a lot of shit of the GC version, too.

Oh and somehow my save got deleted a few weeks ago. Motherfucker.

I’m strongly considering getting one of these but it seems like there are only a handful of good games out there.

The list of games I own and love is as long as my penis.

tempted to make the obvious joke

Nah… too easy.

They’re very small cartridges :frowning:

I’m in a weird situation. There are plenty of DS games I would like to play, but I can’t stand handhelds. Can’t get into them. So I’m stuck here waiting for a good emulator and roms since I know if I got a DS, it would gather dust. Oh the dilemma of not liking handhelds. :frowning:

I actually don’t like handhelds as a rule either. I never played my Game Boy much way back in the day, and when I got a GBA for my birthday a few years ago I literally played it like 3 times and only bothered to buy one game. But the DS is so amazingly designed and the games seem like so much fun that I really really like using it, despite my normal handheld-hate.

I can see someone not liking handhelds because they couldn’t get into them (a bit how I just couldn’t get into XBox or it’s younger brother the XBox360), but anything else… UNTHINKABLE!! :eek: :stuck_out_tongue:

I was the same… didn’t much care for the original handhelds, but what got me into the swing of things was the backlit screen. Once the GBA SP was out and all the ports started… I have been hooked ever since. I don’t even play console games right now, but that’s probably due to being in grad school full time.

Does switching to the DS make a big difference in already existing GBA games? (I don’t play 2 player stuff because most of my generation has given up handhelds haha… I’m old… sigh)