I am very sad!

Originally posted by GG Crono 4
I’m tempted to get a licnence plate that reads “GAMR4LIFE”. :slight_smile:

I know someone who almost considered getting “RPGSRULE” as a license plate. Thankfully, I was able to point out the ineffectiveness of vanity plates, and their costliness.

S3X 4FR is doing good on my van.

lol I’m 24…guess that means I’m an old man now?

I’m 23 and will be 24 in July. So if 23 is old then I’m in trouble…


Games melt your brain so we all have the brains of brainless teenagers here.

Originally posted by GG Crono 4
I’m tempted to get a licnence plate that reads “GAMR4LIFE”. :slight_smile:
I believe most American licence plates can only have 7 digits.

Aw, that bites. :frowning:
GAMR4LF, then? :slight_smile:

Yer as old as ye feel, mate :slight_smile:

GG, you realize how much a vanity plate costs? I’d rather just go with a government-issued license plate.

I’ve been playing video games since I was five years old, so I FEEL like an older gamer than the majority of my older friends :stuck_out_tongue: And it’s exactly as Weiila said: You’re as old as you feel. Besides, since when do you need to be a kid to play games? Scientific fact that the majority of gamers are adults, you know., in the 18+ bracket.

Lookie here, I’m 25, still playing the old classics of the late 80’s and 90’s, do you see me whining ? Nope… I enjoy the time spent on these games 8D

Originally posted by Dragon God
Lookie here, I’m 25, still playing the old classics of the late 80’s and 90’s, do you see me whining ? Nope… I enjoy the time spent on these games 8D

Okay ancient, did you play a game called Buck Rogers countdown to doomsday, I think it’s an early 90’s game but I loved it SOOOO much back then.

Never heard of such… I’m mostly a rabid Square-Enix player 8P

Originally posted by LunarCry
I’ve been playing video games since I was five years old, so I FEEL like an older gamer than the majority of my older friends :stuck_out_tongue: And it’s exactly as Weiila said: You’re as old as you feel. Besides, since when do you need to be a kid to play games? Scientific fact that the majority of gamers are adults, you know., in the 18+ bracket.


No matter what age we all are we all have something in common
WE LOVE TO PLAY RPG’s hey my mom plays RPGs and she 48! so hey dont feel that old. lol if anything (joking) I think we all need a life!!! (JOKING) but hey it’s a good way to keep the mind active and not on the news

I don’t see why people who play RPGs should get more of a life than people who watch TV. O_o I personally watch no TV at all; my entertainment/veg-out time is spent with RPGs instead. I don’t call that having no life.

Same here, there are only about ten shows I’d watch nowadays. :hmm:

And incidentally, I’ve been playing videogames since I was 2- playing that tank battle game against my brother on our Atari VCS :slight_smile: :slight_smile: and, of course, our old Vic 20 :smiley:

Originally posted by Gilgamesh

Bah! I’m reigning champion in my area at games :stuck_out_tongue: Not bad for a girl :wink: or so my male friends tell me ^^

I also barely watch any tv. Mainly because I don’t care to keep up with schedules for tv shows. So all I do is watch DVDs and play video games.

Oh yeah I also use message boards. Which is a given since I post here and oh yeah I sometimes excerise or do things on the side.


Originally posted by Cidolfas
I don’t see why people who play RPGs should get more of a life than people who watch TV. O_o I personally watch no TV at all; my entertainment/veg-out time is spent with RPGs instead. I don’t call that having no life.

OKay BUT I was just kidding! I know working my @$$ off I go play a RPG after so yeah its geart to play games that make you think! HAIL RPGs