When I woke up this morning, my left ear was all numb. I can’t hear anything out of it. If I cover my right ear, I can hear only silence. I tried using a Q-tip to trying to see if it’s clogged or anything, and there was an overabundance of ear wax. I used maybe 20 Q-tips, and I still get a shit lot.
I tried taking a shower, and letting water run into my ear for 5 minutes; and it got worse, I think. Now it feels like there’s a giant bubble in my ear, and it won’t get out! I used Google to look for remedies, and one said to put some drops of oil in your ear, so I put a teaspoon of olive oil in my ear, and now it feels all gunky.
Another website said to put a hair-drier to my ear, and turn it on; and let it sit on warm air for like 10 minutes. I did so, and nothing happened except my ear got really, really hot.
This is EXTREMELY ANNOYING. I can’t even do anything now.
Learn to live wiht it until Monday, is all I can say. My Hearing’s been close to dead for years now, because whenever I mentioned it to the doctor, he said we should “wait another year” before trying anything.
You’ll probably be okay, though, as long as you STOP STICKING THINGS IN YOUR EAR. That’s got to be the first thing to do when it’s hurting.
This thread deserves a gold prize. oh man! Whoever thought someone would be dumb enough to solve a problem like that by putting more things in your ear?!?!
Like everyone else said, go see your doctor. If you have to wait until Monday, well… just stop doing anything for a while or else you might make it worse seeing as how you seem to have bad luck.
Now, it said to put oil in your ear, so you chose olive oil. Why couldn’t it have been mineral oil? Or motor oil? Or petroleum? Why choose olive oil? I suggest you put other types of oil in your ear to fix it.
Well, those didn’t wok, so what are you waiting for before trying the rest? I’d say you should go with petroleum, and if it needs to be hot, nothing beats throwing a lit match in it once it’s applied.