Am I allowed to pick on his stupidity and broken internet english? Or would saying he’s an ignorant, ultra-rightwing, broken propaganda machine push it with my latest warning?

liberal pansy john kerry what a dumb flip flopper. even your own zell miller pwned u libs. were gonna win. so get used to 4 more years of a quality president.
Uh… this is a joke right? There’s a few things wrong with your argument:

  1. Bush Sucks.

  2. “Quality President” is an Oxymoron. The only good president you’ve EVER had was the one who fucked his secretary or whatever, Clinton. Only an awesome president would do that.

  3. Bush Sucks.

  4. Bush Sucks.

  5. You can’t spell, don’t pretend to understand politics.

  6. Bush fucking SUCKS.

  7. Bush is a bad president who fucked things up, and it will be America’s RESPONSIBILITY to overthrow him if he gets voted in (for the first time).

  8. Bush Sucks.

  9. <strike>Kerry</strike> Bush Sucks.

Listen BushWins. All you do is say “omg were gonna pwn u libs lolz” and you don’t present any remotely intelligent argument. Take your fucking moronic head out of overly patriotic ass and go look up how crime rose for the first time in decades and unemployment soared within MONTHS of when Bush cheated his way into the White House or at least support Bush with some intelligent arguments because right now you’re making a lot of Republicans look like morons. If Bush is such a great quality President, then explain why he did these within months into office:

-Broke a campaign pledge to spend 100 million dollars per year on rain forest conservation

-Announced plans to drill in the Lewis and Clark National Forest

-Threatened to shut down the White House AIDS Office

-Canceled the 2004 deadline for auto makers to develop prototype high-mileage cars

Or you can ignore it and go “omg u lib pansies lolololz” again. But that isn’t really in your interests because it makes you look even worse than you are now.

I haven’t even gotten started on the war in Iraq. We’ve been in (and still are) positions where Al-Queda has enjoyed an increase of numbers and support, Middle Eastern hatred for the United States is at an all time high, and the Iraqi prison abuse scandals have made this nation look just wonderful.

The big issue this campain year seems to be Vietnam

Kerry seems just as gung ho, if not more gung ho about the war in Iraq, then Bush

Neither gives clear answers about the debt, economy blah blah (but when was the last time a presidental canidate has?)

I’ll vote for Kerry this year, but I expect the same old crap thats happened the last 4 years.

I wish a progressive canditate would get the nomination some year, instead of some wishy washy wasp who fears taking a stance on anything for fear of loosing in the latest poll count.

Oh and yay I forgot, I’m going to Iraq because of your president, bitch. So how bout you and me switch places, and I’ll be the one not old enough to vote, yet old enough to spray forth useless comments about the “superior” candidate. Then I’ll watch as the person I want for 4 more years sends another wave of troops to the desert, JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS, where a number of people wont be coming back from. So yeah, blow me kid, when you can actually see reality for what it is, you may come back and talk politics. Till then, go back to English class.

No offence, Hiryuu, but your posts on this subject are always in very general terms; you complain about how people “don’t consider the other side” without ever actually telling them where they’re wrong or what it is that they should consider. Instead, you usually just dismiss anything that they say by saying something to the effect of “teenagers who post on RPGC don’t know what they’re talking about” or “even if Bush is a bad orator, he’s still better than all of you,” and so forth. You’re right that there are two sides to every issue, but that doesn’t mean that both sides have equal factual basis or legitimacy, and your posts of the aforementioned nature do little credit to whatever “side” you want people to acknowledge.

I don’t care whether Bush really is stupid or not. I care that he’s started a war that harms America’s interests, makes the country less safe, drives the country deeply into debt, and destroys thousands of lives, all for the sake of neoconservative ideology. I oppose this ideology because it wants America to be a world empire and not a republic, because it equates disagreement with treason, and because it is contemptuous of individuals’ lives. That’s hardly an exclusively “liberal” view. And when it’s possible that many of us might eventually be forced to go and fight and maybe die somewhere abroad, for no reason at all other than this ideology, I think our opinion of it is pretty damn well important.


It’s become apparant that BushWins is nothing but a Troller. Chances are he doesn’t even believe what he’s saying, and only replying the way he is because he thinks it’s funny to watch everyone get their underwear in a bunch over it.

And it is.

So seriously, stop feeding the trolls. Sheesh.

That being said, I do partially agree with what Hiryuu said, that the bigger issue is not whether one political party is right or wrong, it’s that just most of America is so polarized one way or the other. I don’t know if it’s because I’m from care-free Canadia, but some of the arguing and outright hatred expressed over political orientation is just ridiculous to me. Granted, I still would like to see Bush voted out in November, I’d hate to think what kind of damage he’d cause in another four years.

Personally I think the entire world would be better off if we all listened to SK.

He has a big sexy brain.

I can attest to what Spoony said. Especially since I know this guy in real life and he thinks I should be laughing when he tells me stories about how he teamkills nonstop in Halo to piss people off (see what I have to put up with? :P).

I would not for the life of me call a kid like this my friend. I only have one thirteen-or-fourteen year-old as a friend, and it is a very remote friendship (we havent even met in about a year or so).

Edit added: What basis does this website have for these predictions?

Uh, dt, didn’t you volunteer after Iraq started (or at the very least during that few month period it was obviously going to occur but hadn’t yet)? I mean, it just seems rather stupid to me to go and enlist when you know there’s a war going on that you don’t agree with but will most likely get sent to. As for the new wave of troops, both two party candidates have stated they’re planning to send more troops.

That’s exactly right. The TN government actually shut down for a period of a few weeks a few years ago. All non-essential state employees were told not to go to work because the state couldn’t do anything that regarded a budget. TN is basically in a downward spiral due to past Republican attempts at fixing the problems. Now, education is godawful, and most of the Republicans in the state vote to cut education funding instead of trying to bring about new taxes.

Oh, and Bush, stop being an idiot troller. You’re warned.

Kerry may have lied about getting a medal or two, might not have, we dont know.
Bush DID lie about serving in the military, thats been proven.

Man, if someone had said that on Dubya’s first campaign. :smiley:

pussy john fairy wants us to be at the mercy of the un. he wants to wait till we get attacked before we can go after people. we were attacked and he cant make up his mind. kerry wants to put political gains before national security.

oh and kagon stop being a liberally biased moron

“Kerry may have lied about getting a medal or two, might not have, we dont know.
Bush DID lie about serving in the military, thats been proven.”

put your money where your mouth is and prove it


and dude, dont say pussy, its an ugly word.

Oh i did. Im not gonna let kagon boss me around just cause he is liberal biased and thinks he is better.

You’re digging your own grave by insulting Kagon, man. >.>;

Prove it? Okay. When rumors started speculating that Bush hadn’t served in the military, the Pentagon released a copy of his military records to prove it. Problem was, the copy the White House released censored certain sentences involving Bush’s attendance. The fact that the Pentagon DID feel the need to censor parts of Bush’s record should be proof enough. Michael Moore had an uncensored copy to prove it. Happy now?

Its true, he IS liberally biased, what a meanihead

Oooh michael moore im scared. Thats the same guy that lies his ass off. Check if u dont believe me. As for kagon i could care less if he bans me or whatever he is liberally biased, he lets politics effect his emotions.

Mmmmm, and so we should attack anybody that the President deems as a “threat” then? Even if he doesn’t have solid evidence or full support? Even if we decide to “retaliate” against a country that has no evidence linking it to those who did attack us?


Because nobody does that. Ever. In their entire lives.