How old are of forum members?


33 1/3


Old enough.

27 11/12ths next week. I don’t know what I’ll be doing on my birthday - lamenting on getting older or celebrating on having cheated death 27 times in a row.


As old as my legs and slightly older than my teeth.


It’s not polite to ask a lady’s age. :slight_smile:


25, and get off my lawn.

My great grandmother told her doctor to guess when he asked her age.

The correct answer whenever a woman asks for you to guess her age is 21.

27. I feel special. :3

Weiila: Older than Sin

I’m 25 now, I’ll be 27 in October but I’ve already decided that I’m not counting after 25. I don’t need to be President.

How do you go from 25 to 27 unless you’ve already turned 26 and have decided not to count it?

I’ll be 24 in about a month.

Ha, remember when we were all teens way back when?

Of course; we dig that kind of thing up once every two weeks, drink our warm beer, and stare moodily at the ground.

I’m twenty… Umm… Twenty… Four?
Yeah, that sounds about right. 24.

I pretty much stopped counting (and caring) somewhere around 17. Now I have to stop and think everytime someone asks me.

I’m 25 as well. Most of the prolific posters(“the regulars”) are in their early to mid-twenties, but a significant number of newer posters are younger.

i’v been on these forums)
for a while
my name is eden

You type like a 12)
