How not to do it.

He completely ignores everybody who didn’t praise him, that’s sad. -_-

Ah yes, I see. Dumbass that he is.

If he’s looking for sympathy he can go and look somewhere else. I honestly truthfully do not see how people don’t notice how bad their own fics are. They must read stuff, so why can’t they see where they go wrong? For the love of Jebus…

I notice how his first reviewer gave three words of reviewing and then proceeded to plug her own fics. The rest are from us.:mwahaha:

sigh Just when I think the stupid couldn’t get any stupider . . tsk tsk

I’d link to my fanfics, but they are inane pieces of sugar rush.

Originally posted by Phantasy_Starlight
sigh Just when I think the stupid couldn’t get any stupider . . tsk tsk

I notice that the author
also also likes
to hit the
enter key


He can ignore them if he wants but at least he’s not being a total jerk and shoving it back and being an ass like RPGDude did.

I AM new here. Sorry if I jumped into an ongoing discussion, I’ve been reading archives for a while (couple hours) and this thread seemed interesting; as well as the one on RPGDude.

I think the only person on this thread whose stories I’ve read is Pierson. I’m about halfway through Echoes of the Past and I can’t stay away from the screen. I suppose that’s the electronic equivalent of “can’t put it down”. Excellent work.

Welcome to the boards, Lex :slight_smile: And very true that, though at first you were some oldie whom had slipped my mind since you knew RPGDude shakes head at memory Very few do that, read back on the message board… too bad our old ones were destroyed by a worm this spring, otherwise you would have gotten some more interesting reading. But for now, just lean back and enjoy the new and fresh additions, straight from the authors’ ovens!

Yeah, I’m a long time reader, first time poster. You caught me with the RPGDude thread. I did read it but I never commented on his work.

wanders back to old thread What is this ‘RPGDude’ thread?

“Read and weep.”

Ah. Wow. I’d PPC it, but there’s nothing to PPC. They’d probably get stuck in description-less black spaces and plotholes before they got near them.

I hear ya. There are limits to what we can force those poor agents through…

Could anyone tell me the point of that story? Either there was none or I wasn’t paying attention. I choose the second one.

Yep. RPGDude was, to say the least, a complete idiot. Not only did he have the maturity and the writing skill of a six year old, but he apparently expected us to enjoy his story. I can imagine his thoughts were “omg my story r uber so u guyz will enjoyz it and stuff lololololz”. To top this, he “puts pride in what he does” and basically threw our helpful criticism in our faces.

I guess my attempt to reach out and touch his heart in that thread was off, and I poked him in the stomach and made him giggle like the Pillsbury Dough Boy instead.

…Sorry, just had to say that. :ah-ha!:

EDIT: Oh, and Lex, I can tell you and I are going to get along just fine. :cool:

Oh, pillsbury dough boy. ^.^ I take criticism seriously and use it in my next story. It’s helpful. SO WHY THE HECK IS IT SO HARD FOR PEOPLE TO TAKE IT WITHOUT FREAKING OUT?!?!

twitches Personally, I think the best thing to do would be to MST them… although that might not work either…

Actually, I think PPC are MSTs, just with a little more story than just comments :slight_smile: Ehm, what does MST mean, anyway? I know what it IS, but…

As for RPGDude, his behavior still mystifies me. Sad it was :confused:

Mystery Science Theater was an old TV show where a group of three buds/robots/whatever sat around watching old bad sci-fi films and shouting quips in between lines. Simple, yet fun, and sarcastic as hell.:mwahaha:

That’s basically it. I missed it personally when it was shown, but I’m trying to find some on Kazaa.

Ahh, I see :slight_smile: