How long does the Earth have left?

I think he was referring to the fact you said ‘Another Supernova’ and that a sun only goes Nova once.

Once tends to be enough anyway.

It would certainly seem so! Surely the grandest of explosions.

Nope. Supernova still isn’t possible for Sol. Its white dwarf will be about 0.6 solar masses. In order for a white dwarf to go type 1 supernova, it has to be around 1.4 solar masses.

Damn, didn’t know there was a mass requirement for a sun to go with a bang.

Not like we’d have been around to see it, at the rate we’re going with resources.

Still if it’s anything like my old Chevy Nova I’ll light up the night sky!

Ehem At any rate it’s very unlikely that humanity will be wiped out by Global Warming since we’ll have most likely wiped ourselves out long before then from the Toxins and Pollution that we keep dumping into our environment (unless Captain Planet could save us somehow).

Yeah, like Captain Planet could ever help us…hides rings Now, 984 over there is correct, there is a mass requirement. Not that it will happen. But yeah, we will kill ourselves LONG before we do anything…hides plans for WWIII as well

You better have some uber, radioactive, zombie Nazi’s from the Antarctic in that plan.

The Earth has hundreds of millions of years left. A better question would be, how long does humanity have left.