…turn someone down?
Like if they ask you out? I dont know how to, and i dont want to hurt their feelings.
Im new at this “social life” stuff.
…turn someone down?
Like if they ask you out? I dont know how to, and i dont want to hurt their feelings.
Im new at this “social life” stuff.
No matter which way you say no, it’ll still hurt their feelings, so it’s best to just be honest and blunt about it. No point in sugar-coating it.
Well, I’ve never been through that kind of situation, but I suppose you should just take a deep breath, sit down and explain it to that person in a calm way, without sounding hostile or spiteful. That’s all I can think of.
What you want to do is put your hands side by side, like a foot apart. say “This your your face” then take on hand, and push it in the middle of where your hands were. and say “GET OUTTA HEERE!”
Just tell them that you aren’t interested.
Say “Look, I’m really sorry, but we two just can’t stay together. I’m gay.”
Just kidding. Do what Sorcerer said.
When she says “Would you like to… maybe… go somwhere, somtime?” then you say “Sure I would, just as long as its not with you!”
Originally posted by Urkani
No matter which way you say no, it’ll still hurt their feelings, so it’s best to just be honest and blunt about it. No point in sugar-coating it.
It’s not that big of a deal. Just kindly say no, or don’t give off mixed signals to get their hopes up.
You can say all the things you’d like and they would still get hurt, so make it simple and simply say ‘No’.
What are your reasons for turning her down, anyways?
I’d spend less time thinking about how to do it and more time thinking about whether or not you should do it.
Or you could try the other ways proposed by other people.
Originally posted by Hades Shinigami
What are your reasons for turning her down, anyways?
I don’t like her.
I was hoping there was something better than just “no.”
Oh well, situations like these make me glad i spend most of the time in my basement online, instead of out with friends.
Well, I KNOW you don’t like her, but what’s wrong with her?
Tell her why. That is all you can do, unless you want to lie and say you’re already taken or something like that.
Originally posted by Devillion
Oh well, situations like these make me glad i spend most of the time in my basement online, instead of out with friends.
Silly, there’s hardly any situation if you’re spending so much time without this chick, then you probably aren’t close to her enough to really care about what she feels. Just saying a no or I’m not interested shouldn’t really grate on your consience if you don’t really know her or don’t like her (in that “way”).
Though the whole spending your time in the basement is unhealthy…when you get older, and you have to reject a girl, you’ll have to act more adult about things rather than hide and ask a bunch of us how to turn her down
You should accept at first because you feel pressured to, but then find them when no one else is around, say you forgot that you were already involved with someone, and proceed to ignore and avoid them for the rest of your life. Then, the other person will realize how foolish you are and pity you for being such a small childish person who rejects the few people willing to be your friends.
Oh, sorry, just reliving an experience from high school. Honesty is the best policy, and it will allow both parties to grow and mature socially. It helps to have a reason for saying no, as much for yourself as for the other person. Good luck with working things out.
Tell her she’s a great person to talk to and she has a wonderful personality. Most girls will realise that this means complete and utter rejection and will settle for the consolation prize of being a ‘nice’ person. With this way, there’s no need to feel guilty about being really nasty to her either.
Or there’s “It’s not you, it’s me,” and the absolute classic, “I’m just not ready for a relationship right now.” Either way, I’m sure she’ll get the message.
Give her an ambiguous responce, then lead her on and make her think she has a chance with you for about 2 years. After 2 years stop talking to her alltogeather, and if she even tries to start a conversation with you, explode, and tell her to stop stalking you.
Do the straight-up honesty thing.
And do it your way.
If it contradicts honesty…then don’t do it your way.