Holy crap, the PSP ROCKS O_O


HAVE YOU SEEN THAT? Holy shit. :hyperven: :hyperven: :hyperven:

Must… have… PSP

If they can keep that at a reasonable price, its gonna be sweet action. I read the article a couple times, but I don’t think it said anything about weather you will be able to play your PS1 and PS2 games or if they will make a whole diffrent CD for the PSP. Does anyone know about that?

I believe it uses the UMD, Universal Media Disc (1.8 Gigs) to store game data. I don’t think you can play PS1 games on it, but the site mentiones PS2 connectivity so… I’m hopeful.

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/subsites/twistedrpg/images/hero/rirseneo.gif”> And does it make curry fries? Because this strange thing seems to have everything for something so small? I SERIOUSLY doubt this is the real spec, as Sony has a nastly habit of lying about their systems (like PS2 being a super computer). And if it true, it will run 1000 dollars or so.

By “PS2 quality gaming” do they mean PS2 games? 'cause if it does…

the umd discs are going to be in a cartridge type thing for protection.

hehe, the PSP has twice as many MBs of memory than my first desktop computer:hahaha;

But can it make toast?

I bet you it’ll be scrapped like the 64DD

french AND spanish, epic.

Only thing that has me worried is the cost and what they mean by “PS2 gaming” capabilities. A thing like that cannot possibly cost under $50.

Considering it wants to be able to be a phone and such. I think that may impact it, positive or negative. It doesn’t interest me but we’ll have to see as more details come out. However, as pointed out earlier by Rirse, Sony did over do the whole “The PS2 is a super computer.” (I saw a newsletter a Sony Rep left at EB and they circled that sentence, underlined it, and then provided the proverbial “YES!” near the sentence). However it could be successful if it’s priced right, which knowing Sony, it won’t be.

Let’s just hope it won’t be another N-Gage

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> It will sell because of it’s multimedia capabilities, since I seriously doubt that PS2 games can be played on it. And would you want to play a PS2 game on a horribly small screen?


Looking sweeter every month.

Personally, I’m skeptical about the source. Think about it:
[li]It refers to it as “IFG <i>exclusive</i>” info.
[/li][li]It quotes from an “undisclosed source.”
[/li][li]It doesn’t show the PSP itself.
[/li][li][INSERT “Does it do my tax returns?” HERE]
[/li][li]One screenshot is on a Casio screen; I’d imagine Sony would want to make their <i>own</i> screens for it, much like that PSOne thing.
[/li][li]The other screenshot is from a “PSP simulator” which caused me to narrow my eyes immediately. Okay … so does that mean it’s an emulator on a computer? Or does it mean something else? Such as that this is complete BS and they took it from a PS2 screenshot?

Looks to me like it will run $300-400, and nobody will buy it. We dont need “PS2 quality” games on a hand-held anyways, it will be way too small for the graphics to matter. I’ll stick with my GBA.

Hmm… if that source is reliable, then the $300 mark is looking likely, and look what happened to the N-gage when it launched at that price :thud: I have serious reservations about the PSP, I reckon it’ll do a Nomad- everyone reckons it’s a cool idea but no one buys it

I’m not getting one for more than £80, that’s for damn sure

Originally posted by Yar Kramer
Personally, I’m skeptical about the source. Think about it:
[li]It refers to it as “IFG <i>exclusive</i>” info.
[/li]> [li]It quotes from an “undisclosed source.”
[/li]> [li]It doesn’t show the PSP itself.
[/li]> [li][INSERT “Does it do my tax returns?” HERE]
[/li]> [li]One screenshot is on a Casio screen; I’d imagine Sony would want to make their <i>own</i> screens for it, much like that PSOne thing.
[/li]> [li]The other screenshot is from a “PSP simulator” which caused me to narrow my eyes immediately. Okay … so does that mean it’s an emulator on a computer? Or does it mean something else? Such as that this is complete BS and they took it from a PS2 screenshot?
[/li]> [/ul]

This pretty much sums up my view of the PSP as well =)

I’m keeping my GBA, thank you very much.