Hey hey it’s my first time posting up messages in a forum!! So basically I’m a noob to these kinda stuff! Please don’t flame me if I say anything wrong in my posts~
who said we would?
anyway hello and welcome
have a nice day… it’s gonna be your last…
eats your nose
Hello and welcome to the boards Fenril.
Welcome. Give your sanity and you’ll be just fine.
::dekar!:: Ooga Booga!(Welcome)
*passes you a handgun
Just for safety, m’kay?
Just to stop someone else from doing this.
pink_lugia steals noobs shoes
Hello. have a moogle
pink_lugia gives Fenril a moogle have fun. lose sanity. party. die. scratch last one
aeehku or whatever is gone for a week or so so all the newBs don’t have to fear for their shoes…
- gets her flame thrower and flames her* MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
cough Howdy…er, Hi.
Isn’t it supposed to be “Fenrir”?
In any case, welcome to RPGC. Here, have a cookie.
Enjoy your stay.
Hello,and welcome:wave:
Welcome, I hope you enjoy it here. Make sure you always have something or someone to protect you here. Its not safe.
Salve! Welcome and hello! And dangit pink_lugia, I was hoping to not have to play shoe defender this week. Steals shoes and returns them to Fenril
steals fenril’s shoes and eats them yummmmmmmmmmm…
stor kram
Aww… I feel so welcomed, and I am so happy to be here~
My nose is as ugly as it is right now, please don’t bite it!! Thanks for the handgun and moogle btw~
GG: Engrish?
|Damage|: Charle has dibs on the faces, and that includes the nose.
Anyway, welcome. I’m in between gigs and ah’s not here, so I can’t kill him, so you get no entertainment.
Hi, I think Keenspace is down, so you’ll have to wait before I can greet you properly.
Wow. A whole half-day break in the flood of n00bs. Anyway, hi.