Originally posted by Alyx
steals fenril’s shoes and eats them yummmmmmmmmmm…
Garrr! You people… at least ahkeeyuu has a reason for stealing the noobs’ shoes, even if it doesn’t make any sense.
<img src=“http://sephy.nulani.net/images/Seph.gif”> Urge to kill…n00b…rising…
Seph, you couldn’t kill a wheelchaired hyena with AIDS, tubeculosis and a broken neck.
<img src=“http://sephy.nulani.net/images/Seph.gif”> Ha! That’s where you’re wrong! I killed a flea yesterday! So HA!
Hi, if you post more than 100 times you’ll never leave.
Hello, and welcome to the board.
Heh I was just wondering… What’s with the “shoes stealing” by the way?
The shoe stealing is just another annoying and pointless way that someone greets you.
Ahh… I see. Cool~ I’ll steal everyone’s shoes then!! Muahahaha!:mwahaha:
Told you an intro thread would get you a friendly start in the world of the Agora. 8)
Welcome to RPGC, Ivan. And GG, Fenril is the name of the knight squad assigned to guard the King of Arctica Castle in WA1.
Originally posted by Fenril_Knight
Ahh… I see. Cool~ I’ll steal everyone’s shoes then!! Muahahaha!:mwahaha:
Yeah, well, that’s already ahkeeyuu’s gig; everyone else just took it because he’s not here right now.
Originally posted by demigod
Yeah, well, that’s already ahkeeyuu’s gig; everyone else just took it because he’s not here right now.
I didn’t
Anyway, welcome…
That’s all you get from me right now… Try again when I haven’t been awake the last 30 hours or so…
Originally posted by Cala
[b]GG: Engrish?|Damage|: Charle has dibs on the faces, and that includes the nose.
Anyway, welcome. I’m in between gigs and ah’s not here, so I can’t kill him, so you get no entertainment. [/b]
i know… but since he stole mine… i have to get a fitting one back,
Originally posted by yoshmeister
Hi, if you post more than 100 times you’ll never leave.
Oh and hi:wave:
Welcome, Fenril Hope you’ll like it here.
And Eva, who taught you Swedish?
As I repeat ad nauseum: Welcome to the RPGC.
Huttah, Keenspace is back up. I’m Yar Kramer.
Hello, I’m Strong Bad … and you don’t know it yet, but I’m the reason you’re here.
I’m Mayl. Not only do I use a mallet to keep Yar in check, I can also defeat a Saiyan.
Bring it, bizzatch! [they fight a bit]
HIIII!!! [glomps Fenril_Knight]
<img src=“http://www.geocities.com/strobalob/gc.txt”> FENRIL NIHT’Z HEER!
And what’s with the day-glo Lilith?
It’s my Player 2 colors.
1/ Friggin’ cat … [turns Good Kitty into another Smith]
Kitty/ Jo’s here.
hits smith over the head with coputer programme destroying baseball bat
Don’t turn cats into smiths you fucker
Blah blah blah HI, blah blah blah WELCOME, blah blah blah WHATEVER, blah blah blah SWORDFISH!