Hello, everyone!!

Thanks, everyone! And Shinobi, you got me that time! :mwahaha:

Anyways, my sanity does seem to have been left at the door, but I give my wallet AND my freedom (directed at Cala) to no one!! :hyperven:

I never expected to get your freedom. Just your obedience. NOW BACK TO WORK, SLAVE!

It’s best not to argue with her, since I’m the only person on this Forum with the will and means with which to challenge her. I mean, she IS RPGC’s Teasing Lesbian, and I am her mother.

I do NOT think so, Cala! Claws eject I work for no one! My obedience belongs to no one who forces me to do anything! Back off, lady! p:unch::

Okay, now you’re insulting my daughter. For this, I’m willing to use my adult sprite for a moment. stabs KCG repeatedly

Originally posted by Kitty Cat Gal
I do NOT think so, Cala! Claws eject I work for no one! My obedience belongs to no one who forces me to do anything! Back off, lady! p:unch::

I’d apologize if I were you, she can have a vicious temper, either that or her mother will hurt you, either way, I’d apoloize.

Hello, Kitty Cat Gal.

EDIT : Do not you people think that the thread is getting absurd rather than preliminary greetings?

Y’know, all I asked was for some obedience and a bit of work in the mines. It’s not like I was going to whip you.

Originally posted by Cala
Y’know, all I asked was for some obedience and a bit of work in the mines. It’s not like I was going to whip you.

It’s one of the sad facts of life: If you don’t tell people something, they’ll most likely assume the opposite is in effect. Thus, you don’t tell them they’ll be mistreated, and they’ll think you will work them without giving a single thing in return.

S’ok. It’s called self-defence. And ow!! Stop all that meaningless stabbing! It hurts!! I’ll claw you!!

Originally posted by Kitty Cat Gal
S’ok. It’s called self-defence. And ow!! Stop all that meaningless stabbing! It hurts!! I’ll claw you!!

Yeah, nice idea, try and threaten a millenia-old warrioress with an entire pantheon of Gods backing her up. Real smart. But, just this once, since I’m feeling lazy, I’ll stop.

Yeah, whatever…but you’re the one who got on my bad side and unleashed the tiger! :hyperven:

Originally posted by Kitty Cat Gal
Yeah, whatever…but you’re the one who got on my bad side and unleashed the tiger! :hyperven:

Only because you tried to oppose Cala, my secondborn child!

or fourthborn, or… something. Dammit, now I hafta figutre out the timelines fro these things, too!

How many kids have you had…? :noway:

Well, there was Cala, Nessa, Ackbar, for aswhile, we thought I was the mother of Frameskip, and I think there was another, but I forget. Anyway, the point it, I’m a ho. Just ask my husbands, Tenchimaru Draconis and Skankin Garbage.

Yup. I’m currently a slave-driver… RPGC’s Teasing Lesbian… Soul stealer extraordinaire (not any more)… Map maker extraordinaire…

Originally posted by Cala
Yup. I’m currently a slave-driver… RPGC’s Teasing Lesbian… Soul stealer extraordinaire (not any more)… Map maker extraordinaire…

Didn’t knwo bout that one. How long that been going on?

Mapmaker? Coupla months.

Huh. And jsut when you think you knwo your own daughter.

Ah, I see…wonder what title I’ll end up with? And also…families…they can do anything without you knowing. I stand from personal experience with my own parents…:thud: