
And Blair already said that this isn’t going to change any of their policies.

I saw a little MTV News thing on it yesterday after I had made all of my phone calls. They showed more of Bush talking about how he feels about it than anyone from England at all. I mean, don’t you think it would make more sense to get someone else to talk about it? I’d even settle for Tony Blair.

I don’t mean to sound insensitive, but why stop now.

This type of shit happens all the time. Just about every week you hear about some bus getting bombed or some suicide bomber. Constantly. Now it happens in London and everyone freaks out! Don’t get me wrong, it sucks no matter where it happens. Loss of life, yada yada yada. But people act like it is the first time this has ever happened. No one cares until it affects them.

Are Brittish people’s lives more important than Middle Eastern people’s?

That’s human nature. People tend to be oblivious to something that is the “norm” somewhere else, and when it creeps into their controlled lives, they go bonkers. I’ve even heard from some Americans who say 9/11 was the worst and most devastating terrorist attack in history. Don’t these people know of anything else? Apparently not. Not that I can blame people like this, but it does disgust me sometimes when people only take notice when it’s convenient for them…

I wouldn’t really say that they deem it the worst attack in history because it’s convenient for them; it’s more like they see it as such a tragedy because it not only happened so close to home, but it happened during their lifetimes, and they existed amist the chaos that ensued. But you make a good point regardless of that.

That kind of stuff bothers me though. I just want to walk up to people and ask, What do you care? Really? Its no worse than everything else.

Everybody dies. Some people just leave a bigger mess.

Yeah, I had both Mao and Stalin in mind when I posted.

That’s probably the reason they thought so, but you have to admit, for someone to say such a thing seems a bit ignorant on their part because they haven’t fully explored what has happened elsewhere in the world.

What’s funny is that pretty much everyone in London brushed the dust off got on with it.

So yeah, I live right next to Edgware Road station and didn’t even hear about it till hours afterwards since I woke up so damn late.

Past couple days were fun, police and reporters everywhere, but what’s really great is that there are a load of arabs and racist chavs around here so I wouldn’t be surprised if a riot break out soon.

Seems that most people across London though seem to be united, all the religions leaders are trying damn hard to make sure of that, which I have a ton of respect for, how they managed to keep East London at peace I don’t know.

So anyway, the emergency services have done a great job, but then everyone’s had experience with the IRA and they’ve known this was going to happen for years so they’ve had plans waiting to be put into place for most likely longer than I’ve been alive.

And I’m ok for anyone that was wondering. I was really worried for my girlfriend though, she was supposed to have gone to college that day and goes past a few of the stations that were bombed, most likely the trains that were bombed. Her mum made her stay off to do something though.

That is possibly the one good thing about something like this happening. Is that atferwards people are united, at least for a little while. It is just a shame that it takes things like this to do that.