I’m not under 14, I AM 14, there us a difference.
Us a difference???
/gives SH a cookie for the funny typo
Mentally ill? Oh no I’m not mentally ill. You see I’ve heard this real anime crap line for many years. It is nothing more than elitist line. It is one of many terms people use to feed their egos so they can feel superior to others.
I know darn well there is such a thing as real anime. However I am not into the job of picking and choosing what is real anime or what is not based on bias. Edited Anime is ruined anime to me. Which is as far I go. Hence I don’t watch Cardcaptors. I watch Cardcaptor Sakura!
Also not all anime is that badly edited on tv. Inuyasha comes out pretty well on TV. Or at least not so badly that I need to worry about it.
And I’m going to shock you about this. A lot of anime is aimed towards kids! Gasp and faint at this concept. Yes I’d hate to shatter your feel good about yourself world, but it is a fact that some anime is aimed at kids or the very least many shows are created for kids to enjoy.
I’ve watched many animes in clearly unedited forms and they were clearly at least kid friendly. Does this mean they are fake anime? No. Being a so called real anime has nothing to do with the target group. That’s just stupid.
Again real anime is just an elitist buzz word. And I’m sorry, but you’ve done nothing prove that by your idea I am mentally ill because I’m not into being an elitist. And your ideal of selectively deciding what is real anime and what is fake.
Anime is Anime. It does not matter if it is for kids or adults. It is still anime. Oh by the way
Tom and Jerry a cartoon aimed at kids is listed under the section for anime at site based in Japan. So apparently unlike some, people in Japan don’t hide behind such terms. Or at least some companies don’t.
Flint … are horrible
(wait I’m Sohee now. Well my point still stands)
There there, didn’t mean you. A lot of anime is aimed at kids, (omgwtf) I realise this but my point is what I consider real anime (this is MY point of view here, unless you want to be all totalitarian and deny it) is not something aimed at kids that cry everytime someone gets killed, unless you haven’t noticed there are some fucking violent animes, and so in your logic the violence, profanity and glimpses of sexual conduct are all aimed at children.
Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
[b]You are seriously mentally ill. Flint, Monster Anus, and Card Crappers, are horrible, I have seen all except Card Crappers, since the adverts for it scared me away. And YES there is such a thing as REAL ANIME, it is anime which (OMG) REAL. Not some piece of crap in the style of anime, things like Trigun and WHR and Cowboy, ARE real Anime series for at least 2 reasons: 1. THEY ARE NOT AIMED AT CHILDREN UNDER 14. 2. They are much more believable (maybe…) than those pieces of crap.kthxbye. [/b]
heh… funny. dies
No. You’re stupidly biased against anime that doesn’t contain 90% gore.
breaks out Ye Olde Machine Gun and guns you down
I’m not. I’m biased against dumbass kiddie shit that is completely evil.
Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
I’m not. I’m biased against dumbass kiddie shit that is completely evil.
I was talking to Zhare, not you.
It was a joke.
Calm the hell down. Nobody’s going to listen to you if you act like that.
Please define “dumbass kiddie shit”. Why do you think it contains things other than boobs and gore? Simple: It is aimed at people under fourteen years old. People think Kingdom Hearts is what you call “dumbass kidie shit”, and you like KH, don’t you?
St Ajora summed it up pretty nicely and so did Omega. There is anime that is aimed at little kids. There is also anime aimed at adults. This is like saying Teletubbies should be banned because it’s not the equivalent of oh say, Friends. Not recognizing this, is just silly. Anime isn’t made for one specific age audience, as with ALL TELELVISION. That’s what ratings are for.
Sorry OFX, I’ve been a little ill/pissed off lately.
And Kingdom Hearts rocks, it is in no way kiddie, the plot of Kingdom Hearts is too complicated to be comprehended by those of an age lesser than 10, (kudos to thhose 9 and undrs who accomplished this.)
People just assume it’s a kiddie game because it has Disney characters in it. Hell, my friend says SSBM is a kiddie game.
SSBM <b>is</b> a kiddie game. Not that that’s bad or anything
Seph, seriously. Anime is anime, there’s no two ways about it. Doesn’t matter if you think it’s good or not, it will still be anime.
I swear, man. Just lighten the hell up and get off the freakin’ power trip.
If you don’t like it, that’s all fair an well.
I reiterate, anything that’s meant to be anime <b>is</b> anime (unless it’s not made in Japan, because anime is pretty much only from japan).
Kingdom Hearts and SSBM are both kiddie games in certain aspects. The hell do I care if they are or not, I LOVE 'EM ALRIGHTZ!?
Animes are cool~ The most recent one that I watched is Gundam SEED~ It’s a wicked anime!!
i need some help please
ive been trying to find the name of an anime series but arnt having much luck
okay its a pre 2005 series but not sure how far all i can remember is that there are three main charactors all male ones mid hight med build ones skinny and kinda tall and the other is rather large and they all have a coloured jewel of some sort on a peice of armour. the stage is set in a medievil era. i remember one of the ‘boss’ baddies has the ability to take liquid metal form and solidify at will and at one pointhe does it to one of our heros.
any help would be great.
I can’t figure out which anime your inquiring about at the moment, but if I figure it out I’ll let you know! However for the time being I can suggest one website that may be able to solve your problem. Try:
Now back to the Thread topic, I for one do kind of agree that a lot of contemporary anime are kind of bland. I guess the main reason for this is the fact that they’re simply running out of ideas… and as a result, are shoving more and more “fan service” into each anime they pump out… hence the quality begins to drop and the stories become somewhat “nonsensical”, thus resulting in crappy anime. Despite this there are some decent contemporary anime out there… just not as much as there used to be.
NB: I was referring to anime in general… not just Cartoon Network. Also, that’s why I’m “old-skool!” Everything old… is Cool!
Edit: I just realized I replied to a thread more than 7 years old…
Sorry guys! I saw it up the top so I replied.
It’s Ok Helios you didn’t ressurrect the thread it was the guy above you (who apparently didn’t think of starting his own thread to ask his question.)
Sturgeon’s Law.
Look it up.
Ironically, Sturgeon first meant that with irony, which many people forget.
I do agree with helios about the state of anime lately.
Last year it was Queen’s Blade. Then somewhere in between were Kampfer and that Quasar (aka tit sucking) show. And now this season its Samurai Girls (which is a fucking crying shame given how well animated it is versus how completely awful the rest of it is).
And that’s just the straight up porn.
Most of the time you get moe crap like Lucky Star, K-on, and Working!!. As well as harems and other weird unmentionable shit.
As for the necromancer’s question. That description doesn’t narrow it down at all. My best suggestion is to look it up on Wikipedia since they’re pretty thorough about their animez.