I’m heading to a Halloween party with some friends of mine, but I need to figure out a costume to wear. I need something I can still move around in, and isn’t too nerdy or too much of an “inside joke”. If you guys have any suggestions, I’d be most appreciative.
Oh yeah, and a friend of mine suggested this costume:
but I don’t think I’ll be wearing that…
EDIT: Hey, while we’re at it, how about you all tell me what costumes you plan to wear?
I don’t do halloween anymore, but I’ve had some interesting costumes over the years! I’ve been The Terminator, a vampire, a devil, an undead soldier, Seifer Almasy, Golbez, a Duracell battery with a singing tree on my head, and others.
I’ve got this freaky ass blank white mask that’s a little ‘Michael Myers’ that I’m going to wear to take my little sister trick or treating. I plan to spend the night stuffing myself with all the candy I’ll steal from her and scaring the hell out of all the little kids.
hmm, well, if all else fails you could always go as one of the freaky Silent Hill things. All you’d need is some grungy bloody canvas, some rope and bloody fake limbs.
I dunno whether I’ll be going anywhere or not, but I bought a pair of press-on fangs just in case. They’re like an instant costume. =)
Several years ago, on two separate occasions (one of which when I was like 5, the other a bit more recent.) I went as Mario.
Two years ago, I went as a Black Mage.
Last year, I went as nothing in particular…just some stuff that looked cool together.
Originally posted by Sinistral Dress up as a japanese school girl.
Ick, then I’d look like one of the creepy, old cross-dressing men that show up to anime conventions…
Other suggestions from my friends (other than the mammogram thing) include being an Oompa Loompa, The Fonz, or a Serial Killer (they look just like everyone else).
I’m going to Madison for halloween to go to State Street. Every year, all the weirdos go to state street and a big party is had. Ah yes, the party is massive and goes on untill the cops come with tear gas (seriously, happens sometimes, if the party gets too out of hand, the cops tear gas the problem areas of the Street).
I plan to go as a Samurai with the Misfits Scull ironed on the back.
My friend amerycinsycho might be going as the crimson ghost (big Misfits reference)
Another friend might be going as Alex from “A Clockwork Orange”
Dress up as a japanese school girl.
My friend Rob is going as a Japanese school girl actualy.
Well, i was thinking of taking the lazy route and dressing up as Arthur Philip Dent from the HitchHiker’s Guide to the Galaxy ( need a bathrobe, a towel, and a copy of the guide), but I recwently was with a friend at a clothing store, and I saw this red pimp hat, so then it hit me:
Originally posted by GG Crono 4
[b]Several years ago, on two separate occasions (one of which when I was like 5, the other a bit more recent.) I went as Mario.
Two years ago, I went as a Black Mage.
Last year, I went as nothing in particular…just some stuff that looked cool together.
This year…I am Kefka. :mwahaha:
I promise to get pictures. [/b]
You better, you crazy person you :mwahaha: .
I haven’t went out on halloween in a couple of years. Normally I stay home and give candy out to the little neighborhood kids.