Guys what happened?

Population control. Less is more.

Sin is why there’s still cancer.

I just realized the forum button has been sitting at the top of my bookmark toolbar ever since… there were bookmark toolbars. And it’s usually a visit or two a week. With cookies erased, no logging in due to negligence. Or lack of replying material. Nostalgiawave Damn, it IS over 10 years since I popped my head in the chat.

I’m moving back to America. Also I got married.

IRC REUNION. Someone name a time. I used to lurk in there all day while I was at work and chat with NIGHT KREW, but then it just became my and 984 and occassionally Epic and it started to feel pretty…gay…actually I kinda liked it and it scared me so I stopped going.

Did you seriously get married?

what a fag

I work weird hours at work, I have a girlfriend, and when I get some time off or time to myself…well no offense, but there’s just things I’d rather do than turn on mIRC, forget about it because no one’s talking, and then feel bad when I look at it in two hours and have all these PMs that I never responded to. I like you guys, mIRC is boring, and I’m even more boring now.

That’s why you buttdial me all the time.

is the slang for him sticking a phone up your ass and then using a different phone to call the phone that is up your ass?

It’s cool, most of my PMs were white noise that didn’t require a reply anyway. :slight_smile:

Sounds like you’re doing pretty good though? Good to hear man.

I married the hottest youngest chick I could legally bring with me to America. it’s pretty awesome. only because eden wouldn’t be my gay husband and peg my sweet behind nightly. so eden has to pay my alimony when this whole thing blows up in my face (pun intended)

Zepp does she at least speak English?

And by English I mean, can she say more than “you wan beef an brocorri?” and “me ruv you rong time” :V

I see about a third of you all on Facebook, so I’m not so broken up about the forums or IRC, tbh.

And another portion I haven’t gotten a chance to speak to because I never really thing to get on AIM to talk anymore except when I’m AWAY from the computer. Nulani I miss our talks. : (

Eden and Crimson sitting in a tree

Video games and working with my adviser eat up a lot of my time. I’ve dropped by the chat a few times when I wanted a quick break from writing notes, but no one was there. So, no reason for me to stick around. ^^

How is your PhD going, Kairi? Are you happy with it?

Cav has a cruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush… oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Whoa! Get a room, Cav! HAHA!