Guide to the Galloway RPGCVerse...

Yes, I’m actually doing this. I apologize.

This is just the first part, a little bit of pre-history. The upcoming sections will detail more relevant nuggets of information.

A Traveler’s Guide to the RPGC Universe

Chapter One: Formation and Early History

The RPGCVerse, as I have come to call it, is a…rather eclectic place, filled with contradictory accounts of its creation, formation, and general place in the greater multiverse. Everyone, from the most brilliant scientist to wisest holy man, has a different view on what exactly makes this place different from other places in the greater cosmos. Still, to the outside observer, our humble home is vastly separate from the infinite universes surrounding it, to the point that it almost qualifies as its own organism.

The following is gathered from various artifacts, records, and journals, as well as my own conversations with such beings as Philemon. It is thanks to their knowledge that I have even an inkling of the knowledge I do now.


The exact mechanics behind the multiverse’s creation are lost to history. Philemon admits to being far too young to remember the early days of existence; however, he has informed me of an ancient legend amongst the Gods. It seems that there was once a single living being, a massive figure known as the Aldetum. He was infinity itself, so much so that he eventually created the first gods out of nothing. Unfortunately, this was a fatal mistake; the gods rebelled against his tyrannical rule and literally tore the Aldetum apart. The first multiverse was then created from his spilled blood mixing with the vast void of space.

Of course, this is completely retarded, to say the least. I’d much rather believe in the Big Bang, thank you very much.

The first universe eventually grew too large to sustain itself, causing a cataclysmic split. Thus came two universes, then four, then sixteen, and so on down the line until infinity. I am unsure of all the details, but it appears that a universe can take trillions upon zillions of years to fully split from another, and that each such event is marked with the near-destruction of much of the former space. Hence, the gods were forced to create a system of checks-and-balances on the expansion of the multiverse, through the use of the mysterious beings called “Gatekeepers.”

However, there was another problem. When the Aldetum was killed, the first universe was infused with an ungodly amount of pure energy. Naturally, this power should have been divided equally during the split…only it didn’t. In fact, the amount of energy continued to INCREASE as the multiverse grew larger, bringing the totality of existence into near ruin. In order to ease up pressure, the gods were forced to create a “release valve.” The Gatekeepers were instructed to dump excess energies into a vast, empty pocket of space, where it was believed no mortal life could be sustained. Due to its distance from the rest of existence, this landfill of the universe came to be ignored.

Unfortunately, the gods did not plan on how each universe’s various differences were reflecting on the power released. In fact, the same “energy of creation” that had brought life to so many other places had been mutated in so many different ways that when they slammed into each other, <i>another</i> Big Bang occurred. The universe that was created was a bizarre algamation of a billion different worlds.

When the Gods finally noticed this, they also realized they had forgotten something important. In order to prevent infighting as much as possible, they had agreed to split up the multiverse, dividing it evenly amongst all the members of the celestial pantheon. Unfortunately, they had not done so with this universe; it was a big, ugly neutral zone. To make it worse, the energy that kept piling up inside the universe would soon have to be released into yet another cosmic garbage heap. If someone could take control, they could possibly influence the destiny of all reality.

And so, the little piece of garbage that we reside in has become the most coveted piece of real estate in the Multiverse.


The first sentient species to inhabit our universe was the Seroli. They dwelled at the furthest edge of the universe, so close to the actual barrier between dimensions that they were well-known to a single Gatekeeper. However, this figure soon became corrupted, and in a sudden wave of expansion, swallowed the Seroli homeworld INTO the barrier. The Seroli themselves lost their physical forms, but their spirits were forever chained to the ether of the universe.

From this point on, evolution began on numerous worlds; in the end, if a planet could possibly sustain life, something sprung up. Eventually, this wave of life reached this version of Earth. Initial life was the same as countless others: aquatic life gave way to small land creatures, which then evolved over time into the Dinosaurs, which were then destroyed in a meteor strike. The warm-blooded creatures managed to adapt and survive, and over time evolved into prehistoric humanity.

There were, however, three important events of note in this pre-history. The first was the coming of the Elves. Unlike those Tolkein fabrications, these ancient elves were a warlike species that traveled across dimensions, capturing worlds, stripping them of any useable resources, and then moving on. These elves set up shop in what is now the Canadian-US border, near where RPGCity now stands, and began to abduct early humans to use as slave labor. However, the very nature of the universe, combined with the pollutants utilized in Elven technology, caused two humans, Grok and Mok, to gain unnatural abilities. Using their new powers, they lead a rebellion against the Elves, eventually destroying their main portal at the cost of their lives. Now trapped, the vengeful humans ruthlessly slaughtered many of the Elves; those that survived were forced to hide within the wooded areas of the world.

The second was the introduction of magic. The ability to use so-called “spells” is genetic in nature, and was in fact introduced through the original Mages. In particular, the Black and White Mages were quite successful; they often seduced or raped women in numerous tribes, while also masking any possibility of their being there. If the woman was not stoned to death, the child was often able to exhibit the same powers as his or her magic parent. In such early tribal societies, such powers would often be respected, allowing magic genes to slowly spread across the human race. There were also the Blue Mages and Red Mages, but many of their offspring failed to reproduce successfully, and their numbers are far fewer.

Finally, there was the introduction of numerous non-human or semi-human species. A handful of dinosaurs managed to survive the meteor’s impact, primarily due to dumb luck. They gradually evolved into the dragons of today. Even stranger was the sudden appearance of the catbeings, humanoid creatures with several feline characteristics, most notably ears and a tail. They also unconsciously exert pheromones upon reaching puberty, causing uncontrollable feelings of sexual attraction. In other words, they smell sexy. Unfortunately, this would eventually lead to the Catgirl Wars, but that is a story for another time.

As time went on, humanity obviously began to exert itself as a dominant force upon the planet. For good or ill (or possibly both), they were able to utilize intelligence and ingenuity to take control over much of their environment. And thus, do we bring ourselves into the modern age.

Next time: A more detailed timeline of important events.

Sniiif I love the smell of Cosmology in the morning. :wink:

Not bad, d. Are you familiar with Mark Gruewnwald’s Omniverse theory? He accounted for not only all of the Marvel Universe’s realities, but those beyond (such as DC Comics’!) I’ll talk more about that when I review Marvel vs DC in the Crossover thread.

Can’t wait to see how we figure in the larger RPGCverse. :wink:

That was very entertaining D. I love origion stories like this. I love knowing the history of why things are the way they are. It tells you so much of a culture, or a reality.

Okay, deviating from the timeline a bit. I’m just helping to explore the universe in a bit more detail…

Chapter Two: The Many Species of the Universe

Before one can understand the true nature of this place, they must understand the unique composition of races, creatures, and beings that inhabit the untold worlds. All of these have some kind of impact on each other, whether great or small, and their existence must be respected and, in some cases, admired. Be warned, however; not everyone in this universe is friendly, and even normally “good” species may produce vile offspring.


An angel is a very rare sight to behold, especially in the mortal world. Most of these elusive beings are conscripts of the Gods, and are utilized as messengers, warriors, generals, diplomats, or anything else that is required. Angels are almost universally aligned with the light side of the universe, although some (such as Lucifer) choose the dark side. Weiila is currently the only living angel in the RPGCVerse’s mortal worlds; this is due to her divine heritage and previous life as a Finnish Goddess. Still, she is far more pacifistic than the majority of angels, using her power to harm only when she has absolutely no other choice.


Catbeings are a relatively young addition to the greater universe; however, their mark on culture, discrimination, and tentacle rape porn cannot be understated. In particular, the effect of the cat<i>girl</i> cannot be stated enough. In fact, male catbeings are an almost impossible sight; I have only managed to meet two, and one was in fact the future son of the other. It is implied that catbeing culture is matriarchal, and that the males cannot leave their homes, but I still have yet to see one even when visiting the infamous Catgirl District.

Catbeings are human in form, but also feline in nature. Depending on the purity of their blood, they may either be bestial (body completely furry, animalistic behavior, feral and violent) or almost human (only cat ears and a tail, subdued natural tendencies, generally peaceful). Unfortunately, catgirls also exhibit powerful pheremones, which make nearly any male (and occasionally female) member of the opposite sex attracted to them (regardless of species). This eventually led to the Catgirl Wars, where 90% of all catbeings were killed. In the end, the survivors were forced into racial discrimination, segregated into their own neighborhoods and forbidden contact with the outside world. Only a few countries, including Finland and Paragon City, allow catbeings true freedom. It is a sad state of affairs, one that, like any racial issue, will take countless generations to correct.


The Dragons are descendants of the ancient Dinosaurs. Although nearly every dinosaur died in the meteor impact 65 million years ago, a few managed to find sufficient shelter, heat, and food. By the time they were able to enter the world again, they had begun to slowly evolve into new creatures, better adapted for changes in world climate. These few creatures eventually spread across much of the world; unfortunately, many were subsequently slain by crusading nights. In particular, the brave warrior Sir Percival slew many a dragon, earning him the eternal hatred of the species. Over time, the dragons went into hiding; when they emerged again, they were much more humanoid in appearance, albeit still scaly, reptilian, and winged.

The Dragons are currently united, and dwelling within a singular city, well known for its great libraries and schools of learning. The current ruler, Bahamut Xero, is said to be a wise and tempered leader, powerful in combat and a great keeper of peace. However, much can be said over the unresolved murder of his beloved parents; the unsolved nature of these deaths are a heavy burden on the great king.


Forget Tolkein; these elves were stripping the world of its resources before Haliburton was even a concept. An alien race, the Elves entered our Earth in hopes of finding more powerful resources to continue their war machine. To this end, they enslaved the early humans. However, Grok and Mok managed to destroy their portal, at the cost of their lives, and the Elves were trapped here. The few that survived humanity’s maddening revenge took refuge in the forests near their base, and eventually evolved into a very different society, one based more around an understanding and working with nature than absolute control. Nevermind that they now condemn mankind for doing the same actions they themselves were once guilty of.

Elves are far more agile and lighter than humans, and also stand a few inches taller on average. They are also more slender, and therefore easier to defeat in physical combat should such a situation occur. They are also very spiritually attuned; religion plays a key component in everyday life, and the High Priestess is the central figure in Elven life. They are talented magic users, and are definitely not to be trifled with. However, they are also easy to crossbreed with humans, resulting in Half-Elves.


Gods are a…rather special case, to say the least. To accurately describe them is impossible for a mortal like myself, as they encompass dimensions and facets unknown to anyone besides themselves. Needless to say, they are incredibly powerful, with the strongest (and oldest) able to destroy entire universes on a whim. Nonetheless, they are far from truly immortal; in fact, it is necessary for Gods to find replacements. Hence, the need to be worshiped. From their most loyal followers, they cose a single mortal, groom them with all their knowledge, and then pass on the mantle of godhood, and with it their accumulated powers and experience. The only God immune to this cycle is Naar, as he is constantly able to restore his strength in the Plane of Darkness.

It is also notable that Gods, in the end, have very little free will. Despite willingly overthrowing their original creator, each God is bound to a different concept, or moral code, that they must follow and promote forever. Needless to say, not everyone is happy about this. If Dionysus decides he doesn’t want to be the god of drunks, tough. In fact, it is said that Naar’s genocidal rampage against mortals is partially fueled by his rebellion against his lack of freedom. Ironically, it is the Gods, and not men, that are ultimately chained by destiny.


If you ever needed a sign of the hatred and revulsion both humans and elves are capable of, you need not look farther than Half-Elves. Exhibiting both the features of their human and elven parents, they are trusted and accepted by neither side. This is partly because of their aging; a Half-Elf reaches phsyical adulthood at age 100, while a regular elf would be barely starting adolescence. As a result, they have little understanding of Elven culture. Furthermore, their longer lifespan causes them to develop knowledge far beyond that of regular humans; by the time they reach adulthood, they will have most likely become so intelligent that greater society will reject them outright. Such is the cruelty of the world.


The human race is one of the most diverse in the universe, and one of the most widespread. There are thousands of different branches of humanity, each evolving more or less independently on their own planet. They often share similar mechanics, although there are noticeable differences in terms of microevolutions and the like. In fact, to list every planet with human life would take far too many pages.

Humans are capable of the best and worst of all actions. It is unfortunate, therefore, that many choose to partake in the most disgusting and reprehensible things imaginable. Horrific slaughters, genocidal rampages, and total war can all be linked to humanity’s everlasting ignorance of their place in the order of things. Granted, some cultures have become more observant and respectful of their position, but many others still repeat the same destructive actions day after day.


Slender and elegant, the Seroli were the first race to inhabit the universe, a fact their spirits will not let you forget. Being granted access to more energy than any others, they were quite possibly the most powerful beings native to this universe. Unfortunately, their homeworld also happened to be right next to the dimensional barrier, thereby bringing them to the attention of a power-hungry Gatekeeper. In a bid of righteous fury, the Gatekeeper pushed the dimensional barrier forward, swallowing the Seroli homeworld. Small bits and pieces were sent flying, preserving some knowledge of their existence, but for the most part, they were dead.

A Seroli sword eventually found its way into Nosgoth, where the vampire lord Kain used it in his fledgling days. In addition, a Seroli spirit managed to escape the barrier, and manipulated Galloway, Weiila, and their companions into entering the dimensional barrier and destroying the Gatekeeper. This action loosened the barrier’s hold on the Seroli’s spirits, finally granting them some sort of peace. However, many still haunt the universe, confused and purposeless. If encountered, exercise extreme caution.


The Saiyan race originally hailed from planet Vegeta. In their early days, they were forced to coexist with the technology-dependent Truffles, until open war was declared. In the end, thanks to the full moon, the saiyans were able to completely eradicate the Truffles; however, this also left the warrior-race with nothing to fight. They were eventually recruited as mercenaries, wiping entire systems clean so the planets could be sold to the highest bidder. However, they were eventually betrayed for becoming too strong, and their homeworld (and species) were wiped out.

If you watched a single episode of Dragonball Z, you’d know that. In truth, the Saiyan race is not native to this universe at all. The only living Saiyans are Galloway and his female counterpart, and even they were created via genetic engineering. The Saiyan race is all but extinct now, and given their actions in the past, it’s probably for the best.

Next time: Magic. How does it work?

That gave me a good giggle. I love the mix of scientific-sounding stories with amusing word choices, and your humor has a wonderfully dry tone (with a huge grin underneath) to it.

“M-m-m-m-m-m-m-magic!? I thought I just had a really good memory and an even worse imagination when imitating all the sparkles and dazzle thrown my way!” ~ Mabatsekker, Task Force Blue Mage

It’s a really darn small chance, but who could’ve predicted we have the rarest of the rare races/beings/genetic defects/freaks/legends in one compact group (or it’s immediate vicinity) called the Task Force, according to this guide? I mean, we’re all superheroes, and good is well placed into one place, right? Who could’ve anticipated this, of all the things to happen in all the multiverses? But hey, it makes up for some fancy, juicy and dramatic interactions no reality tv show could offer. At the very least, Task Force does have five, six? humans to remain as a majority.

Chapter 3: Magic 101

First, one must dispense of all pretense of “magic” being a fantastic power, working through the very fabrics of the universe to dispense untold destruction or healing. True magic is, in fact, a very exact science, and such power should not be held in the hands of untrained newbies. Making things go boom is just a rather amusing side effect of countless years of knowledge, studying, training, and general experience. And resealing Cthulhu gets old after the fifteenth time.

It is important, therefore, that you, the reader, have at least an understanding of how magic works, how magic users are general dispositioned in regards to their environment, etc.


Magic works in multiple ways: the general specifics depend on the school of magic being used, the spell in question, and the desired effect.

Reality Bending: Spells that require breaching the very laws of thermodynamics, conscious reality, and linear thought fall into this category. Magic such as this requires the user to mentally pull at the very fabric of the universe for several brief seconds, quickly make subtle alterations, and then reseal everything. The resulting changes will showcase the spell’s intended effect. Naturally, this primarily falls under the most extreme of magic, and is often not used. This is fortunate, because messing up even slightly results in a “reality bites back” moment known as Paradox.

Molecular Acceleration: Occasionally, magic simply causes natural processes to occur at a rapid pace. This is caused through spiritual stimulation of said process, followed by a near-total slowdown once the intended effect has been reached. These require more sustained thought and concentration, but are generally easy to control.

Elemental Control: Traditionally, magic of this type revolved around the classic Greek elements of Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. Additional elemental controls could be established through combining said elements, such as mixing air and water to create cold. This is the most commonly taught school, as it is easy for beginners to grasp, and has great potential for those committed enough to master it completely.

Restoration: This kind of magic can come in two flavors. Type A Restoration revolves around the same principles as Molecular Acceleration, but with greater effort placed on bringing something to the way it was, rather than promoting a new change. Type B Restoration is fully spiritual, and is most commonly associated with Necromancy. Needless to say, Type B is very, very dangerous, often associated with purely evil magic users, and can only be truly destroyed by eighty-year-old priests with a long cursed family line, a crystal ball, and too much time on their hands. And remember, obscure references are your friends.

So, what’s to stop a wizard from ruling all of existence? Being mortal, our strength is finite, especially our mental faculties. Magic use requires incredible concentration, spiritual refinement, and above all else, the genetic ability to use it to begin with. In fact, using magic is just as draining on the mind as physical combat is upon the body. A simple Fire or Cure spell is the same as lifting a dumbell; opening a portal in time or reviving an entire army is like benchpressing a Hummer with one arm while spears stab you in the gut repeatedly. It is not very fun.

The two primary schools of magic are Black and White magic. There are also a handful of smaller schools; however, these will only be mentioned briefly, as very little can be learned of them.


The term “Black Magic” is an unfortunate relic of a bygone era, where magic users were hunted as supposed devil worshipers and brutally executed. These hunts were obviously at a vigilante level in most instances, and thus were uncoordinated, ruthless, and generally scattershot in terms of effectiveness. Even centuries later, where Catholic Fundamentalism has given way to Protestant Fundamentalism, Black Mages cannot shake their horrid past.

Generally, Black Magic is the most destructive and forceful of powers. Such spells generally invoke the powers of the elements to damage, destroy, or otherwise mangle objects, environments, and of course, other people. The most powerful black mages can even tear apart their home universes (and others) through the sheer level of power they hold. They are the epitome of badass.

To match the nature of their magic, Black Mages tend to be more aggressive and assertive. In fact, the precursor Black Mages were among the most forceful in spreading their power, mindlessly raping and destroying whole species if it was what they deemed necessary. And considering they also spawned Morgan Orsland Xian, the most monstrous mortal creature I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with, it stands to reason that Black Magic an easily corrupt its users. Still, those with enough willpower to accept the true extent of their power can become righteous protectors of good causes, only with less cheesy names.


Created as an almost antithesis to Black Magic’s destruction, White Magic is more spiritual, often faith-based, and far more widely accepted than its counterpart. In fact, White Mages are far more populous, mostly because they were able to infiltrate society as doctors, nurses, and priests. Given the nature of their power, it’s obvious that, in the right environment, they could blend in quite easily and offer whatever help they can. Of course, there were a few that revealed too much of themselves, but someone had to make sure the stakes were still structurally sound, right?

White Magic is based around the power to heal, to repair what is broken and to promote stability in the multiverse. Less experienced users can repair light wounds, such as minor scrapes and small cuts. With more practice, it is possible to mend fractured bones, restore limbs, and cure otherwise incurable diseases. In fact, the most powerful White Magic users can even mend rifts in the universe, cure entire planets in a single casting, and most famously of them all, resurrect the dead. However, the only way to prevent full zombification is to revive the deceased within a few minutes of death, when their souls are still in the mortal plane.

White Mages tend to be more idealistic and pacifistic than even the most peaceful regular humans; this is often required, as a very angry White Mage can unconsciously kill an entire planet in half a second. Even the precursor White Mages chose seduction over brute force when spreading their seed, although it still doesn’t exactly make their actions correct. Unfortunately, very little else can be gleamed about the precursors, as they perished several thousand years ago. However, White Magic has a very dark side: Necromancy. Powerful spellcasters can occasionally become so drunk with their power that they turn themselves into gods, with an army of rotting corpses as their followers. This is obviously not a pleasant sight.


Blue Magic is a bizarre subversion of general magic principles; whereas most other schools require mental power and shun physical strength, Blue Magic <i>requires</i> such strength. In fact, Blue Mages do not learn traditional spells; rather, they absorb the attacks of others, combining them to form an incredibly diverse spellbook. However, they must either observe or experience (i.e. get hit by) these attacks to learn them. Speaking of which, besides our own Mabatsekker, there are only four Blue Mages left in existence.


Red Magic is often defined as a combination of Black and White Magic. However, it is this and so much more…although exactly how is unknown to me. In fact, I have never really met a Red Magic master, very few books even mention them, and they are held in almost religious reverence by other magic schools.


Bardic Magic is by far the most unusual school, not because of its effects (they can easily be covered under most other schools), but because of how they are invoked: by <i>singing</i>. Their spells can also be triggered unconsciously, to the point that many bards simply don’t understand what they’re doing. Fortunately, very few bards remain in existence. And no, they are not spoony.


A sage is a user of all schools of magic. Needless to say, they are very old, often have white beards, sit on mountaintops, spend much of their time meditating, and are really painful to have to deal with. In fact, they can’t really do anything; they have so much pent-up magic that they cannot even move without possibly destroying half of New Zealand. From Canada.


Generally, using magic requires a handful of steps:

  1. The user must be able to remember the exact steps and intonations of each spell they plan to use.

  2. The user begins by chanting a mantra. These may or may not be in Latin, as per the stereotype, but theyare meant to be a way of focusing one’s mental and spiritual energy on the matter at hand. If the words are muttered in any other context, they will not have the same effect.

  3. The user must target the spell. This is based on the principle invoked. Reality Bending requires choosing a specific location; Molecular Acceleration requires targeting the process to be altered, Elemental Control must have a small sample of the element in question, and Restoration must have a fixed focal point in addition to a target.

  4. The user channels their power into the target, while also pulling energy in turn. This symbiotic connection is very important; otherwise, the mage may either kill him/herself or cause a massive backlash of power.

  5. Finally, the spell itself must be invoked. This is done by breaking off the connection, thereby causing a rebound that results in the desired effect.

  6. This is a cooldown stage. The mage should begin relaxing himself/herself, restore regular brain functions, and try to keep oneself at a calm enough pace. There have been plenty of mages that have died from unwittingly exhausing themselves to the point of heart attacks or insanity.


Paradox is a touchy subject for many mages, especially Black Mages. Basically, making any change in reality is a very dangerous gambit, especially since the universe itself is almost a living organism, and will fight these changes. If the situation is severe enough, a second change, the Paradox, may occur. These can have numerous effects, ranging from reversing the spell’s intended effect (as in the “Rule of Three”), or having an entirely random result. As for my own Paradox experiences, I have had none. I am serious. I was most certainly never turned into a slug, or teleported to Narnia, or forced to live two weeks as a Catholic schoolgirl in Maine, or accidentally created Scientology. I am completely innocent of such outright fabrications.

Next time: Other universes the RPGCVerse has contact with.

“So, in other words, when I dig into my inner reserves to cast Matra Magic, it’s like combining jogging, bench pressing elephants and squatting all at once? Cool! No wonder that Shujinko guy could take a harpoon in the gut and still keep going!” ~ Mabatsekker, Task Force Blue Mage

“::dekar!::” (whenever references to Shujinko and his ‘ultimate destiny’ occur, much to Mabatsekker’s unknowing.) ~ The rest of the Task Force

(Oh, and judging from the Future of RPGC series, mixing Blue and Red magic in genetics does not produce a “purple magic child”. If we recall properly, elementary color magic (Red) is more dominant than the physically dominant (Blue). Well, at least she inherited her father’s liver. I’m still trying to come up with a humorous scenario where we finally get to know what makes a person tick again after being the target of “Angel Whisper”. Coming soon to an RPGC Task Force sidestory near you.)

Wow, you really have thought this up pretty well, eh, Gallo? Good work. I especially love to see our characters referenced. Can’t wait to see more.

Ahhh, magic isn’t Harry Dresden style?

Interesting catagorizations of spell types, by the way.

To be honest, most of this stuff was <i>supposed</i> to be introduced in the Sagas. In fact, damn near everything here was planned out as far back as 2004, and was simply refined and built upon as I continued on. In the end, creating a small manual seemed like a better way to fill in some small background material than creating yet another seemingly endless storyline that stretches the audience’s patience to the breaking point.

I was even trying to get this posted for nearly eight months, after digging up a rough copy in a lonely corner of my My Documents folder. However, I had tried to create a frame story, involving an insanely wizened old man (besides you, Wil) narrating the whole thing, while keeping an ever-increasing RPGC audience captive. We can all be glad that I didn’t go in <i>that</i> direction.

And I’m glad you’re all enjoying. This is probably the most fun I’ve had writing in a long while.

Before reading this, I thought it’d be a guide to all your fics. Enough to call them a “Galloway RPGCverse”, I thought.

Oh, I’m pretty sure we’ll get to see how all of the big events in Gallo’s fics fit in here. :wink:

I’ll say one thing that will probably make an appearance at some point in here… the Task Force. After all it has played a mayor role in many events in Galloway’s RPGCVerse.

And like Mabat said it has been home to a wide range of individuals. Although the current Task Force isn’t too strange really, with three humans (at least I think we’re all fully human), one cat-girl (Why we have her I don’t know) and GG Chrono (whatever the hell you class him as)

And I nver knew you put so much thought into all this stuff d.

Letsa move on!

Chapter 4: Dimensional Connections

There are, obviously, an infinite number of universes, mostly because people can’t actually count that high. However, there are a few that our universe has had some connection with in the past. Since this may impact potential travelers, here are some of the ones we have the strongest connection with.

Natural Alignment: Good.

The Heavens are, in fact, a juxtaposition of numerous paradise-esque afterlives from millions of religions, primarily occupied by the Gods, their closest servants, and those followers they have deemed worthy of admittance. In fact, the Heavens are a particularly snooty place, where everyone thinks they are miles above everyone else just because they seem to be living in Care Bear Land. This arrogance has actually made the Heavens a very dangerous place to be, thanks to the countless evil invasions over history.

Natural Alignment: Evil.

Hell is the polar opposite of the Heavens, a place of absolute torment and suffering, where the damned are forced into submission for their sins in life. Of course, that’s just for the tourists; Hell is MUCH WORSE than this for some, but MUCH BETTER than even the Heavens for others. First, Hell is a place where belief is everything; unlike the Heavens, where everything is true, Hell rigidly divides itself into various quarters, all ruled by various underworld gods and goddesses. In other words, what you <i>believed</i> to be Hell when you died is what Hell <i>will be</i> for you. If you believe Hell to be a boat full of naked 90-year-old men, then you might as well get your life jacket ready.

Natural Alignment: Good.

RPGC 2, as it will be called for the purposes of this document, is an alternate version of our same universe, with very different duplicates of our denizens having part in multidimensional battles against the evil Nyarlathotep, as well as Loki. They were also instrumental in the defeat of Naar. Last seen in a showdown with Vegeta. Why they didn’t just call in Superman and run like Hell is beyond me…

The Digital World:
Natural Alignment: Good.

The Digital World has an origin almost as unique as our own universes. It is, in fact, composed from the raw computational power of numerous computers, servers, and other electronic devices, combined together to create a surreal, video game-esque world populated entirely by creatures called Digimon. Although extremely powerful evil forces have repeatedly risen, they have been beaten back through some sort of unknown force called “The Power of Friendship,” which somehow allows the forces of good (eight to eleven-year-old kids) to talk villains to death.

I was once on the receiving end of a “Power of Friendship” attack. It was so sickeningly sweet I was able to use my blood as syrup. I briefly became a vampire after ten flapjacks.

Natural Alignment: Constantly shifts between Good and Evil

Aon is one of the first universes ever created, and the first one not created through splintering. It was formed from the combined essences of the Gods Kai and Naar, and sewn together by their superior, the Goddess Ishir. Of course, the two turned on each other the minute the universe was created. Since then, Aon has been in a constant state of turmoil, with Kai leading the forces of the world of Magnamund, and Naar residing in his own pocket universe. Ishir sides with Kai, but cannot do anything because of her neutral nature. So…huh. Anyway, this is also the home universe of the Kai Lords, of which there are two remaining members. (And three posers in the future, but we pretend that never happened.)

The Plane of Darkness:
Natural Alignment: Uhm…Evil?

The Plane of Darkness is a toxic wasteland, the ground covered in black sand and soot, with no natural life to be found. In other words, it’s Naar’s dream world. No human being can survive unprotected for more than a few seconds, or the intense heat will bake them alive while the toxic air suffocates them. Naar rules with an absolute fist, and primarily keeps his failed minion’s souls trapped on the plains of the Plane, forever tortured for their lack of success. As it turns out, the Kai Supreme Master Lone Wolf is responsible for 95% of the plane’s population. Can’t imagine why.

Natural Alignment: Good.

The world of Magamund is indeed a beautiful place, filled with rolling hills, numerous castles and villages, and an almost perpetually sunny sky. (The fact that it’s ruled by a Sun God cannot be a coincidence.) However, it has also discovered modern technology as of late…a very dangerous thing, indeed. The Fourth Order of the Kai are stationed here, as was the Book of the Magnakai, until Lone Wolf took it back.

The Real World
Natural Alignment: Probably Evil…

The Real World is a very difficult place to pin down. It seems to be a mixture of a thousand different worlds, but totally lacking in any sort of mysticism or general imagination. In fact, it seems, at first glance, to be a world of incredible sadism and horror. However, from what little contact I have made, it also has a small bit of beauty buried beneath, with genuinely good people trying to improve things for everyone. It’s sad to see such a potentially beautiful world coming towards its own destruction, but so be it.


A small, relatively insignificant planet in another universe, Iona was blessed with an incredible vast number of magically-inclined humans and species. The same cannot be said for the world’s society, a patriarchy that bordered on sociopathic and suicidal. Needless to say, the sheer amount of magic attracted Naar’s attention, and he attacked the world soon after escaping the Plane of Darkness. When the people resisted, Naar’s minions engineered a plague to wipe out the entire human populace. Due to a freak mutation, however, it only decimated about 80% of the male population. Naar then left to deal with matters elsewhere.

Following the war, Iona has been ruled by a series of Matriarchs, as well as an all-woman council. Men are legally confined to household duties, and are forbidden from practicing magic. Not that things were always like this: the first Matriarch, Ione, was actually a wise and balanced ruler, but events after her death caused things to snowball. Even so, Iona is prized for its prestigious magic academies, and any visitor should certainly take a look at their splendor.

There are more places to explore, of course, but these are just a sampling. Over the years, we have made so much contact with other universes that a comprehensive list is impossible. In fact, I need to stop this for now. My Hot Pockets are calling.

Next time: Metahumans.

If you believe Hell to be a boat full of naked 90-year-old men, then you might as well get your life jacket ready.

So, in your Cosmology, you only go to Heaven if your deity wants you to, otherwise you go to Hell, which isn’t Hellish if you don’t expect it to be? Or am I getting it wrong?

Btw Gallo, have you ever read Mark Twain’s “A Visit to Heaven?” It’s my favorite story of his, as it makes fun of how Heaven tries to meet the expectations of all the people who die and go there, with hilarious results.

Aww, you included my RPGC stories in as well! Thank You. :slight_smile: You know, I still feel bad over not having been able to finish my last one; but seriously, I went trough such turmoil in my life at the time, I literally lost the ability to write. I seem to have recovered by now… perhaps I should give it a try again.

The Real World
Natural Alignment: Probably Evil…
Don’t make me go over there and slap you, Galloway.

Again, a great read. :slight_smile: Keep it going!!

No sounds like you got Galloway’s concept of Heaven and Hell right, Wil. But I guess it is sort of hard for people to not believe they will get a hellish hell, so everyone usually ends up getting one, I guess.

And Wil if you do decide to try writing another go, that would be great. Loads of people would be glad to hear it. But make sure you don’t do it unless you really feel like it, no one wants you burning yourself out, or anything.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, HS. Believe me, I learned my lesson(s) and when I start writing fics here again, I’ll apply them. I’ve also learned a few writing tricks (hey, you’re never to old to learn :wink: ) that I aim to use as well. Though I probably will wait until I’m done with the Crossovers Retrospective before I start writing stories (that’s one of the lessons: know how much stuff you can take on at a time) but you’ll definitely see my kind of grammatical insanity here in the future.

And now, let’s gets back to Galloway’s: :wink:

Chapter Five: Metahumans


Metahuman is actually an umbrella term for any primarily human man or woman with what are considered to be abilities beyond those of the greatest human potential. A person with an IQ of 140 would be a genius, but still within human capacity; however, someone with an IQ of 300 would be well beyond that limitation, and would thus be considered a metahuman.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no true “metahuman gene;” in fact, the creation of metahumans is far more complicated, often the result of freak accidents combined with the perfect atmospheric conditions. This can range from radiation poisoning, to genetic engineering, to getting hit on the head with a space rock.

Warning: Note that 99.9% of all victims of these accidents die painful, agonizing deaths. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GIVE YOURSELF SUPERPOWERS.


A non-human is, obviously, not a metahuman. This includes aliens, BTW.

Also, if someone’s powers come from mechanical augmentation or weaponry, they are not a metahuman.

And, despite his incredible ability to beat everyone in the freaking multiverse, Batman is not a metahuman.


Metahumans are a relatively recent phenomena, at least in terms of their numbers. The exact reason for such a population explosion is unknown, but nonetheless, it has marked a decided change in attitudes towards metahumans in general. In fact, many such beings are in greater danger than ever before, due to ever-increasing distrust and hatred amongst the average populace. This can be attributed to a number of factors:

  1. Many metahumans do possess possibly dangerous powers, ones that could cause untold destruction if allowed to manifest without proper training.

  2. There are a great deal of potentially corrupting forces out there, ready to turn perfectly good metahumans into raging psychopaths.

  3. There are hundreds of laws and statutes in place, restricting the ability for metahumans to express their powers. This lack of visibility only adds to the mystery surrounding them, further destroying their reputation.

  4. There’s that little matter of the Nukleoids taking the UN hostage.

In the case of mages, there is yet another reason to remain hidden. Many religions have still not abandoned the idea that magic equals Satanism, and thus actively work to find and destroy any “witches and warlocks” they can find. This includes the hiring of Witch Hunters, bounty hunters specializing in battling magical foes. I have had to dispatch of a few myself, unfortunately; they’re so protected from magical cop-outs that nothing short of death can kill them.

ALL metahumans (and indeed, all permanent residents of our Earth with advanced powers) must register with the Metahuman Registration Agency. This government organization is operated through a United Nations Committee, and thus has standing in all member nations. Some countries, especially China, often implement their own registration programs and requirements, as well. All registration programs, however, provide the same basic requirements:

  1. The metahuman’s true name.

  2. Their operating name, if applicable.

  3. Age and DOB.

  4. Permanent home address.

  5. A listing of their powers.

  6. A Metahuman Rating Level. (Explained later.)

Registered metahumans are then given a Registration Card, which they use to prove their legal standing. However, they do NOT have to show these cards to anyone, nor is this information public knowledge; due to reasons of safety, privacy, and minor trust, these cards are only shown to law enforcement agencies and UN regulators. The files are then stored in the MRA’s main headquarters, inside the UN building, locked up so tight as to be in a big metal box. (SINDRI!) In fact, any universe that forces such information into the open is probably really, really stupid and is in fact populated almost entirely by the walking excuses that are shape-shifting green aliens.


In the vein of comic books and cartoons, some metahumans have turned to fighting evil in all its forms. Others have decided to defect to evil in all its forms. Of course, this ends up being what the Gods have wanted all along; after all, the whole universe is in a constant land grab, and any territory gained will be highly valued. Perhaps it is THEY who are behind the increase in the metahuman population, using us all as their little pawns in an attempt to finally seat control.

Then again, maybe these are all freak accidents, and I’m just too paranoid. And complicated.

Obviously, there are three key factors when dealing with heroes and villains. The first is the costume: many still dress in elaborate outfits, armor, etc. in order to show their status. The more spikes there are, the more evil the person. The second is the prevalence of superhero and supervillain organizations and groups. These all have fancy names, like the RPGC Task Force, or completely stupid names, like the Super Robot Squad whatever, but in the end, they basically exist for the same reason: to further their goals through unity.

However, the third element is the most important: the general disposition and tactics utilized by the group. In general, there are two polarizing viewpoints on how things such as general evil should be fought. Some believe that no one should be harmed at all, that all life, even evil ones, are sacred, and that the powers of friendship and love can conquer all. They usually end up dead. Then there’s the other end, which advocates mass murder, the use of terrorism, and turning the enemy’s weapons against them. They usually end up dead as well. In fact, it’s those that operate somewhere in the middle that manage to succeed, and eventually progress to the point that they can potentially save or destroy the world.

We will be going into metahuman groups in more detail later.


A Metahuman Rating Level is a numerical representation of their general strength, the viability of their powers, and the level of danger they pose if rogue. In fact, many aspects of a metahuman’s life will be decided by his or her level: if sufficiently high, they may be supervised, or even abducted, by the government for military use, or in horrific instances, for scientific study.

Level 0- Non-powered superhero. No real serious danger unless possessing weaponry.

Level 1- Minor powers, often enhanced senses or abilities. Can go most of their lives without knowing they are actually metahuman. Frequently ignored.

Level 2: Moderate powers, including increased intelligence, super strength, etc. Considerably more dangerous, as the inability to easily hide their powers may result in isolation from society, and in turn lead to mental instability and a potential danger.

Level 3: Strong powers. All mages are clumped here, unless their magical talents are far above the norm. Other metahumans show even more increased forms of powers found on other levels. Government intervention occurs often.

Level 4: Highly developed abilities, often as result of training. More powerful mages are included here, as are anyone with the ability to fly (due to potential airspace conflicts and inability to easily track). Government forces are called in at this point.

Level 5: Master metahumans. These are extremely powerful, dedicated individuals, and should not be crossed without good reason. Sages are especially dangerous at this level, as are numerous alien species and a handful of other metahumans. At this point, extermination is sometimes recommended.

Level 6: Cosmic level. Power surpasses all known human scales. Such individuals are capable of destroying universes in mere seconds. If confronted, run to the hills, run for your life. That, or just sit down and die like a man.

Next time: The Villains of the RPGCVerse!

Gallo, this will probably give you a heart attack, but I happen to AGREE that, if superhumans existed, they should be registered, for their own good (and ours.) So yeah, I sided with pro-registration on Marvel’s Civil War; it’s just HOW that situation was handled that ruined it, in my opinion. (More comments on CW when I get to review it.)

In fact, I’ve always believed that, in most universes with metahumans, the whole “super hero” concept was invented as a sort of cop-out to avoid having to deal with the issues involved. “Who are these people with strange powers living among us!? Should we- oh wait, they’re clearly identifying themselves! (using flashy costumes, while hiding their true IDs.) Look, they are policing themselves! (Capturing villains) I guess it’s OK after all.” But if we took a realistic look at things, that can’t last forever; sooner or later, some tragic event, or political persecution (or both) will happen and ruin the illusion of normality. To placate the fears of the public (and exploit the metahumans’ resources) registering them (without necessarily making their identities public, unless they want to or are “outed”) is probably the best solution. Make them feel part of society, not something hidden inside of it.

And I agree that, if superpowers existed, while there WOULD be people who would use them for good (or evil) most people would just exploit them for money or fame. Which is perfectly OK, that is the basis of our capitalist culture after all. Secret identities would rarely be used, mostly because it’s very hard to keep them today. All it takes is one lucky snapshot with a cell phone (then downloaded into the Net) and your secret life is over. Only people with certain powers (like shapeshifting or invisibility) would get away with them. So, most superhumans would be super-posers, probably hanging out with Hollywood celebrities while discussing how they use their powers as cheap SFX. :wink:

And interesting power rating system. I think Marvel has one, but I’ve never seen it in detail (I know the mightiest mutants are called “Omega Level” but that’s all.)

Still interesting, d. Keep it going! :slight_smile: