Now then, this requires a little backstory of the main person involved.
His name is Chris. He is, (and has been since his secondary school days), an alcoholic and a hash user. He might use other drugs, but hash and alcohol are the certain ones.
He has being convicted at least once for theft.
His own father suggested that a few months in jail might help him out.
He has shown no sign of a desire to change or to work.
Previously, mom had being giving him money, until eventually he came up to the house one day and said “I know 20 euro is too much to ask,” at which point mom closed the door on him after saying “Yes it is”. However, this is just an example of how he keeps pushing the line if you give him an inch.
So what does she do? He asks for a sandwich. My brother and his girllfriend, my other brother, myself and my sister were all eating dinner at this point.
So she invites him in for the sandwich. Sits him on a stool in the kitchen and tries to talk to him.
I should probably point out that he’s almost certainly insane, without a girlfriend, my sister’s 15 and she was going to this youth club tonight.
So she gives him the sandwich in the house despite all this.
Now, I found this not only uncomfortable, but I also just wouldn’t have given him a sandwich, as I feel it was just supporting his habit. Which is not helping in my opinion. Now, we’ve had a discussion on this, and we all agreed that it definitly wasn’t good to let him into the house with his track record, though the others said (and I agree with now is a good plan) that give him a sandwich, but with some (measurable) condition. And then not give him another until it had being met.
Okay, that’s it. Mainly I just wanted to vent, but I’d be interested in knowing your views on this.