Good while it lasted?

I read this book called Reviving Ophelia, by Mary Pipher, it talks about the very situation that girls hit. I’m in this therapy group now with a few other women, and it seems we all knew the exact time when we were singled out since we weren’t suscribing to being how magazines wanted us to be by the ones that had conformed to it immediately. It sounds like a copout but i felt my puberty was a mess so much that i paid the price with wasting my free education worrying. And i still worry about the same stupid shit.

I was wondering about bringing up misogyny here in the forum, asking what examples they could give me from their own life. Maybe examples of their own behavior too, i’ve heard at least one person say their dad was a misogynist and that they were trying to cut back on acting as such. Since I’m not so sure i’ve really experienced it much or well maybe none really directed at me. Also wondering why this happens?

I think one of the biggest problems here is that many people are still trapped in stereotypes and refuse to defy the roles others try to set for them. Even though there has been great progress towards equal rights between the genders, one still needs to change the backwards mentalities that have lasted for countless generations. I believe there is still too much conformism. Many people are probably aware that times have changed, but they keep clinging to the old prejudices. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s moronic to be shackled to roles established by primitive mentalities, and it is just as idiotic to hold back and suffocate one’s potential just because doing otherwise wouldn’t fit the acepted models. Screw the models, I say! Doing what everyone else does and not thinking at all will just end up harming more people. As for the issue of discrimination at work, I think there should be stiffer penalties for discrimination. After all, women do as much work as men, so why should they receive worse treatment? And firing a woman or passing her up on a promotion in favor of a man should not be tolerated. After all, men can screw around all they want, and if they want kids, they’re not the ones who have to carry them for nine months and give up much of their time. Time and again, I think that one of the messages that society still transmits is that a woman who screws around is morally reprehensible, while a man who does just the same is doing something natural. This is pure hypocrisy.

Very valid points gentlemen. Sorry to cut in, but I’ve found another girl. Yes she’s Korean as well but not really Americanized and much less high-strung, dates within an acceptable age limit, and is much more down-to-Earth. Thank you and continue as you see fit.

Hahaha congratulations.