Good while it lasted?

You’re such a joker, Zepp. I work out every day and have seen girls who can’t even open bus windows.

But I think you misunderstood me. I’m not talking about women in general. Many women will be successful, some even formidable.

I’m talking about a small group who think self-empowering mantras will turn lies into truths. The type who actually waste their entire lives trying to convince THEMSELVES that they are on par with men in certain absurd things that they just weren’t built for.

Men and most women just don’t do this. I don’t go around chanting “I have boobies,” thinking I will actually grow them, which is why I don’t need to pretend to be a better parent than women.

So why do so many feminists repeat in their minds, “we can do anything men can do physically” to the point that they take it for granted that the weakest woman is inherently stronger than the strongest man without even having to work on it, and then get angry when a sub-average boy trounces an entire group of strong women in something they’re apparently equal at?

Anyway, I’ll continue this later. I gotta go places. Guh, keep in mind that I’m not talking about all women, though. Only a tiny, delusional group.

The attention a delusional group gets seems to be inversely proportional to their actual proportion in the population. >.>

Hey about the concerning over exes…she told me about them you stupid twat. I’m just posting a theory that I came up with based upon the information she gave me. I did try to help those ideas, but something like an ROTC night watch in the Boston community spelled disaster, especially when there’s already the BUPD and the BPD. 10 to 1 some poor cadet would’ve run into some serious trouble be it from a burglar or just a drunken frat boy. I don’t present an “I know everything” attitude, I’m just showing what my idealism cost me and how people can fuck you over regardless of motivation. I don’t have all the answers, but I know what’s feasible (maybe a charity drive or something) and what’s not (mandatory community service and ROTC crime night watches).

The only thing you could possibly be right on is how she might consider me an ass after we broke up, a typical girl thing to do. Being a nice guy maybe involved less confidence and trying to please her more than myself, but that wasn’t the ultimate excuse. It was primarily the difference of opinions and philosphies on life. Hell, this girl conflicted already when she told me that her belief was that non-Christians go to hell. And when her plans didn’t go how she wanted, she claimed I didn’t understand when I tried to help. It’s the crusader, MTV “I can make a difference in the world all by myself,” attitude she possessed that conflicted with mine. It could be thought that I just wasn’t a person with enough heart to want to go to third-world shitholes and see if I can make a difference or just observe culture there, only to probably end up depressed that I cared about my problems (she gave me shit for this) instead of a Nicaraguan kid who I don’t even know. I care for these people and I wish they didn’t live in such poverty, but the problem was I wasn’t as missionary as maybe she wanted me to be. It was because she had this nice cut-out of what she wanted a guy to be like, and I only filled half the bill…which certainly doesn’t make me inadequate because I know that what I lacked didn’t matter too much to me. There’s your explanation, I wasn’t what she completely wanted, so it ended. The only thing that lingered what the bullshit behind it.

How many feminists do you know? How many feminists do you know that actually think that? I go to probably one of the largest bastions of University feminism in the entire world, and I don’t know a single feminist that would argue that the weakest woman is inherently stronger than the strongest man. You are the one who came up with that idea, and I don’t have any where you came up with it except maybe in your slightly delusional, mysogonistic rambling of a post before. And it did come off as very mysogonistic.

Hell, feminism really doesn’t concern itself at all with physicality. You step a fine line when you say women are just “naturally” weaker than men. How do you really know that? Some sort of empirical observation most likely. But how much of the problem is that women are just “naturally” less physically capable than men and how much of it is the problem that men run the government, men run most major businesses, men run industry, men run the military, men dominate the media and popular culture, and thus we don’t even give women a CHANCE to show that they can be just as effective soldiers as men? Or that they can be just as militaristic? Given the fact that men dominate just about everything and create these skewed perceptions of what men and women are in our minds from the second we are born, it isn’t surprising that you have that view. But how do you KNOW that women are naturally weaker at anything? All you KNOW is that men have always been better because they control the institutions and make the rules for what counts based on what men are good at. Maybe women are only weaker because throughout the last tens of thousands of years through some ancient historical anomaly lost to history, men made the rules of the game. Maybe there is nothing “natural” about it at all. If you continue to believe that there is, then you are only one logical jump away from saying that Whites are “naturally” more intelligent than Blacks, or that Asians are “naturally” better at math than others. Are you willing to stand behind the logic of those statements also?

Lord, Zepp, you buy into a lot of false notions. Male-controlled institutions? I bet you’re also one of the people who think “history” was actually made by combining “his” and “story.” And that women miraculously won rights and freedoms against a thoroughly male-dominated society (which likely wasn’t as oppressive as feminists would have you believe) without being catered to in the least.

And feminism does concern itself with physicality. Unless you’re basing your argument on the obsolete dictionary definition of feminism, which I already said I have no problem with, and actually support.

Modern feminism is a whole lot more than that though, and that’s what I think you’re not getting. It’s an entire way of life devoted to femme-centric narcissism. Modern feminists assert equality in absolutely every measurable human trait. It’s not just about social, economic, and political rights anymore. They essentially think they are equal to men except where it concerns their advantages, which they cling to. And not just in strength. I used that as an obvious example, and of course it’s subjective, but if you take into consideration the difference in average muscle masses between males and females (I forget the numbers, but I think it was something like 5:3) you’ll see why these assertions are dangerous. They’re trying to ignore biology, and yes, it’s been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that men on average are significantly stronger than women. You have to understand that gender is a fork. You go one way or the other, not both. It’s also been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that men can’t bear children or breastfeed.

Modern feminism is ignorance of biology, and while ignorance can be bliss, it can also simultaneously piss me the fuck off and jeapordize women’s safety.

You are the one who came up with that idea, and I don’t have any where you came up with it except maybe in your slightly delusional, mysogonistic rambling of a post before. And it did come off as very mysogonistic.
I came up with that idea when approximately infinity women smugly convinced themselves they were godesses, actually. I would be a mysogonist if I hated women for being women, but instead I just hate a negligible portion of said gender’s behavior. Is there a word for feminist hater?

Oh, I probably should have mentioned this: How much are women doing to change the ratio of men to women in the military, government, etc? They’ll argue about it, but deep down inside they’re apathetic to the cause. They just want something to be angry at. I could argue about women dominating the interior design industry, because that’s clearly outrageous, right. But do I seriously care?

Hades there are different kinds of feminism. Also, Zepp made some very good points. Hell, I’m not gonna say much more since Zepp put it so well, especially the last couple of lines.

Why are you bringing this to my attention? I’ve already listed off the significant kinds. I don’t think anyone disagrees that radical feminism is a load of shit, and I’m certainly not against traditional feminism.

I’m talking about the festering variety that plagues us in good old 2005.

Biology? What exactly does that have to do with rights? You know, they used biology to justify racism also. “Durr dem blacks dey got smaller heads den us durrrrr”

What is this modern feminism you are talking about? You seem to be talking about your teenage girlfriends who have delusions of grandeur about themselves. That isn’t feminism, it’s called being young. They haven’t had any real experience in the workforce or academics or politics where, yes, men still run things. Men run most all Fortune 500 companies, a majority of small businesses, hold a disproportionately large number of positions of power in the government and the military, and on average make only 71 cents for every dollar a man makes. Once they encounter this, I promise their attitude will shift from thinking of the battle of the sexes as being something over physicality to real world problems that effect all women. Actual “modern” feminism hasn’t changed that greatly from the feminism of the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Do you have any actual citations of this “new” feminism you’re talking about? Because I’ve never heard of it before. It’s maybe a bit more radical than before in some regards, but that’s justifiable I think. Radical feminism is not about women being better than men. It’s about being ANGRY that men still run things and taking a more aggressive stance toward achieveing equality. It’s been almost forty years since the height of the 60’s feminist movement, and when you really stop and take a look around, a lot has been accomplished but a lot more hasn’t. And some feminists are starting to get angry about that. And if they start calling for a DEMAND for equal treatment and maybe even reparations, I can understand why. Us male feminists like to think that it isn’t our fault that women have always been oppressed, but when it comes down to it, are we really going to be willing to give up that nice cushy administrative job we got because we’re male? I don’t think so. Unfortunately, for feminism to really achieve its ultimate goal, I think it means that men are going to have to be penalized. Traditional feminism sought to move women up to the ranks of men without moving men down, but some people are starting to realize that there is only so much room at the top. Everyone can’t be at the top, and if we truly consider the goal of total equality to be desirable, then some men are going to either have to step down or be booted out. That is radical feminism, not “omg men suk lol GIRLZ POWER”

That, my friend, is a girl you need to take to a party, get drunk, and bang the shit out of her. That’ll either turn her into a feminist or you’ll realize that she’s just a stupid teenager and not a radical feminist.

Zepp mops the floor with Hades. Shed light in a lot of corners in feminism that most of us ignore. Interesting!

I love how you always come in with your premature comments, Eva. It’s great since Zepp doesn’t really have any legs to stand on, only intellectual vomit that doesn’t apply to reality.

Biology? What exactly does that have to do with rights? You know, they used biology to justify racism also. “Durr dem blacks dey got smaller heads den us durrrrr”
You are the GOD of taking things out of context, I gotta hand it to you. Calling blacks small headed is one thing. Scientifically proving that the average woman has about 40% less muscle mass than the average man and that men’s hips can’t accomodate a child is something else. There are rigid differences between men and women that can’t be ignored. Feminists are pretending they can be.

What is this modern feminism you are talking about? You seem to be talking about your teenage girlfriends who have delusions of grandeur about themselves.
Oh, I “seem to be” [insert personal attack], do I? I can’t refute this evidence, ho ho hoooo! Don’t waste my time.

They haven’t had any real experience in the workforce or academics or politics where, yes, men still run things. Men run most all Fortune 500 companies, a majority of small businesses, hold a disproportionately large number of positions of power in the government and the military, and on average make only 71 cents for every dollar a man makes.
Is that caused by male oppression, or are you just stating another typically inapplicable feminist statistic? If women want to create a small business or a successful fortune 500 company, what in God’s name is stopping them but their own ineptitude? It has nothing to do with gender. Martha Stewart is a self-made multi-billionaire and she did it with traditional female role endeavors. You’re complaining about nothing.

Do you have any actual citations of this “new” feminism you’re talking about? Because I’ve never heard of it before.
I use the word feminism in it’s loosest form. I’m not talking about a specific establishment, but rather general feminism.

Radical feminism is not about women being better than men. It’s about being ANGRY that men still run things and taking a more aggressive stance toward achieveing equality.
No. Would you like me to recite some radical feminist doctrine? All sex is rape unless initiated by a women. All women are obliged to be lesbians. All women are physically and intellectually superior to all men. Men are only good for breeding. I don’t think you quite understand what radical feminism actually is. There’s a reason it’s called feminism rather than equalism.

Us male feminists like to think that it isn’t our fault that women have always been oppressed, but when it comes down to it, are we really going to be willing to give up that nice cushy administrative job we got because we’re male? I don’t think so. Unfortunately, for feminism to really achieve its ultimate goal, I think it means that men are going to have to be penalized.
What nice cushy administrative job? Quit acting like males get pelted on the streets by billionaires handing out free “success” vouchers simply for being male. It doesn’t happen. It never has, it never will. Any inhibitions women might have when it comes to asking for promotions or raises are the product of their own self-inflicted insecurity.

Traditional feminism sought to move women up to the ranks of men without moving men down, but some people are starting to realize that there is only so much room at the top.
So we suddenly agree that traditional feminism was noble and modern not so? Excellent.

Everyone can’t be at the top, and if we truly consider the goal of total equality to be desirable, then some men are going to either have to step down or be booted out. That is radical feminism, not “omg men suk lol GIRLZ POWER”
You know, as much as I’d love to buy into that, it simply isn’t true. Radical feminism doesn’t amount to very much more than that. Do a google search for radical feminism. It’s a specific brand of manure, not merely a radical version of normal feminism.

That, my friend, is a girl you need to take to a party, get drunk, and bang the shit out of her. That’ll either turn her into a feminist or you’ll realize that she’s just a stupid teenager and not a radical feminist.

Just because I think Zepp seems to know what he’s talking about doesn’t mean you have to call me premature. Talk about getting defensive, damn.

edit: I actually googled radical feminism and here’s what I got in the first link:

Radical feminism is the breeding ground for many of the ideas arising from feminism. Radical feminism was the cutting edge of feminist theory from approximately 1967-1975. It is no longer as universally accepted as it was then, and no longer serves to solely define the term, “feminism.”

This group views the oppression of women as the most fundamental form of opression, one that cuts across boundaries of race, culture, and economic class. This is a movement intent on social change, change of rather revolutionary proportions.

Radical feminism questions why women must adopt certain roles based on their biology, just as it questions why men adopt certain other roles based on theirs. Radical feminism attempts to draw lines between biologically-determined behavior and culturally-determined behavior in order to free both men and women as much as possible from their previous narrow gender roles

I don’t see that as <i>too</i> extreme, Hades…

It has nothing to do with anyone knowing anything. You said Zepp “mopped the floor” with me. That was a premature statement because I’m not finished yet and Zepp’s pretty much on slippery slope in an argument he can’t possible win because feminism constitutes hypocrisy and a complete lack of logic.

Edit: Keep looking. You’ll eventually find it. It shouldn’t be too hard.

First of all, I was only kidding, because it looked like he stepped up and challenged you, and he’s holding his own. I think his arguement is sound, because he’s pretty much introducing fact…and following up with reasons as to why they are fact and how they relate to what feminists think. You seem to be lumping all feminists together into one category and calling them hypocrites, even though most of them are so very different from one another. You should acknowledge this, because as it stands, you’re not wrong either in your arguement because there are women out there who think that way. But not all of them are feminists, and not all feminists have that mentality, anyway.

edit: hmm I’m still not finding anything concrete. Are you sure it’s defined as radical feminism? There is like over a dozen types :\ But what I’m reading doesn’t seem to come and say radical feminism is based on women thinking they can do things just as good or better then men…

Hades I don’t think you actually know many, if any, of these types of people. Otherwise they’d have some kind of organization that you’d be able to point out or link to.

I’m going to just quote one thing you said

Is that caused by male oppression, or are you just stating another typically inapplicable feminist statistic? If women want to create a small business or a successful fortune 500 company, what in God’s name is stopping them but their own ineptitude? It has nothing to do with gender. Martha Stewart is a self-made multi-billionaire and she did it with traditional female role endeavors. You’re complaining about nothing.

Why do you think Martha Stewart made it big so easily? Maybe because, by conforming to the traditional view of a woman, men didn’t feel threatened by her success? I don’t want to start arguing that Martha Stewart was only successful because men let her be. Do you think she is anything like her TV persona? I don’t think so. She is a brilliant, shrewd businesswoman who knew exactly what kind of persona to take on to strike it big. But then, one example doesn’t change the face of reality. There have always been incredibly rich women, even in far more oppressive times. But the judge of whether a society is equal or not should not be based on the fringes but on the average. And can you honestly tell me the fact that on average women make 1/3 less than men is solely because of their ineptitude or the fact that they have 40% less upper body muscle mass? I take nothing at all out of context when I say that biology has been used for repression before. I wasn’t calling you a racist, but you should realize that the group in power tends to like to use biological arguments to explain inequality, because it justifies their position of power. Just look at the recent remarks made by the head of Harvard and Rutgers Universities. The head of Harvard said that women were less common in the sciences because they were naturally not as attuned to it as men. But how much of this is just a justification for the fact that men dominate the scientific field and thus it’s much harder for a woman to get heard? And this trickles down through the system. Professors assume men are better so they give men more attention. Women feel left out but they have nowhere to turn so they look to other fields more dominated by women where they can have their viewpoint heard. And so the cycle repeats, isolating men in one field in women in another, but how does anybody really KNOW men are “better” at science? Maybe someone found some gene in men that is supposed to explain it, but are we really ready to trust so blindly something so complex as a gene in the human brain to justify the fact that it’s just too hard to achieve equality? On the same token, do you really think the fact that women have 40% less muscle mass is the REAL reason why women are less militaristic and is the reason behind the recent congressional committee ruling? Is it REALLY that, or is it just that men run the military and they want to protect their precious institution from change? Biology is a good starting point, and there are biological differences between the sexes. But I don’t support a society with rules made by men for men where the merits of men are what calls for success. We could conceivably turn back the clock on history and change events such that women made the rules and having 40% less muscle mass meant that men would instead be making 2/3 of what women made. The rules of our institutions are designed to protect those in power, and men are in power. But these rules are arbitrary, and it’s these completely arbitrary rules that explain most of the inequality between the sexes, not who has the most fucking muscle mass.

Anyway, I think you’ve made it perfectly clear just how mysogonistic your viewpoint is. Nothing stopping them but their own ineptitude? Good lord dude. I can’t even begin to argue with that one.

“All sex is rape”? Demanding all women be lesbians? Look, if this is what you’re arguing against, of course I believe you that these people are whackjobs and don’t deserve to be listened to. But don’t call them radical feminists, because they certainly aren’t that.

I know it’s not that simple, but this reminds me of wild-life documentaries. Makes me think that in nature the stronger/smarter/faster animals are on the top of the food chain, and how the same thing is happening (has happened?) in human society.

I hate it when either gender tries to claim superiority over the other. I hate it when a particular social group discriminates others. Women were consistently oppressed for centuries, and they still are in many parts of the world. This chauvinistic mentality is completely medieval, and it’s time someone put an end to it. It’s completely immoral for one group to dominate a particular area of expertise and then shut everyone else out with discriminatory rules.
Even though I have no sympathy with those rabid men-haters who claim to want equal rights when what they really want is preferential treatment, I think it’s immoral to label another group or gender as inferior just to cover up for their fear of competition. There are many attitudes that need to be changed. I’m not even going to talk about some of the most extreme cases of oppression, but I think that many men still cling to the old ideas about women being inferior. It’s nothing new, really. Even some of the ancient Greeks did it, and then the Arabs, Europeans, etcetra. Even Freud did it with his infamous penis envy theory.
Bottom line is, making up this sort of thing as an excuse for discrimination is nothing new, and personally, I think it’s childish and shows cowardice.

Hades I don’t think you actually know many, if any, of these types of people. Otherwise they’d have some kind of organization that you’d be able to point out or link to.
You should read some of <a href=“”>Andrea Dworkin</a>'s writings, Cless. That should clarify things for you. Gloria Steinem is pretty nutty, too. They’re both drowning in every philosophical fallacy that exists, particularly sweeping generalization.

because it justifies their position of power.
Because it’s real and measurable whereas you can do nothing but state and restate accepted feminist platitudes with no grounds in any science or logical philosophy.

The head of Harvard said that women were less common in the sciences because they were naturally not as attuned to it as men. But how much of this is just a justification for the fact that men dominate the scientific field and thus it’s much harder for a woman to get heard? And this trickles down through the system. Professors assume men are better so they give men more attention. Women feel left out but they have nowhere to turn so they look to other fields more dominated by women where they can have their viewpoint heard. And so the cycle repeats, isolating men in one field in women in another, but how does anybody really KNOW men are “better” at science? Maybe someone found some gene in men that is supposed to explain it, but are we really ready to trust so blindly something so complex as a gene in the human brain to justify the fact that it’s just too hard to achieve equality?
Replace “sciences” with “reading,” “women” with “men,” and multiply the disadvantage by six. Then ask yourself if giving special attention to these “disadvantaged” girls is really in the spirit of equality. This is the problem with feminist citations. They can always be counter-cited with a more severe male example.

On the same token, do you really think the fact that women have 40% less muscle mass is the REAL reason why women are less militaristic and is the reason behind the recent congressional committee ruling? Is it REALLY that, or is it just that men run the military and they want to protect their precious institution from change? Biology is a good starting point, and there are biological differences between the sexes.
Yes, I really think that. Why? Because once again it’s thoroughly supported by biology. The increase in muscle mass stems from the same branch of natural selection that makes men more apt for war: The fact that they’ve been doing it for millions of years because it’s been adapted as the ideal means by which our entire genus can survive. Granted, it’s outdated, because let’s face it, how hard is it to pull a trigger? Still, some war endeavors require a lot of strength and endurance. I haven’t seen many female SEALs.

But I don’t support a society with rules made by men for men where the merits of men are what calls for success. We could conceivably turn back the clock on history and change events such that women made the rules and having 40% less muscle mass meant that men would instead be making 2/3 of what women made. The rules of our institutions are designed to protect those in power, and men are in power. But these rules are arbitrary, and it’s these completely arbitrary rules that explain most of the inequality between the sexes, not who has the most fucking muscle mass.
Fair enough, but I do think that if this were the case, we’d have something equally, if not MORE monstrous: masculinists.

Anyway, I think you’ve made it perfectly clear just how mysogonistic your viewpoint is. Nothing stopping them but their own ineptitude? Good lord dude. I can’t even begin to argue with that one.
Where did I say all women are inept and that I hated them because of it? I said a small portion of women are inept because they’d rather spend time crying about equal pay than seizing their own rewards. There was nothing implicit about my comments, so stop presuming.

I hate special priveledge feminism. Not traditional feminism or women in general. Those are great. Equality is great. Plundering every advantage the world has to offer through lies and manipulation isn’t great.

“All sex is rape”? Demanding all women be lesbians? Look, if this is what you’re arguing against, of course I believe you that these people are whackjobs and don’t deserve to be listened to. But don’t call them radical feminists, because they certainly aren’t that.
This is EXACTLY why I said before: “I don’t think anyone disagrees that radical feminism is a load of shit.” Because this is what real radical feminism actually is. If you were merely talking about an extreme form of traditional feminsm, then sorry. But I wasn’t.

I’m not even going to talk about some of the most extreme cases of oppression, but I think that many men still cling to the old ideas about women being inferior. It’s nothing new, really. Even some of the ancient Greeks did it.
But you have to give the Spartans credit.

What I say has just as much grounding as anything you say. Just because you are working off of some statistical figure does not mean it’s any more “logical.” When you claim to understand that 40% more muscle mass MEANS that women are more inept at war, you are making a claim that requires you to have some sort of divine understanding of the way God or Nature or whatever you believe in works. There is no direct connection between “less muscle mass” and “not as militaristic.” There is a logical leap required in that phrase that requires you to say “I understand what this evolutionary process means.” Most biologists aren’t even going to claim what you want to claim. The evolutionary process is extraordinarily complex, and to say that you understand exactly why it happened and what it means for society is a bit conceited…

You say that men were “naturally selected” to become stronger and better at war. Okay then, consider this thought experiment. Go back in history to the point where humans started fighting each other. Instead of men doing the fighting, women were chosen by the tribes to do the fighting. Thus, women were selected for their attributes such as strength and virility rather than more domestic qualities, and thus women evolved to be the stronger of the two. Do you not see how these things are just arbitrary? If you want to argue evolution, you have to consider that evolution could have occurred any other number of ways. The problem stems from the fact that you want to take and apply rules to society about who can do what based on these arbitrary decisions and evolutionary nuances. Okay, men are stronger and more suited to fight wars. But then is it fair to not allow women into the military because of these arbitrary happenings? All I’m trying to say is that in a fair society, the answer would be no. Society should work to even out the biological differences among people, not work to reinforce them. Again, I reiterate that biological differences only matter because the rules of the game have been set up arbitrarily by those in power to be advantageous to those in power. There is no direct connection between biology and inequality; whenever you have a group of people, you have a society created amongst them, and in that society you have leaders, and those leaders set up certain rules and guidelines of behavior, and those rules reinforce themselves and advantageously work toward those already in power. It is this level of society that comes in between biology and equality, and that is where you will find your answers.

And I’d just like to say that I have read Dworkin, and if you read beneath the lines of her insane political agenda, she says some very powerful things. I know of no feminists who agree with her overarching agenda, and most consider her pretty insane, but she nevertheless says some interesting things. And the fact is that mysogony IS prevalent everywhere and that a lot of people really do believe that women are just inherently less capable than men. But who understands humanity enough to know what is inherent in anybody? Nobody. Dworkin goes too far in claiming that men are “inherently” evil, when I would argue with her the same thing I am arguing with you, that really it’s just the arbitrary rules of society that are perpetuating the barriers; the fact that men are in power has TURNED many of them evil, corrupt, and mysogonistic, but nowhere do I see justification for a claim that they were born with those characteristics inside of them. Arguing that Dworkin speaks for feminists or even radical feminists is like saying that the cult of domesticity speaks for all males or conservative males. They might each say some interesting things, but in the end very, very, very few people are going to adopt their agenda.

Anyway, just a few comments:

I hate special priveledge feminism. Not traditional feminism or women in general. Those are great. Equality is great. Plundering every advantage the world has to offer through lies and manipulation isn’t great.

Do you have any ideas on how to achieve equality without offering some special priveleges? The only other way is to change the rules of the game. What do you consider “special privelege” anyway? I don’t know of that many special priveleges offered to women. They are still routinely discriminated against in the workplace. And those that decide to have families still generally end up screwing over their careers. Sure, we’ve outlawed outright discrimination against them, not allowing employers to fire women who get pregnant, but that does still happen reasonably often. But more importantly, the woman who decides to get pregnant is going to lose out on that promotion to a man. We consider raising a family to be one of the most divine decisions people can make in our society, but then we punish the women who do so. Would you consider it a “special privelege” to not discriminate against this? More importantly, would you consider it a “special privelege” to start paying women dollar per dollar what men make, rather than 71 cents to the dollar? I would just consider that equality.

Replace “sciences” with “reading,” “women” with “men,” and multiply the disadvantage by six. Then ask yourself if giving special attention to these “disadvantaged” girls is really in the spirit of equality. This is the problem with feminist citations. They can always be counter-cited with a more severe male example.

Fair enough, but I do think that if this were the case, we’d have something equally, if not MORE monstrous: masculinists.

Replace science with reading? Last I checked, literacy was a pretty universal thing. And the English or Social Science fields are hardly “dominated” by women as the scientific field is dominated by men. The fields are relatively more evenly split, though women are more attracted to them. But do you know why men aren’t complaining about this? Because these sorts of fields are considered less economically advantageous than the sciences. And because, arguably, the men in these domains tend to be a bit more liberal on the social agenda and are not going to cry afoul when women make their mark. But do you not see how the pieces of the puzzle just fall together? Men continue to dominate their highly prestigious and well-paying scientific fields. There is no masculinist movement in the humanities because the men who would start such a movement are not interested in taking over this less prestigious and underpaid field of study (note that I don’t believe it is any less prestigious or important, but they are when it comes to finding a job).

Are you arguing that the president of Harvard was actually right? That men are more naturally attuned to the sciences than women? There is a biological basis for that? If you understand that, then you must be some sort of divine being. The only basis for this judgement is “that’s the way it has always been,” but that doesn’t mean anything if the fields have been protectionist. There might be a biological basis for claiming women are less militaristic, but to claim a biological basis for saying that women are less attuned to science than men is a claim that nobody can make, because nobody knows that. All we do know is that girls, since the time they enter school, are just assumed to be worse at the sciences and thus are driven down the course of what we presume them to be better at. And the reverse happens for men too, and most likely some men get caught up in the opposite dilemma, being pushed down a path of study they might not necessarily enjoy but are assumed to excelt at, when in fact their true calling might be a poet. This type of system benefits no one in the end except the relative few who would go down these courses anyway. A system that did not have this “biological” bias would benefit man and woman alike, allowing them to more freely choose their calling in life and would certainly help out in terms of equality.

Well, just to add some general information, there have been brain studies that show that the minds of men and women work in very different ways. So the two sexes think differently. But theres no compelling reasons to assume that women inferior in any mental way. Men and women both have the same distribution of IQ scores, despite women generally having smaller heads. When realizing this, also realize IQ tests are intensely math-oriented, which would cripple women if they were inferior in math. As it is they appear to have equal math ability, since they still do just as well in IQ tests. In fact, there is some evidence to indicate that women may be able to focus better than men are able to. This evidence is that female baby chimps learn how to complete tasks a full two years, on average, sooner than male chimps do. The scientists think it has more to do with the female chimps focusing better, because they were observed observing the food-gathering activities of older chimps more intently whereas the male baby chimps spent all their time playing games with each other.

There is no evidence to indicate that women are bad at math and personally I dont think there ever will be. There is evidence(the IQ tests) to indicate men and women have equal math ability, and that the infrequency of women in math and science fields is caused by social repression. Which the Harvard president only contributed to with his foolishness. Heres another interesting tidbit: girls do much better at school than boys do until they hit puberty. Also, they participate much less in class than guys do. Hmmm… what do you think that shows? Researchers have interviewed girls about this, why they dont put forth as much effort in junior high and high school, and the girls invariably say the same thing: “I’m afraid guys wont like me if I do good in school.”

I don’t see a problem with feminism. feminism is just the struggle to gain women power, based on the (well-founded) belief that men try to repress women, and thus women need to make a focused effort not to be repressed. Of course, because of my beliefs about the impossibility of equality in any kind of relationship, feminism, if it doesnt die away(and it won’t), will probably lead to women becoming the dominant class in society. But who would be afraid of that?