Gaming Moments that made you cry...

Originally posted by Dai ryuujin
[b]when some kid accidentally tapped my FF6 cart mid-play, erasing all my data and making me start over again from scartch. I had gotten all of the characters back in the WoR

:stuck_out_tongue: [/b]

How can a tap on cause you to delete game data? Don’t you need to like click it twice to confirm it?

Originally posted by Dai ryuujin

And when some kid accidentally tapped my FF6 cart mid-play, erasing all my data and making me start over again from scartch. I had gotten all of the characters back in the WoR

:stuck_out_tongue: [/b]

My dear mother with FF9. I almost cut my balls, I was in the second CD and hadn’t saved ONCE.

I cried when Maple and Candice couldn’t be together in RO ;_;

(Well I’m about to)

Originally posted by Gamer5389
How can a tap on cause you to delete game data? Don’t you need to like click it twice to confirm it?

No, he tapped the actual cart. It jarred it and probably disconnected the circuit, erasing the data.

Aww ;;
hugs Flint ;

Originally posted by Gamer5389
How can a tap on cause you to delete game data? Don’t you need to like click it twice to confirm it?

I think she means when the cartridge was in the console, and someone tapped that, causing it to freak out.

Or maybe she doesn’t, I don’t know, it’s late!

Edit: okay, looks like was right. Yay for me. ^^

When Aeris died

I don’t usually cry but that really touched me.

Never. I’m not a crier. Didn’t even cry when my grandfather died. I don’t say this out of pride - I’m not a stone, I was sad, I just don’t cry in sadness.

The closest I’ve come to tears in a videogame (in a situation where nostalgia concerning the game doesn’t come into play) would be the the island orphanage and the Chu-chu room in Shevat in Xenogears. That little song that plays is so perfectly innocent in contrast to the rest of the game that it evoked more than a little emotion in me.

…Otherwise, I’d have to say I don’t really form any emotional attatchments to fictional characters, except on rare occasions. Last time I came to tears over something fictional was when a certain character died in one of Anne McCaffrey’s Dragons of Pern books.

The Master Harper Robinton (Robinson? It’s been so long since I read). That he died in his old age, was such a beloved character to the whole world of Pern, had figured so prominently in earlier books, and especially how his death was linked to the shutdown of the computer and how his little firedragon died of sadness right there with him really, really touched me, and that’s hard to do.

I got a perfect score in the Chrono Trigger bike race, then my cousin pulled the cart from the system… I was ever so pissed, but mind you, I was young and everything was emotional.

Now I remember yet another moment from Dew Prisim (Threads of Fate)

In Min’ts quest, she never achieves her goal of world domination, which kinda bumed me out, so I figured Rue wouldn’t get his wish and revive Carie. But when she DID get revived, right at the last farking minute, I was like Holy SHIT! I thought it was some kinda sick depressing moment that would end when someone stabs Carrie in the back out of nowhere 'cause I always expect the worse, but actually having a Happy ending like that man, very emotional for me.

If only they’d make a damn sequel…

Originally posted by RoguePaladinTrian
[b]Last time I came to tears over something fictional was when a certain character died in one of Anne McCaffrey’s Dragons of Pern books.

The Master Harper Robinton (Robinson? It’s been so long since I read). That he died in his old age, was such a beloved character to the whole world of Pern, had figured so prominently in earlier books, and especially how his death was linked to the shutdown of the computer and how his little firedragon died of sadness right there with him really, really touched me, and that’s hard to do.

That really shook me up >_< I loved that character so much, and it was just so damned unexpected! I dote on that series, and that event seriously wounded me. On that subject, in another Pern book:

Ms McCaffrey was nice enough to give us a huge biography of his life ^^ and certain parts of that made me cry. In particular, when Robinton loses his mother and has to comfort his estranged father, and also when Robinton loses Kasia.

She’s my favourite author for a reason, when she can induce that sort of emotion, although I’m a sentimental fool anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

In RPGs, the only time I’ve actively cried was when:

Aeris dies.

BUT! It wasn’t that that made me cry - it was Cloud’s reaction afterwords. His dialogue and actions in that scene give me a strong sense of how he’d sound, and it’s pretty touching.

Same here Lunarcry. Too lose someone you love deeply is completely devastating and his feelings were portrayed excellently in that scene.

Personally I have never cried during a video game, but I have during other things like scenes in movies. But there have been several moments that have moved be, but not to tears.

Scenes like, the Opera scene (and music) in FF6,

And, the Aeris Death scene

And, the ‘I’m Not Alone’ scene:(, in FF9. I especially love the music and that point,

And also, the the Auron ‘death’ scene:(, the way he justs nods at Yuna telling her to continue it just got to me somehow.