Free RO

It’s called Closed BNet, Kagon. Look it up.

So? Closed BNet was the first thing to be hacked once D2 got out.
'nuff said

Err, are you sure you’re keeping things straight? Open’s the one where you save your stats on your own HD, therefore being automatically easier to hack.

commits seppuku

Right, so just buy a copy of D2X, experience 600% less lag, a level treadmill that’s not boring as fuck, items you can actually afford, cool skills you don’t have to wait until your 15th level to get (well, some of them you do, but not basic ones), and lots of other stuff. Oh, did I mention YOU DON’T FUCKING PAY EVERY MONTH FOR IT.

Oy, buy a copy of D2x, and experience 10000% more lamers, “cool skills” that everyone use and their only use is to destroy the most monsters in the quickest time possible, Uniques thats worth CRAP because of the shitty economy, while your money is actually something on iRO, and actually nobody to play with.

And RO is lagless now. At 6k users it runs smooth. If you don’t like the game, don’t pay for it. We do and we’ll pay. Using p2p for reason on bashing RO is the lamest thing ever. Every MMORPG use it. And if you think the level threadmill was slow as heck, then you had it all wrong. Your stat where way unbalanced compared to your class and you didn’t pick up on stuff your level. Bigger stuff = bigger xp, you know what? Not my fault if you passed all your time on porings.

Every MMORPG except CoH, but that’s another discussion. Anyway, Cost IS a reason to criticize an RPG, especially one as poorly made as RO. Let’s face it; why did they even have an open beta in the first place? They changed nothing. At least when Blizzard holds LONG betas it’s for quality control, something that doesn’t exist in Korea apparently.

And money’s worth more in D2. Where, y’know, you can actually BUY stuff once in a while. 750 Zeny for a shield? Fuck that.

You weren’t around long enough to see what they changed.

750? try more like 75k for a slotted shield which is just fucking crazy

I downloaded and tried RO way back when they had their other free beta, way back, hell, before you, Kag. Trust me; little has changed, besides the stuff I pointed out in my Denounment post. Again, Blizzard takes a long time in their betas, sure, but they do so for very good reasons; they fine tune the FUCK out of everything to make sure it’s precise as a surgeon getting laid. RO has taken like 5 times the beta time with no sufficient results. Were it not P2P, I dunno, maybe it’d be a nice curiosity, but it’s not worth any money per month especially when there’s a free alternative that’s tried and true.

You fail to realize that the cost is so that every nov running around dosen’t have the best equipment in the game. In a normal RPG you go from town A with shitty equipment to town B with less shitty equipment and have ganed some levels so you aren’t a god among ants when you get there. The traveling makes you better, so they replavced traveling with blantant leveling, bu the time you can afford sonmething you’ll be at a good level to use it. It’s just how they keep the balance.

That and he never experienced a well-balanced 5-person Underwater Caves run. :stuck_out_tongue:

Frame, I know, that’s an EXP/GP treadmill. But it’s insane when you can’t buy one fucking piece of equipment, not even a SHIELD, and you can’t kill the monsters without it. Sorry, there is no balance.

Instead of comparing RO to a non-mmorpg, you should compare it to Everquest.

I enjoy working for my equipment. I wouldn’t want to be able to sit back and laugh as I had the best stuff in a few hours- then the game isn’t any fun when everyone has everything. You have to spend a lot of time to get everything you want which is the way it should be.

Originally posted by Sinistral
Instead of comparing RO to a non-mmorpg, you should compare it to Everquest.

Greatest Idea ever. I love you :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually you can kill a lot of stuff with little to no equipment. It just takes time and experimenting. And yes, Sin’s right.

Umm, Sin isn’t on your side, Book. You should hear him rant about Everquest.

And Kag, don’t talk to me about earning stuff. You’re talking to the man who’s earned 100% souls in Aria. BITCH. Yeah.

But anyway, work is in D2 too, it takes time to get the best equipment, and even if someone loans you the IK, you still can’t WEAR IT until you get the stats required to put it on. The difference is D2 is fun.

Simply put , Everquest = everything in RO except bigger, with 3D graphics and sorta smelly music occasionally. I’ve played EQ. I’ve seen people play EQ. I know people who played EQ for a month’s worth of hours (that’s 30x24) if not more. And EQ goes for approx the same price as RO + the original buying of the game. Though WoW , FF11 and Star Wars won’t be as huge and well balanced and well established as EQ, they’re going to be rad muthafuckas.

On and I hate everquest. Its interesting to hear me rant about it 8P. But that’s because I’m not a fan of the mmorpg concept.

Screw Everquest; hell, screw Galaxies. PLANETSIDE be where it at, yo. Now there’s a MMORPG I can sink my rocket launcher into. Actually, it’s a MMOFPS but there’s RPG elements; as you gain XP, you can learn shit and gain implants.